rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
@Ridgetop , your sons sound like mine. :ep :barnie :th Yes, boys are fun. I'm glad everyone including you survived. More respect in your direction.

I didn't announce this. I don't handle pregnancy very well and I'm more likely to kill someone than glow while pregnant, so I just wrote about the happy distractions in my life and what I was focusing on to live day to day. Most people in my personal life don't know we have another son now as a perk of quarantine that I find just hilarious. My husband got baby fever early this year and I gave in. I like babies and love our kids, but son #1 was almost 9 pounds, son #2 was just under 10 pounds...and I knew what was coming next and I'm a short, small person so the math didn't work, but one last time. I love him now that he's here, but I can't sugar coat it or pretend and say his then unknown name went...uncursed? on a daily basis as I was sick, dizzy, and fighting low blood pressure every single day so everything I did every day was a big win that I was proud of. (Not his fault, btw. My mother's sons were 9, 10, and 11 pounds at birth EARLY and her mother has a similar birth weight history on her boys, I had the data). Somehow I got my doctor to listen to me and he was induced the day of 37 weeks and is now my smallest baby at 8 pounds, 7 oz rather than :th ...at 40 weeks. Funny how quickly doctors go from "you've got lots of room" to "woah, this little guy is solid" to "good thing you were induced, I don't think he would have fit out at 40 weeks" to "large for gestational age" in just a few minutes (ghdfjksdjfsldkfjdslkfj!!!).

Anyway Aiden wants to name his new brother Karen...I don't think he understands how gendered names work or that Karens are negative female characters, and Dan suggested a(male) animal name that I forgot, because we opted for Shaun. I don't think he needs a nickname yet until he starts doing something besides the typical baby things.

As soon as my parents leave I'm going to pull the waking up the husband "early" thing and asking him if he loves me, then telling him three times to go feed my goats biblical style, with an appropriate pause in between until he gets up :plbb . He suffered with me for the last several months, but a little teasing may still be okay.




Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
OK, so we all thought you were doing plenty of stuff for a normal human, now we know you are SUPER WOMAN doing it all while pregnant!

Painful as it is I'm sure you were glad to be induced, 8# 7 oz is 2# 14 oz bigger than DD1 and 2# 8 oz bigger than DD2. I'm sure you didn't want to push out an 11 pounder!

Congratulations to you and the family.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Oh yeah! They'll be the three _____(our last name)___ boys. Time for trouble!

Looks like Avalon aborted today. This morning she presented with a bloody tail and is draining. Aw well. Give me a little time to catch up and make sure she's open and she may get listed.

I didn't do myself any favors today with "catch up". I suffered a lapse in judgement and took the thawed turkey out of the fridge on hold from last week and cooked a kid level thanksgiving at the kids' request. Bed time. Dumb, dumb, dumb. I can cook a lot fast, but not fast enough. Three hours of cooking, lol, I'm an idiot. Turkey (brainless, plug and play), Gf stuffing from scratch, stofers mix as per request for comparison, squash, carrot coins, gravy, potatoes, crustless pumpkin "pie"...I think I did it in less time than last year, but next Thursday may have been better timing-wise. I got tired and stressed out. Oh well. Dinner all week long-Check! No more meal or dish requests from children for a bit.

All the goats miss my mom. She went around and fed each individual goat a cookie every day she was here and made them feel special, bucks included. Everyone is looking for the cookie lady and was putty in her hands-VERY well behaved. Unfortunately she went back to Tennessee yesterday where she's got her army of geese and rabbitry and a few muscovy and chickens. Everything there expects to be doted on and made to feel individually special too. Tough luck, goaties.