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- #3,571
Herd Master

I'm enjoying the pigs. Apparently if you keep them pampered and fed they don't make noise above the level of a snort, they stay put, and they don't challenge or test the fences.
after I cidr and pg600 them
Cidrs are a device you put in your doe to make their cycle pause for about two weeks. Then they get a (small) shot of lute or pg600 after you remove the cidr and it jump starts them cycling, twice, I think, even in the off-season. Most goats are seasonal breeders. Cidrs and a hormone shot is a way you can breed the seasonal standard goats for fall kids. And also so we can use the potentially free spirited buck without him being in full on nutty rut. I'd like to try it, although I was going to do it for AI, but if I get around to it I'll do the protocol for some classy kids via live cover too.Huh? (Sorry, my Texas Aggie I/Q is getting in the way...)