rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
She isn't holding it against me oddly enough. She did decide to declare she's open and in need of a buck all night long last night, so I guess she gets a date today and we get late season kids. The bucks are leaving rut though, so while she was declaring her undying love to them in the dark they discovered they can stand on the table I left in the buck run and are totally oblivious.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
CDT's tomorrow for all the dwarves. Some of the does will be late for those. The first potential kidding date is Christmas Eve and one of my unregistered does has loosening ligaments. I want to see some udders!

It looks like Lace was slipping a pregnancy today. She was only a month, maybe just short of two bred. I let her fawn over and be bred by Max. We'll see if it takes. Looks like the seasonal does don't always recycle after miscarrying so I'll be grateful for late kids if they happen.

As a side note, DH is getting more lazers to the eyeballs in about 10 days to try to drop that stinking eye pressure and slow his glaucoma. No change in vision, but the pressure is higher than they like for someone in which they are trying to control it. He's had this done once before, and each surgery is supposed to last 5 years until they are no longer effective. It made me mad last time. It takes only a few minutes but hurts for several days. Hopefully he'll let me keep him up on his painkillers this time. Currently he's hiding under the covers in a dark room until the dilation drops wear off. Something to go on each of our dread lists, I guess.


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
Sorry to hear about DH needing more treatments for his eyes, glad that the vision is at least holding steady.

How is the newest little "musketeer"????? Will you be able to milk and deal with the baby?

We are looking as some serious snow this week unless they have it all wrong....

Amen to what Miss @farmerjan said regarding DH's eyes! And, yes, let us know you and the little one are doing.

Regarding snow, this diagram is from an article on CBS News. It is the snowfall potential for Wednesday/Thursday:

It looks like you are going to get hammered, Miss @rachels.haven, but you, Mr. @Bruce, won't get much of anything.

Senile Texas Aggie


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Nope, no snow here on Wed, just below 0°F temps 🥶 Likely a good day to TRY and catch up on the financial accounting stuff. I think I have 4 LL Bean credit card bills to reconcile now. And yes, I HAVE been paying them and the charges all look OK, just haven't gotten them into Quicken.

DW will again ask "how can we live too far north for snow?"

Her brother and family live not all that far from Rachel, in NH on the MA border. Looks like they are in the 9" band. His wife didn't want to live in VT, too much snow. I can't count the number of years they have been buried and we've had relatively little snow. :gig

Looks like DD1's best friend is going to get hit hard, she's southeast of Boston in the 12" zone.
DW's college sailing buddy is in southern CT, looks like he's in for 12" to 16" as well. He called a few days back, I thought maybe he'd gotten big snow in the last storm that ran up the coast but he said they only had rain, lots of rain.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
...I'm pretending we're not forecasted to get 14" of cold, fluffy, frozen rain... :weee

The baby is doing okay. Today is his due date. He was large for gestational age when born which made him predisposed for bilirubin/jaundice issues so we had to spend a few days in the hospital at the "electric infant beach" as one non-pediatrician doctor put it. His numbers would not go down so we spent a lot of time checking and rechecking his bilirubin levels at the doctor's office even after we were let out. He has an overly healthy appetite and has been gaining weight very fast and isn't slacking in that regard so we did not get stuck being readmitted. His level went down by two points finally on Monday. He's now over 9 pounds and climbing. If he didn't have the normal post birth weight drop I shudder to think what his birth weight would be if he went to term and was actually born today.

I've mostly been not posting because I'm a little sleep deprived. Eating and pooping helps with bilirubin so I've been feeding him all night at every peep he puts out.

In regards to milking, we will make it work. I need my alone time in the morning. Not super keen on milking dwarves for cups of milk each, but dwarves were breedable in August, and the lamanchas didin't cycle this year until much, much later so maybe there is a place for both if I can handle it.

Today I'm extra tired because it turns out I'm the disciplinarian parent and the boys have been running my husband ragged at bedtime and refusing to go to bed because he's a softy. I've been passing out at 8 pm first because I was constantly sick, now because I'm getting up every hour, sometimes less for baby food catering. Last night I decided to stay up and put the kids through their paces in regard to bedtime before DH fell apart any more-so two or so fewer hours of sleep less for me but they got their BS called and I got them to bed with much tears before 11, which I come to find out is earlier than it has been. It will get earlier and less tearful again.

Lace got her band off again so her scur-horn is safe. Stinker.
Yesterday a small hawk grabbed a silkie while I was letting them range. The ducks got loud and tattled on the whole situation. The muscovy started doing their creepy, preditary "walk like an egyptian" strut towards it as muscovy do (good!), and I ran out with my new bat to persuade the bird to reconsider or play ball (he reconsidered and no hawk was harmed, but man, the birds of prey here practically need to have a weapon brandished over their heads before they do here-as if they are domesticated). As a result the silkie is in the house with only one minor puncture wound and I'm waiting for it to show some spirit so it can go back out. She's a funny little pullet and will probably be out by tomorrow. Back to no free range as long as the dog is living in her dogloo. I'll try to get a photo of the silkie later. I like those silly chickens. They are still laying, btw, keeping us in eggs still. Love that.

I'm afraid I've been slacking on my violet care. Apparently when it comes down to flora vs fauna I pick fauna. Sorry violets.

Sheesh, i still need to get a stall cleaned out for kidding. I guess I'm slacking there too.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Ditto on the "BLESS YOUR HEART". I guess I did it when I was young.... ain't no way no how, now. Hawks are not much less "domesticated" here.... the eagles are the worst... they will actually challenge you. The bat would win here and it would be a road/storm casualty.

We have gotten about 1/4 to 1/2 inch of sleet/freezing rain/ice pellets and next to no snow. So much for the forecast. It is basically going mostly around us.... snow to the west and more ice and more wet to the east. The storm is actually breaking apart with us in a center section of not alot of anything. Just messy.

Except for the getting back on routine, get all the sleep you can whenever the baby sleeps. And sounds like his system is working well, even if a little bit jaundiced still.... try to stretch out the night feedings so he doesn't start with keeping you up all night. Ask me how I know..... and that was 40++ years ago.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Thank you. I will do my best. I just turned 30 at the beginning of the month, so hopefully I can do (have?) it "all". Young = invincible, right? Lots to burn?

I got the bat for other stuff and things, but I brought it out because on BYC there was a story about a person who tried to save a chicken bare handed and got a hawk stuck in their hand by the talon. In the detroit area if you clapped at them once they flew off as if you were shooting at them. It was like they had been shot at. It was nice. Clapping is easy and better for everyone.

Anyway, time to go feed the goats and lock up ducks.

One puffy pullet.