rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
She is BIG !!!!!!!
Congrats on the new addition. Looks like the travel went well. Hope he settles in with no problems.
How are things in general there for your family? Aside from the rain and wet in the barn.
DH's eyesight still holding?
The baby isn't a baby anymore... 1 1/2 yrs old now? The older boys doing good in school?
Dogs all settled in?
I love reading your journal.
Aw, thanks. It's like visiting with someone, reading their journal. I like reading your journal too. It's nice to see where everyone's at and what they're up to every few days.
We're doing really well actually. DH's eyesight has stabilized and the visual acuity issues he'd been having actually improved a bit. We're still working on getting the mix of meds just right as far as cost/benefit goes.
No, the baby is not a baby anymore. He started pointing today and says a few little words. Lots of walking and running around. Climbing. :) Toddler stuff.
The dogs are doing great. Moses is off in Utah (I think) with my sister, excelling as a emotional support dog. I believe she's going to put him through service dog training and get him some sort of credentials.
Bailey is settled in nicely and owns the pasture. Her new companion is still skittish and I'm not unpenning him from beside the goats until he's had his rabies shot and neuter in case he decides one day to just leave. At least he won't be making more skittish puppies and won't get and spread rabies. I don't think I can undo the damage not being socialized and handled and staying with his litter until he was older has done, and for all I know his parents were skittish too. As long as I can take care of him and he stays he'll be fine here.
I have a black and white male poodle puppy, Nolan who is a hoot. And Pepper, of course, and Millie who is on loan for her "unwinding". Nolan and Millie are BFF's and very happy, but every dog is pretty much as happy as they can be at the moment. Bailey is jealous of the pigs and all their food still, so I guess she would still complain. She sulks when I feed anything but her, lol. Because if she can see it, it's hers. She's a pyr, lol.
Tennessee has been pretty great to us so far. It's even greening up (which means it's almost time to wipe out the pasture, I guess, then onto the new). In a way I wish we'd gotten here sooner!


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Just saw your latest post.... especially about Pepper.... HMMM.
I'll be working on her. She might wind up only pottying on a tether for a while instead of free breaks. IDK what can be done about prey drive in dogs. I feel like once they start losing their minds over little critters they don't stop, but if she can be stopped I'll figure out how.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Prey drive is hard to deal with. Some can never deal with it. For Trip, my male GP, it comes and goes. He goes off the rails on poultry from time to time, the latest causalities were two old black sex link hens that just roamed around, there in Lindale. I'd had them for about a year and a half, then he decided to eat them. He likewise ate my guineas and before them, my muscovy ducks. He will alert on newborn lambs, for which reason he NEVER is allowed in with ewes and lambs. Older lambs he is fine with, newborns are too much like rabbits and he catches and eats rabbits too. Sigh......... He jumps fences like they aren't even there, for that reason he is now in a small horse panel pen, to keep him off the highway. I'm looking for my farm, so I can get settled in with dogs and sheep. Would like to have horses again, we'll see. At nearly 8 years old, he's not going anywhere, he may be nutty, but he's my nutty dog. :lol:

I'm glad that Tennessee is working out so good for you and your family. And Mallow! She looks like she swallowed a whale!


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Your pigs sure look happy, all cozy in their hay. Anybody buying your goats is getting a good deal. You breed for the best goat you can produce and even if it is one you don't want, it is still a mighty nice goat.
Aw, thank you baymule. I just saw this. I appreciate it.

Had a lapse in judgement and Bailey got lioned today. She seems really happy about it despite how ugly it turned out (she wouldn't hold still and her undercoat is thin in places, go figure, plus I'm apparently bad at shaving pyrs). I guess I wouldn't want to wear 6" of sweater 24/7 my whole life either.



Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Sometimes all I can see of Trip is that big white tail like a banner, telling me where he is and what he is doing.

Bailey looks like she is admiring her new style.
She's actually guarding what's left of giant milk bones from the poodle pack. Dan gave her like 8 bones because he hates haircuts and he decided she did a good job on hers. I like your interpretation better :D =D


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Idk what the deal is with the whole goats having misshapen pupils nonsense. They always look plenty round to me.

This doe's little 4 week old buckling (background) got his equipment all the way out today and peed on his face this evening. :oops: umm...time to separate does and bucks from that litter. Apparently he didn't read the thing that said they can't do that until 6-8 weeks. :\ Kids these days... :idunno

Atlas doesn't say hi. Too busy working on his manly figure this morning. It wasn't his son misbehaving after all.
Atlas 03 22 22.jpg
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