rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Small photo dump before I disappear again.

My duck horde.

Buggy and Max say I'm not tired out of my mind yet...for cookies. Bugs always says I'm sane. Eyes like that are always right, right?
Buggy and max.jpg

Sleeping on his due date.
Shaunjon duedate1.jpg


Herd Master
May 6, 2017
Reaction score
Hamilton County, north of Indianapolis
. He has an overly healthy appetite and has been gaining weight very fast and isn't slacking in that regard so we did not get stuck being readmitted. His level went down by two points finally on Monday. He's now over 9 pounds and climbing. If he didn't have the normal post birth weight drop I shudder to think what his birth weight would be if he went to term and was actually born today.
My 11.5 pounder has always been my best eater. He was always willing to try more things than the others. He is now the tallest, at 6’2”. Out of the 5, he was also the only one born before his due date, thank God! The rest were all 2 weeks late. Can you imagine?!
As a result the silkie is in the house with only one minor puncture wound and I'm waiting for it to show some spirit so it can go back out.
Oh, you just reminded me that I too had a hawk attack survivor yesterday that I need to go out and see how she’s doing in her hospital cage.
. I guess I'm slacking there too.
It’s not called slacking when you’re a new mother and you’re doing the best you can. Don’t overdo it. Those things will all still be there when you are ready to tackle them. It’s more important for you to not let yourself get run down. Even 30 year olds need their rest. Sleep deprivation is real. And, as we all know, babies grow up real fast! Enjoy this time while it lasts. 😍


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Last night in the early hours we had white out conditions. I was up walking around with the little guy and it was like, "why look at my lovely white windows...". The barn is 100 feet from the house and I left all the lights but everything outside the glass was gone. I haven't had a whiteout since I left Iowa. They are amusing. Luckily we had nowhere to go at 3, 4, 5 am. If we did we wouldn't be getting there. Definitely not going outside either. Don't want to get lost on the way to the chicken coop or something.
It's still snowing, but everything looks okay. It's cold, fine snow with a lot of blowing and drifting, how much we get will be a mystery. Falling fast still. Driveway is plowed now. The front walk and a path to the oil port needs to be shoveled, but it will get done.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
AHHHH, the total innocence while out for the count!!!!!! he is cute.
My son was nearly a week late, only 7lb 7 oz. he was 10 lbs at 2 weeks, over 30 lbs at a year. Didn't start walking until 13 months because he could scoot around on his butt......walked in the walker thing fine. He is 6'6" as an adult. SOOOOO glad that he was not any bigger. He had jaundice and the old family dr that had delivered me said to just keep giving him liquids to get the kidneys flushed out. He wanted to eat constantly.... and was started on cereal very early, because dr said he was just not staying full with just milk. He went from sleeping 2-3 hours max, to sleeping 3-5 at a stretch..... thank goodness as I was exhausted.... and he was the first. But I was also taking care of the chickens and my horses.....

He's a cutie
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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Yes, he did grow fast. There are 6 ft men on both sides so came by his height pretty honestly. But he was 6 ft at 12 with size 12 feet...... finally is 6'6" with size 15's or so.... all depends on the shoe and cut. He thinks it's funny if we are in a store and I see something on the top shelf and tell him that I need him to reach it and he stands there and teases... what's the matter mom, I don't have any trouble reaching it...... that's when you want to kick 'em in the shin.... :lol: :th :rolleyes::plbb


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Well, once upon a time there was a LGD team made up of Bailey, Roscoe,and (a different) Badger. Roscoe is 6 or 7 years old now. His owner is the lady that set us up with Bailey. She just contacted me asking if Roscoe can possibly come and live with Bailey as she is probably going to have to move to North Carolina and Roscoe can't come. It sounds like she's going urban/suburban for a job change. So if she gets the job, Bailey gets an old friend back.

I am not sure what happened to their Badger, the third team member. Original owner said he was a fence climber and wanderer and was giving him away for free a while back because he would escape and beg the neighbors for treats. I considered him but decided not to get into that. I don't think Roscoe has those issues and has been settled in for a while and and working hard with no problems a town or two over. Same coyotes as us.

Sounds like I'll probably be getting the vet out to give him a once over and we will need to get another dogloo. The 7 year old's minion cats need shots before I boot them out anyway.