Mother Hen
True BYH Addict
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Your right @Bruce Northern Lower Michigan would be pretty close to me, within 4 hrs at the farthest because you can get to anyplace in lower northern michigan within 4hrs from any place else in northern lower michiganLaura and family! I think that in relative terms you live "near" @misfitmorgan. Certainly much closer than I do in Vermont
Your right @Bruce Northern Lower Michigan would be pretty close to me, within 4 hrs at the farthest because you can get to anyplace in lower northern michigan within 4hrs from any place else in northern lower michigan
We live north of Tawas and south of Alpena.@Herdcutter
Laura and family! I think that in relative terms you live "near" @misfitmorgan. Certainly much closer than I do in Vermont
I'm a newbie to chickens have two 2 year old americaunas and 9 chicks 3 ameicauna 2 Rhode Island reds 1 barred rock 1 light Brahma 1 australop 1 leghorn learning a lot from from internet friends