Purplequeenvt - New Journal


Herd Master
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Rineyville, KY
That's gorgeous yarn. It looks super soft too. I have friends who are into spinning and knitting.
Border Leicester is a long or coarse wool breed, but this fleece is surprisingly soft. It helps that it’s a lamb/yearling fleece. It will most likely be harsher next year.


Herd Master
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Rineyville, KY
Xena 💕

You can tell she’s P-Ewe’s daughter.

Lise, she was the last lamb born in 2023. The late lambs often don’t grow out as nicely as the older lambs, but Lise looks great. She’s as big as everyone else.

The 3 Amigos - Lisle, Frieda, and Addie

“Excuse me, ma’am. This one is empty!” - Little Hussy B

“Would ya quit looking at my butt!” - Ida

I’ve been taking a daily picture of her udder to document when her udder changes significantly before lambing. I thinks she’s annoyed with me now.


Herd Master
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Rineyville, KY
I got everyone de-liced and CDT’d last Thursday. They will get a second de-licing next Thursday.

I picked up a new bottle of BoSe from the vet today. All lambs will get a dose at birth.

One of our local feed stores does custom mixes. I’ve got them making a 16% feed with deccox. It’s got some molasses, but not a ton, which I like. I’m still blending it with the lambs’ fancy feed, but I’m almost out of that and then they’ll be on just on the new feed. They’ve been picky about eating non-sweet feed, but I think they’ll eat the new stuff once they are getting it straight.

I made some changes in the barn today. I’ve been using my portable metal panels to close in the end of the barn which allows me to shut the lambs in the barn and the ewes out of the barn for feeding. I need my panels back to use as lambing jugs and I was loosing several sqft with it set up the way it was.

I used some scrap lumber to build a fence. The fence also with help protect the sliding door from klutzy sheep who like to catch their fat bellies on it when they all try to fit out the door at the same time.

I also moved a couple of the cameras. There was one spot I couldn’t see well if there were sheep at the feeders and the area just inside the barn door was impossible to see during the day because the sun pours through the door there.

New main barn view

New creep view - it can also pan all the way over and look into the stall.

I wish I could be as confident and comfortable as Monster. Not a care in the world. His nest is under one of the feeders and he slept away the whole time I was feeding. Didn’t even care that the dogs were running around.

Good thing Twist has the self-cleaning Border Collie coat.