rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
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zone 7a
Lol, I didn't think widespread diarrhea was a symptom of coronavirus, btu it looks like that's what they're preparing for. Either that or we're all going out tonight on a house TPing party, but I didn't think you used the nice stuff for that...too pricey, and they literally bought it ALL. Except the Seventh Generation stuff. That was all that was left last night and apparently it's too pricey and terrible to use even in an emergency.

High Desert Cowboy

True BYH Addict
Sep 25, 2017
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Its 40 miles to the farm so I can only imagine how nice it would be to be able to work from home. It makes sense to only televise conference this year. I’ve gotten to go a few times and that’s a lot of people from all over, and they don’t just fill the conference center they cover temple square as well. The governor has recommended no get togethers of more than a hundred people, outside of schools. There’s no TP to be found, and in all the emergency preparedness it’s one thing I’ve never really thought about, but there are ways to survive without it. My big question is if we end up having to self quarantine, what exactly does that entail? Are we still allowed to go out and feed our animals, or travel to farms and ranches. Most of my friends have all or part of their ranches and farms at a distance from their house, anywhere from 1-30 miles away. My pig barn is 40 miles. I’m curious to see how this all plays out.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
I never went to Conference even when I was living in Utah. Too many people period. I can't even get through a college football game in the stands. You're braver than me. Plus, I can't imagine we make the SLC neighbors happy. I'm glad they changed the plan this time from a biosecurity standpoint this round. That could have been a nightmare.

I've been wondering that on the animal feed issue actually. I don't think we can last for months in the feed department. Few people can. Maybe I'd last a month. We have browse...in the right season, and we're not there yet. Not many are in the US. I really hope you and your pigs wind up okay. There is no browse and usually no pasture for pigs to graze on. You NEED that feed.

Personally I am not worried about toilet paper. I am chuckling about it behind my keyboard. We have a cheap bidet toilet attachment. We got one as an experiment when we were trying to save money any way we could fresh out of grad school. It is effective at TP expenditure reduction. Today my brother texted me a picture of someone who plumbed a sink sprayer into their toilet water supply, and now I want to try that too. It may work better on the boys who are the main TP users at our place. The adult bidet is a little too...easy to make a huge mess with-set it and run away and flood the bathroom so it's adults only. A sprayer you have to hold down would be a little harder to do that. As it is we go through about 1 giant sam's club package in about 6-8 months, so we've bought TP maybe twice since moving? I'd love to get it down to 1 big pack for 4 people per year. Good for the septic. I'm glad we didn't need TP it last night. ;)

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