rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@farmerjan ...my son is a ‘millennial’...he can’t stand his generation! He thinks they are all lazy and rely on the computer and cell phone too much. My son is dedicated to making himself better each day through hard work...not on the farm, but through his ultra marathons and his elite weight training. But, as you said...he is one of verrrry few. He fears his generation will be the one to push the “ button’ for a war...because they are so used to pushing cell phone buttons all day! Ugh. And, the yuppies that want to eat at restaurants that serve ‘farm to table’ meals...they like the sound of that because it’s trendy. They are picturing these manicured fields, etc. they have no clue what a real farm looks like, but I really don’t think they care. As long as the latte is in the machine when. They push the button at Starbucks..,they’re happy. That’s just that’s my take on it..,I could be way off. They seem to be used to instant gratification. Not having to work for things. It’s a shame, because these kids are missing out on valuable life lessons when you actually earn something you want, instead are just given it.
You are right and thankfully there are some like your son and my son that understand work and real life....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@rachels.haven ; that neighbor doesn't care except that it might lower her property value when they go to sell. She spends at least half her time in Mass near Boston somewhere with her family....daughter and grand children, and leaves her husband here to take care of the "rescue" horses she has, that they never ride......she couldn't get up on a horse if her life depended on it......I wish they would go the HE// back to Mass........ they have service right there on the ridge so it is of no concern to her that there isn't any service down the hill 1/10th of a mile, there is no cell service INSIDE the fire dept that is about 3 miles away, and the service on down the hill on my side is so spotty that any bad weather, wind or anything can throw it off as well as several totally dead spots. But when he had his heart attack, they had service so that is all that matters. I am not one to wish bad on many people, but I really do wish she would have a heart attack down on my way where there is no service and find out what it is like.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Sounds like she needs to hurry up and sell before the tower goes up, right? ;) Her property value will not have fallen yet and all.
It makes no sense how people can justify trying to erase the evidence that other people exist in the world by trying to control what those others do on their own land. I'm following your saga and hoping you and your son win.


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
Reaction score
I think, in this day, and age...there need to be cell towers everywhere!! Look, I HATE my cellphone. Used to never carry it when I was ‘disabled’....but..Chris nagged the heck out of me...so now I do. And, it’s come in pretty handu..like the time I passed out and broke my tooth coming out of the barn in November.....I was very happy to have my phone!! I hope they get you your tower @farmerjan !! Well, everyone!!


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
It's hot and windy today and it feels really weird-heavy, damp, and tempestuous with dark cloudy skies. If we were down south I'd say a tornado was coming, but I don't think Mass does that. I let the 5 week old juvenile ducks out of their pen with the silkie roosters that I still haven't processed yet are out roaming too. There's a kiddie pool involved. Hawks seem less inclined to go after things when there's a big white dog laying around *knock on wood*.
The numerous chicks having taken over permanent residence in the big coop. The keeper bantams, Mr. Teddy and his 7 or 8 girls are in the bantam coop now instead of the large one. Later I'm going to finish their run and cover it and they'll be set.
9 days until Saffron kids.

My goats are all collectively refusing to drink out of green buckets now. I am genuinely confused. Same water. Clean. Different bucket color. They'd rather go thirsty. Clearly they've held a meeting on this. Their heated buckets are green, I guess they could be burnt out on the color. Weird animals.

Speaking of water,THE HOSE HAS COME BACK OUT. :yesss: No water has been hauled for a few days now. Maybe we've survived the cold season?


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Uh oh. I took the dog food away from the ravens today and they just noticed. Now they're following me from window to window in the trees around the house vocalizing. Animals here are weird.
I'm not sure I want ravens around during kidding, but if those are non-legit concerns I may consider letting them have dog food so I can use the restroom without birds expressing their feelings through the windows. My kids do that enough.


Herd Master
Nov 18, 2019
Reaction score
Idaho panhandle 48th parallel
Yay for leaving the hose out! I have been bringing mine into the laundry room after every trough filling, but yesterday decided to live on the edge and just rolled it up by the faucet.
Ravens are very smart - and apparently voyeuristic - I think they are not to be trusted during kidding. Maybe they'll move on if they can't get any food for a few days.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Changes this morning. As of today in light of the corona virus spreading DH (and everyone else) will be working from home for the foreseeable future, so no more 40 minute commute for him for now. I wonder how this will affect our farm's rhythm. Our church will only be televising it's big Bi Annual general conference thingy instead of letting people from all over the world who want to come and gather in mass numbers ask for tickets and go to a conference center and potentially cough all over each other and spread this new super cold. Corona virus is in the same group as colds, if my memory serves BUT even a cold can kill. It's the respiratory system we're talking about. My pet peeve lately is when people call COV19 "a bad flu" to diminish the seriousness as if they can't remember historically what a bad flu does. Plus, there are vaccines sold every year to rein in the flu's spread. This doesn't have one yet. It's like a lethal cold if you're not a kid.

I may go pick up a few human groceries before we get totally shut down. Not stocking up, per say, but at least not be out of milk and cereal for the kids.

8 days to first due date.

So a while ago, something happened that blew my "non-seroidal rheumatoid arthritis" diagnosis further out of the water. The rheumatologist up here didn't want to go with that diagnosis or treatment in the first place, and just wanted to watch and see, favored maybe fibromyalgia. In the fall I had to emergency stop with a medicine I had been on, and over the weeks to month following aches and pains I didn't realize I was having went away and it was like the sun had come out of the clouds for me. I think I might be done with the terrible, nagging, aching pain. It hasn't visited me since the fall. I kept waiting all winter for it to come back and it has not, even over the coldest period of the winter (I still get rather severe reynauds but normal for me).

That was really weird and lasted a very long time. I was supposed to make another appt when I started having issues this winter, and after stopping that med (the ONLY med I was on), they never came. I should probably update the doctor at some point, I guess, and make sure she doesn't want another appointment to be sure. But there wasn't much to see last appt other than the fact it hurt to move at all, so I'm not sure what she'd want to do.

No long term meds for me again I guess.

I'm still a little annoyed I still can't eat wheat, barley, rye, or sort of oats without some quality bathroom time, puffiness, and SOME body pain for 2-3 days and I'm not celiac (so therefore this can't be legit, and I should be able to eat what I want, right?), but I'll take this. I never really got along great with those foods anyway-to a lesser degree. I still miss doughnuts, sourdough, and pizza though. Doughnuts would almost be worth it if I wasn't a parent or married to someone who cared about me as I reap the punishment for my poor judgement. Lol.

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