I may be crazy, but I’ve sent in entries for 7 Shetlands for NAILE in Louisville. The Shetland show is on 11/12.
Rams have been in for 8 days and 6 ewes have been marked so far. 2 ewes from each breeding group.
I’m interested to see if any ewes re-cycle this year. They are all in better condition this year and they all got Bo-Se in the spring and again before the rams went in. Last year a lot of the ewes re-cycled at least once. Only 1 didn’t settle. She’s getting another chance this year, but if she doesn’t produce this year she’s out. She’s also a flighty bimbo so she might be out next year anyways since I have some nice ewe lambs to replace her with.
You are not crazy, that sounds like fun! It may entail some work, but most things worth doing, do require some effort. Go, take your sheep and have a great time. You might win!
The light was really nice this evening so I pulled out the camera.
My Best Boy, Twist.
Hazel Marie
It’s almost impossible to get a posed picture of both dogs. Twist yells at the camera and Hazel looks like she’s been beaten. I managed to get a couple ok shots.