Herd Master
Having a new baby is enough, 2 more kids......then running a farm and even with husband's help, heck, even he needs you too! Yeah, you certainly deserve to be tired.
My 11.5 pounder has always been my best eater. He was always willing to try more things than the others. He is now the tallest, at 6’2”. Out of the 5, he was also the only one born before his due date, thank God! The rest were all 2 weeks late. Can you imagine?!. He has an overly healthy appetite and has been gaining weight very fast and isn't slacking in that regard so we did not get stuck being readmitted. His level went down by two points finally on Monday. He's now over 9 pounds and climbing. If he didn't have the normal post birth weight drop I shudder to think what his birth weight would be if he went to term and was actually born today.
Oh, you just reminded me that I too had a hawk attack survivor yesterday that I need to go out and see how she’s doing in her hospital cage.As a result the silkie is in the house with only one minor puncture wound and I'm waiting for it to show some spirit so it can go back out.
It’s not called slacking when you’re a new mother and you’re doing the best you can. Don’t overdo it. Those things will all still be there when you are ready to tackle them. It’s more important for you to not let yourself get run down. Even 30 year olds need their rest. Sleep deprivation is real. And, as we all know, babies grow up real fast! Enjoy this time while it lasts.. I guess I'm slacking there too.