Herd Master
I was finally able to inspect and examine all our hives late this afternoon. Totally shocking. Remember, we had hive lids blow off and remain off for 1.5 days during the worst part of the storm. Then, more lids blew off Sunday and I wasn't able to put them back on until Sunday night. So these bees got major rained on.
Results: I cannot see any damage or dead bees in any of the hives. I was convinced I had lost the majority of our fact, it was so painful, I didn't even want to look for a few days...too many things here went wrong.
I would still recommend you commit to purchase the bees from your seller from last year. Remember, I am still fairly new to this, and I am not sure how soon we can begin the splitting/grafting/queen rearing process. We must split before we sell any hives this year. If this pattern of rain continues, I think it may push everything back a few weeks or even months. Today was the first day the bees flew out of their hives in many, many days.
I plan on installing hook and clips as Greybeard mentioned on all lids to avoid this problem in the future.
Later this week, I will make 10-20 more swarm traps because weather permitting, swarm season begins here next week. Have you placed any swarm traps on your property? If not, why not give it a try?
Wow, amazing the bees made it through!
When you get the hook and eye catches, get the kind with spring latches, they won't rattle loose.