rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Roscoe's owner changed her mind and wants to wait a little longer before giving him up. She loves him. I don't care. We will be here. It just may go down to the wire. If she can find a way to take him I'd be okay with that too obviously. No one wants to give up the dogs they love.

So I splurged today. I had some cash from selling goats earlier laying around. There's a lady doing goat ultrasounds in the state for $1/mile and $10/goat so I got my does ultrasounded. Here's the result from my FB farm page.

Ultrasound results
(Bred To:
Hammock Haven Atlas,
Rustic Wood's Black Tie Affair,
Epimetheus Max)
Kaos Farm RWP Uranium-3, maybe 4
Moon Mist LOG Purple Summer-1, maybe two
Hammock Haven Trinka-2-3
Epimetheus Lace-unknown (got stuck in a fence over night by her big scur, appeared to miscarry, exposed recently after calling for a buck all night long, might be very early pregnant)

(Bred to King's Rock Adonis)
VVFarm Luck Be A Lady Tonight-3-4

(Bred To-Rosasharn WS Sir Patrick
Mustang Meadows T Durango)
Bluebird Pond Erudite-1-2
Woodland Haven Ava's Sugar-3
Woodland Haven Ava's Lavender 2-3
Mustang Meadows H Ava-probably open, possible cloudburst pending

...I wonder if this is going to be another buck year? I have resolved to sell anything I don't like to milk and I like whole hand teats, soft udders, and good udder texture AND good stand manners. I get the feeling that things are going to change quite a bit. I'm too busy to dink around.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Introduced Bailey to the baby. She wants to stand super still with the very top of her nose gently on his face and inhale his smell and never quit. He was getting cold so I stood up and went in. Instant sad, depressed puppy at the window occurred as she wanted him back. I'm so glad we have her. She'll take good care of him when he's big enough to be outside with the other kids.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
I have resolved to sell anything I don't like to milk and I like whole hand teats, soft udders, and good udder texture AND good stand manners. I get the feeling that things are going to change quite a bit. I'm too busy to dink around.
Absolutely! I want to say there is no room in farming for keeping unproductive animals BUT before I go there we all have those old pensioners that are eating expensive feed and only are kept because we love them. Several of our old horses (in their late 20's and early 30's) could no longer eat hay so were on Purina Senior feed. We still gave them some hay because they liked to gum it. LOL That was expensive but they were family members who had taken care of my children on the trails for years. They had earned it.

With you, culling back to easy milkers only makes sense. You haven't had those goats for 20 years (like our pensioners) and you need to have well behaved milkers that won't give you carpal tunnel or break a wrist kicking the heck out of you. Not only that, but you will want to hand over some milking chores eventually to those 3 boys and you don';t want them growing up thinking that your milkers are dangerous or difficult. Nothing is so pleasant as milking an easy cooperative milker and nothing makes you decide to sell them all faster than a cantankerous b*&^% of a milker.

Introduced Bailey to the baby. She wants to stand super still with the very top of her nose gently on his face and inhale his smell and never quit. He was getting cold so I stood up and went in. Instant sad, depressed puppy at the window occurred as she wanted him back.

Introducing your dogs to new babies is so rewarding. And safe. Properly introduced dogs (no matter their age) will welcome the new "pup" into the pack. It is always so much fun to see those giant guardian breeds with their little humans curled up sleeping on them, LOL Our first grandson learned to walk holding onto our Pyr and Aussie. The would stand very carefully and slow their gait to his faltering steps, When he fell down they were immediately nosing him to check for damage then encouraging him to try to get up again. Proper introductions mean a dog that is completely trustworthy with the baby. I got very annoyed when well meaning friends or relatives would tell me not to let the dog sniff or lick the babies. Dogs that are rebuffed from their charges don't bond to them.

So adorable that she wanted him back.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Yesterday I tried to breed Avalon, who was suddenly in a raging, blubbering heat, for sale as a bred doe. But she wasn't having it and only wanted Buggy, my mature lamancha buck, so Ava is listed and open, lol.

All night last night the goats were VERY loud on the baby monitor. Lace, the other possibly open doe apparently decided to cycle and was going to war with end of cycle Ava and the both of them were driving the bucks nuts. So Lace got bred to Buggy today and the doe war stopped. The bucks are still at it together.

So now kidding season is going to be very long, lol. Hey, but long is okay.

Now we need does to offset last year's buck year, right? (7 bucks, 1 doe)