rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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I will forever appreciate the fact that not only can we shoot coyotes year round here in Utah but they pay us $50 a coyote to do it. You’re very smart in wanting help to better prepare yourself for a firearm, many don’t and that’s how accidents happen. I hope your husband can have some sort of change, it’s normal to have a little stress at work but when it starts to have a negative impact on your heath I don’t care how much it pays it can’t be worth it.
We have so many coyotes that they seem to be immune to humans? Last summer, one walk right down out tree line. Chris was 10’ one way, ducks 10’ another way..he didn’t even notice..just kept on going. He wasn’t sick, didn’t look, bad, I’ll, raid, etc...just didn’t care that he could’ve had a meal! We got lucky that day!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
It is open season on coyotes here in Va. Some counties used to pay bounties but not anymore as there were guys who were going around and shooting them and making a pretty decent amount of money. Farmers all here will encourage anyone to shoot them on their property. On several of the places we rent, we tell any of the hunters to shoot any coyote they see. They have decimated the sheep population in Highland county which is west of us and that used to be one of their biggest farm "products" , The sheep industry most every where here has gone so far down. Partly due to the loss of market for wool, and then for the loss of lambs to predators. I followed a young coyote up the road one night by chance on my way home from work, and when I realized what it was I ran it down. Had lost several cats over the previous weeks and I am sure that they were a good part of the reason.
Last night I heard them not too far from the house outside at about 8 p.m.. There were several "voices" in the group, and I am sure it is some of the ones I heard this summer when they were young ones learning to hunt.

It is true that coyotes DIDN'T USED TO bother people. They used to be much more shy and were seldom seen that close to populated areas. They also were kept in check by hunters. Now you have all the bleeding heart a$$holes that are tree hugger idiots wanting to protect all the wildlife from the horrible things that the big bad humans have done. Add to that all the gun laws like you have encountered there in Mass by all the democratic idiots that have put all the restrictions on hunting, guns, and all that, and you don't have a snowballs chance in he// to protect yourself. And yes, I am getting a little political, because those are the ones that have passed all these laws that are "good for the public" and let the "authorities" take care of it..... You have come face to face with all the stupidity of that and the "authorities" aren't going to do jack sht for you.

You are also dealing with more of these coyotes, and the hybrid crosses that are called coy-dogs..... and they are getting bigger and less fearful of people.

All these idiots have the "BAMBI" complex and nature is just not like that.

Here in Va we are dealing with it since the entire gov has gone democrat, and the laws that they are pushing on us. I just hope that some of the ones who never voted before get some sense to vote in the next election.
The thing is, and it is sad, but just allowing a little law here and a little law there that will maybe keep you safer, allows more and more control to be taken out of the average persons hands, until the next thing you know is that it is so far gone that people sit up and say..... you have to do something and the govt says that they are doing all they can, and next thing is you have to live with it.... and become prisoners in your own home and yard.

And all you folks in Texas had better sit up and take notice too because there are too many of these types moving there to the cities. It's the big cities where the density of the population gets the votes to swing in a direction that sensible people in the country don't want. Here in Va we have been controlled by DC and Richmond, and big cities where they are all deciding what is best for us. If you spend anytime watching Fox News, or listening to someone like Sean Hannity, you will see that the populated areas of Texas are slowing turning that state. Believe me, it is scary. Texas has always had the reputation of the "wild west" mentality, but the city population growth, and with idiots like from California that move there for the cheaper costs - lower taxes - more jobs - and all that are also bringing their screwed up politics with them.


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
Reaction score
I stepped out on the porch and coyotes were VERY close, I quietly told my husband to get the pistol. When he came out, they went silent, they were close enough to hear us. He went to the end of the driveway, yelled and shot into the ground 3 times. That usually makes them move on.
That happened here a couple nights ago...Chris opened the front door and spooked them!! Dang it!!
@farmerjan ...I won’t get into politics...but, we’ll said! I agree we need to be able to have guns in our homes...under lock and key for when me maw and paw paw are Grand sitting...:). I used to be sort of ...um, more of a liberal thinker in my views..not a tree hugger at all...but I was, and am nieve. I think all people are good....all the time. Unfortunately I’m finding out the hard way that it’s just not the case. People might mean well, trying to be kind to coyotes, but they don’t understand how dangerous they are to valuable animals. Honestly, I think most people...in cities..don’t even think of farmers. They don’t realize, or care where their food comes from. They’d rather have it delivered ready to cook, all cut up..or just order in. Chris and I know very few people that cook every night, and good, healthy meals, made from scratch. It just takes too long. And, yes, if my hick town ever gets more than one stop light I just might pickit!! :lol:
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Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a

Week 2 on the New Hampshire duckies.

Here's a blurry raven. Zoom on a phone...:tongue


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Duckfarmerpa1 you hit it right about the people nowadays wanting their food cooked ready to eat, delivered to their door and all that. The farmer means nothing to many of them. The sad thing is they are the ones that are getting to be in the majority, and the younger generations (millennial or X or Y or whatever they are) have very little understanding of what it really takes to get that food in the "ready to eat" form, nor do most care. So as long as they get it, they don't care how, or where it comes from, and have no respect for the ones that have made sure they had it, as long as they can get it at a cheaper price. It is going to destroy the farming industry in this country.

Many on here are "Mature" adults.... what happens when most of us are gone? The future of this country is going to be in the hands of people who don't understand or respect what made us the independent and self sufficient people we were and are. And they won't be able to "get it" as far as what it takes to keep this country fed and taken care of because all of our resources have been put aside for "cheaper".....

The predator load is increasing, and that is scary. I feel for @rachels.haven because I know what the whole attitude of the ones in the authorative positions is, up there. What she is dealing with just with this coyote issue is a good example of how out of touch with common sense people have gotten. And my family on my mother's side came over on the Mayflower, and my father's side has Native American - Mohawk - in it from up there..... so I am an original Yankee...... but so many of them have gone off their rockers.