rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Found one of the Clydes sleeping on Bailey's mega pillow in the loft while she barked at bark-howling things in the night. Clyde came and hung out with me from across the room while I fed pregnant goats. If you zoom in near the litter box you can see him.

Photographing shy black cats is exciting.


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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Ok, first...there is absolutely no TP anywhere in this county either!!! I typically have enough for...a year? But, last time shopping, Chris scolded and said, you don’t need more of that...we’ll...now what?? My son is down to two rolls. He said he’s goin* to use leaves!! :lol:
next...I have fibromyalgia too. To be perf3ctly honest, I’m not sure if it aff3cts me or not, with all the other junk I’ve got go8n* on?!:lol: I have arthritis, etc, so, who knows. But, I do take meds for nerve pain...which can be for fibromyalgia, but I’m on it for a slew of things. No clue if it works...but, I don’t want to stop, because what it it does?:lol:
Next..I have rheneuds too!! Really really bad!! Im on 5 meds for that. Two years ago I got ten ulcers on my toes that winter...this year...none!! Not due to the meds...I’ve been on them for a long time...due to Muck boots!! And, just plain getting healthy and being active. I also believe, for fibromyalgia, and all types of things in those categories...the more you do, the better you feel. Before, when I didn’t do much...my back and bad leg were a mess. Now, if I sit around..my back is a mess, but if I’m working, running, etc..I feel great!! I think the blood flow, the endorphins, energy, all of it plays a roll. You know? I’m very glad to hear you are doing better and won’t need to go back to the rheum. I go, but only every 6 months...I have to get a calcium injection for osteoporosis....and then she gives me a once over. But, I used to be there monthly...so, this is great!!

as for the food allergies...I have them too...we haven’t been able to pin mine down exactly yet. I’ve had the tests, I’ve done the elimination diets, etc. it seems, like, just plain food makes me cough. I think, honestly, it stirs up drainage. What can you do? Oh well.

sorry to hear your hubby will be at home...but perhaps that’ll will be good...just don’t let him mess up your chores!! :lol:


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
You have my sympathy on the ray nauds for sure. I had ulcers start up when I was a teen living in iowa during the few weeks every winter it stayed in single digits to below zero and couldn't get warm ever for more than a few minutes in the firey, burning shower....I loved and hated those showers-so painful. And cuts in general on hands and feet won't heal if they can't get good circulation so ulcers are a BAD thing. The rest of the things you have to deal with prove you're a stronger person than I am. What I had going on was ENOUGH for me. Wear loose, properly fitting boots summer or winter (for me) or you will mess up your feet with raynauds. Ooo, those ice feet. It's like frost bite no matter the weather and worse when it's cold or WET. I hate wet feet if it's even the slightest bit chilly. Frost bite in the summer.

My muck boots do pull my knees out of joint if I pull them off wrong or wear them for too many hours, but joints that are easy to pull out of place is a genetic thing that runs in my family and it's usually easily dealt with or worst case corrected with surgery (ie, if it occurs often on the jaw preventing you from talking, eating, or constantly slipping out and "locking up"). It hurts and makes things not work properly when you need them to, but it's not chronic pain-more annoying. When it's cold I wear my muck boots anyway, rubber boots any other time, but creating ulcers would be a deal breaker-burn the boots kind of thing for me. You don't need that.

I don't officially have fibromyalgia, btw. The doctor just mentioned it as more likely than non-seroidal (sp) rheumatoid arthritis. For about two years back there everything was just a world of pain, especially if it got cold and my muscles felt like they didn't heal for weeks if I used them (so I used them anyway, harder, because...upset). It really gets to you after a while. My michigan doctor decided it was RA and put me on meds that I eventually developed terrible side effects to and I didn't get any benefit from, so I refused them in favor of the pain. And then I moved, got a new doctor that just wanted to watch me, I had my medical emergency and stopped that other med, and it all mysteriously went away. I hope that's the end of that long saga.


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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My shoe size is technically a size 8 1/2, but I always go with a 9....it drives Chris crazy!! Because I have plantar fasciitis, and he thinks if I wore a smaller size I’d be fine. The plantar is no big deal any and hardly ever bothers me. I wear the larger shoes due to the rhenauds, but he doesn’t understand. I used to not even be able to wear ankle socks that had a ridge on them...they bothered my feet...but, I’m doing soooo much better!! I will say I wear a very supportive sock now. Nothing cheap. It makes a huge difference. I just bought myself a pair of spring Muck boots because with my bad ankle, 8 can’t mess around with rubber boots. It’s just not worth it. I’m really glad you’re doing so much better! And, isn’t it funny, how, sometimes, a different doctor can make such a huge difference? Sure helped me last year!!


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Yes! That's amazing and a little scary. Always pick doctors carefully in life is something I've relearned again and again.

Take care of yourself and enjoy your animals! I'm so glad you're doing better and you can enjoy hanging out in this online farming community.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Today was a fun day. During a break in the rain and wind we all got to play outside with the dog. Big dogs are fast. Our big dog likes stealing hats like it's a joke. Then she runs across the yard and tosses them away and runs off like it's a joke and invariably either the boys or Mark would go get it while she watched. Thank you Bailey. My husband thought it was hilarious.

I got the biosecurity screening back from UBRL on the goats I actually did get blood from. All clean and ready for kidding! One of my nigerian bucks appears to be impossible to get blood from because of loose and elastic skin and veins (please let me be wrong and have better luck next time?) and Buggy the black lamancha buck needs to be drawn/collected sent out to Waddl by blood and PCRed because he's one of the rare goats that messes up the serum Johne's test. Govt offices are locked down here so no samples going out now. I'll finish that later, I guess. I feel a lot better that all the others are good.

6 days until day 150 for Saffron.

Gee, 2 adults cleaning and not going anywhere means the house is remarkably tidy. Plus, my kids are getting older. I guess today 5 for the youngest is the magic age. I wonder what it will be tomorrow?

Nice Friday.