rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
Looks like the reality of someone getting bit or killed might be coming sooner than I thought.
Quite scary! Do you have your personal protection now that you have your license??

Yes, that's very true. Southborough is an affluent, mansion filled place according to DH. It's not Hicksville. That should not have happened there.
More froo froo snacks in those places?


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
Reaction score
If it hadn't been for a dog we had when i was five named daisy and golden retriever collie mix i wouldn't be here coyoties are extremely dangerous to small kids. People need to put their big pants and act like a grown up. Less a pex predators mean more coyoties which means more bullets are needed. e


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
That's funny. The favorite motto by the wildlife people and common folk around here is, "coyotes are harmless to people, unless you aggravate them", so I guess that lady was aggravating them by walking her german shepherd. That's why when the big coyote came after my kids and me in our back yard animal control and fish and wildlife could justify not helping us. We were aggravating them by being there, in our yard, building a chicken coop and my kids playing in the wading pool in their suits right behind our house. Never thought I'd move to an anti gun state and be told by law enforcement and fish and wildlife to go buy a gun and shoot stuff because they didn't want to help me, and that I'm on my own unless they can drive up and see something. Maybe someday we'll move back to hicksville and be safe.

Yes, my husband and I have our license to carry, but my husband still has serious reservations about bringing one home. With all the stress from work his health has been deteriorating. I don't want to add to it.

What I'd like is a time to have my dad come up and help me pick out an appropriate gun-not overkill and the problems that come with that and not underkill-and then teach me to shoot it like he taught my brothers and mother. The 1 hour course we paid $200 each to take in order to get our $100 licenses basically covered how to unload handguns and reiterated to not shoot things behind your target (also told us how to lose them by getting in fights at home or having mental health issues). If I called my Dad and had him come down now and get us armed I think my husband would become even sicker, and he's not doing well already. Chronic fatigue and an endless chest cold is a lousy way to go.

For now I've got a collection of axes left by the last guy and I may take the handle off one and use it as a bat. This is probably still illegal somehow, but I need SOMETHING.

Lol, I could always get my rabies shot do this...in Nashville. Although I think if this happened here the father would be run out of town or something else horrible and cited and sued by the state for everything they had to throw at him. Maybe even lose his kid. Surely he and his two year old were hunting.
(Actually, my mom corrected me when I was talking to her earlier, this happened in New Hampshire, it just made news in TN, apparently, her coyotes don't act like that, she says or they would be shot)

Mass coyote season is only Oct-March 8 so it's almost over now. I think our law here only allows farmers to shoot coyotes out of season and we can never discharge a firearm within 500 ft of another house. Sure is great only farmers have kids (I think we'll always have animals the duration of our stay here for this reason alone). It feels really uncomfortable to be told I need to be an armed guard for my kids while they play in our own, mowed yard. They really have problems here and someone is totally going to get killed because of lazy, irresponsible, disconnected, starry eyed mismanagement of these things. I kind of hoped I won't be here for it, but it looks like I will. I feel bad for whoever is going to suffer for this. Really, really bad.
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Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Your husband needs to transfer out of there. It's hard to deal with high stress day after day. He may need some home "spa" treatment. Draw up a hot bath for him with some lavender added to the bath and let him soak and relax. Have his favorite meal prepared, feed him well and tuck him in bed. You can't take away the work stress, but you can mitigate some of it at home. He might make good money, but sometimes it isn't worth it, next to what it does to his health.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
I whole heartedly agree. I've expressed this over and over and am extremely concerned. His project is released to the company this month and to the public next. The plan is either that things need to change dramatically for the better at work after that, or he will need to find another job. I'm actually less worried about coyotes coming after us at this point and more worried about this.
I can try to give him spa treatments. I think what he needs is a long staycation at home with a lot of sleeping. It makes him himself again, he starts not wanting to go back and looking for other opportunities, then promptly gets sucked back in when it is over. But you know, cool looking project on the resume, potential promotion on the horizon because he's the most senior guy who tolerated the nonsense and performed up to their standards and stayed, and more autonomy after all that if he ever does decide to change jobs(It's not like this at every office) It's his decision to stay but hard to watch.