rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
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i second that bay!!! i haven't a clue what group i belong to but i say this most of the folks nesar my age that i have met don't have the sense God gave them nor the ability to think for themselves. its all about what i can get and how convienent it is for them to get it. they don't want to wait for it either. i came from a family who is and has always been up and over their heads in debt for lack of wanting to budget. i am obsessed with budgeting and wanting to stay a far as a i can from any kind of debt. my husband and i were shopping for a truck and a house and he wanted to do the dumn thing and make payments on the truck. the truck was 48,000 and the house was 164.000 for a grand total of i just lost my mind 212,000. he was frustrated with me cause i broke down crying i cant handle going into debt so instead. we saving as much as possible to outright buy something and have already out right bought a new to us truck and a brand new trailer and lots of other little things he need for his company. i know people aren't going to like this but take it from this (as of march 25) almost 29 year old when i say they don't teach a lot of things that are needed to know in school and if someone isnt passing they don't care they just let them get by so they can make that money. one of my husbands cousin is a prime example of that . My grammar my be horrid, however that being said i can spell the word she, he, her, him, they and others. his cousin cant . he use to text me and it would take me 10 min to figure out what word he was spelling. it was that bad and he graduated.... to me that's scary and when we discussed how the government was run and that the people are in charge he didn't know anything I am not conspiracy theorist however i do believe they are being brainwashed and that the bad people (or dumb) in our government are taking and making this their advantage.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I don’t mind people moving to Texas— as long as they leave their stupidity that screwed up where they came from—far, far behind them.
The problem is @Baymule they aren't leaving their stupidity behind. I have several friends on some of the cattle forums, and they are mostly all older, many are tried and true Texans, who are of the don't bother me and I won't bother you, ranchers that have been there for generations. They are getting very concerned about what is happening with the influx of people into the Dallas-Fort Worth-Austin- and other cities and the way the voting is going. Not just for things like guns, but for farming/ranching and water rights, and a whole host of other stuff. That is what has happened here in Va., yet agriculture is one of the top income producing commodities here...... and they are trying to regulate it out of existence because there are those that listen to "experts" that are all book learning and no common sense, no practical knowledge, about things they may know all about, but have never actually been out in the field to put into practical use. It is getting very concerning.

High Desert Cowboy

True BYH Addict
Sep 25, 2017
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Same thing is happening here in rural Utah. People move here for the scenery and to be able to afford a little property. They build their dream home to retire to and put in all their green landscaping and plan to live out their days in this quiet little town. Then when the farmer next door decides to expand his feedlot, build a pig barn, fertilize his fields he’s the bad guy and now there’s a battle. Imagine a small town that now dictates that you can’t have a horse in town unless you have over an acre of grass per horse, you can’t build any new feedlots or barns within 5 miles of the two big towns, and water needs to be going to the manicured lawn that costs thousands to install. Its a sad joke, and it’s going to keep happening and people will wonder why food is more expensive, why so many small “family farms” have gone under, and why this lovely little town is so ridiculously full.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@High Desert Cowboy AMEN. What you just said is exactly what is happening to this area of Va and we have the misfortune to only be 4-5 hours SW from DC, so all the jerks that are in the government there moving out this way. Plus we are on the N/S interstate 81 corridor, and I-64 E/W so easy to get on the highway to go to Richmond 2 hrs, east, Charlottesville, 1 hr east, Roanoke 1 + hr south, Harrisonburg 1 hr north; just too many people now.
We are having all the problems with spreading fertilizer here, especially using poultry litter, and now there is some of the bio-solids being applied. A dairy farmer friend has spent over 25,000 to fight a rich, moved here from elsewhere, neighbor to get his poultry houses approved and built and he has to go back to court again. Over 2 yrs later than it should have been, and he has finally got his first flock of birds in...... We are fighting the neighbor that doesn't want to look at the cell phone tower that should have been already up and providing service a year ago, and over 18,000 in lawyer fees. Now Verizon has joined the suit, and they are still going back to court again...... but hopefully it will be pretty much up by then. Still, it is the financial toll, as well as the stress that is working on all of us.
As you said, they want their stupid ridiculous lawns , that need water in places where green watered lawns were never meant to be; and in our case, they have cell service there on the hill, but the he// with all of us down over the back side and out in the more rural parts where we have little, spotty, or no service..... because they don't want to look out their window at a single upright tower..... like they own the view......
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Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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@farmerjan ...my son is a ‘millennial’...he can’t stand his generation! He thinks they are all lazy and rely on the computer and cell phone too much. My son is dedicated to making himself better each day through hard work...not on the farm, but through his ultra marathons and his elite weight training. But, as you said...he is one of verrrry few. He fears his generation will be the one to push the “ button’ for a war...because they are so used to pushing cell phone buttons all day! Ugh. And, the yuppies that want to eat at restaurants that serve ‘farm to table’ meals...they like the sound of that because it’s trendy. They are picturing these manicured fields, etc. they have no clue what a real farm looks like, but I really don’t think they care. As long as the latte is in the machine when. They push the button at Starbucks..,they’re happy. That’s just that’s my take on it..,I could be way off. They seem to be used to instant gratification. Not having to work for things. It’s a shame, because these kids are missing out on valuable life lessons when you actually earn something you want, instead are just given it.


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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Like your sister?
How’d you know?? When we go there, she gives me all these very fancy take out containers to bring home and use for misc stuff. And my brother’s house...doesn’t look they even live there! When you open the cupboards all you see are protein shakes, etc. they are always eating out and on vacation. In Fl right now, the fancy sister is in Vail...ooh laalaaa


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
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That's what sequin is like you can't have chickens free ranging in your yard they have to be in a enclosed run and coop and it has to be cleaned daily with waste put into a air tight container the disposed once a week in to a city approved location. There are several mall citys like that around here. And even if your allowed birds you can't have roosters. Oh and it has to be 100ft from any residence.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
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zone 7a
Gee, I know what wanting a cell phone tower on your land is like...reception here comes once in a blue moon, when the wind is blowing just right, otherwise I need to go walk to the mailbox. I can't believe your neighbor is that short sighted. Just what does she think will happen to them if an emergency pops up? My mother's neighbor LITERALLY died because he fell and couldn't get back up and she was only a couple hundred feet away at her house and happy to help. No cell coverage. The first night here it was under 10 degrees and we got locked out and DH almost broke his leg because of a sleep addled, bad decision. No cell coverage. Not, not, not smart.