rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Amazing how easy it is when you are not afraid of "hurting the poor little thing"! In another month the hormones will be gone and you can put him in the freezer. Make the appointment now! LOL
Ditto on make the appointment now - around here they are scheduling 2 months out.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Well, the collection happened, or rather didn't. My fears of Pete rutting himself to death came true in that he rutted himself into infertility. This collection was going to be exchange for my bigger tank so I could downsize to my 20 L which fits me just fine and will drop my tank fill bill back down to or below $100/time rather than the $200 for both tanks. The repro specialist offered to pay for the tank or come back later since Pete did not put out anything that could be frozen (but expressed concern that Pete would probably be worse as rut continued), but we worked out a deal that he'd come back early august before or just as rut started and we'd try again if Pete was still living (or collect someone else if Pete rutted himself to death). The repro specialist also said that at the rate of motility Pete is left with and the lack of enthusiasm he has for repetitive aggressive breeding, it's unlikely he'll be settling any does for the rest of the season.

Luckily I bred all my planned does early in the season. I bought back some does from a friend who'd bought them from me earlier, and those are the ones I synced for my jump does. Two of those I'm trying to sell. One of those I really want bred and I guess i get to pick a junior buck to try when they come all the way in (only one cycled in time for today the rest opted to be slow in coming in) or cross my fingers Pete gets enough volume into the doe to get a couple of the cells to make it all the way to home base...which isn't likely.

So I guess there's something to be said for moderate bucks that don't totally lose themselves in rut, don't skip eating for three days every time a doe comes into heat, and don't court elbows. That's not something you see listed in sales ads for buckling reservations. Conformation-ally my first buck was not the nicest, and he threw almost all bucks always, but he always settled everything and made it through rut fat and sassy. *sigh*

I guess I'll do things the old fashioned way and save some Pete sons as insurance this spring. They may get collected instead of their father.

Silly goats. It's always something.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I have a guy that does all but mount!!! Yeah, just what ya need. :oops:. I've had does with him who aren't getting bred. Watched one do everything but rape him. Never saw him mount after all the pre-play. 🤷. Hoping he was tired from night before😂

Do have some kids from him & he's just 16 months. But should be going at it. Shaking my head in disgust and disbelief. My old Nubian would be done with his job in less than 5 min! Bingo.

Might be buying another. 🤣 They drive you crazy!!


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Pete rutted himself all out of wigglers? What did he do? Hump the feed bucket and waste it all?
He refuses to eat the 3-5 days around the time a doe goes into and out of heat. He's got alfalfa and almost free choice grain. He doesn't need worming by famacha (dark cherry red) and fecal. I think he's also up to date on copper and selenium but not super recently. High quality minerals available in an undumpable feeder (hah!)But he is a skinny mess. And his wigglers can't wiggle right. I'm doing everything I can for him but he has to WANT to eat and live and all he wants is more breeding, which he can't do anymore. Today he only really felt like jumping a doe once, and we had to provoke him into a second time. My husband even wondered if we should set up a pen for him in the front yard out of sight of the does (but not humans, lol) but I'm fairly sure the smells will carry and he'll be the same.

Since he's off work for the rest of the year he might get a spa day complete with making sure he's even more up to date on copper and selenium. I got him done last late July, early August ish last so it shouldn't hurt at this point.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
That actually reminds me of an old black and white dutch buck rabbit my family inherited in their meat rabbitry when I was a kid named Taco. Taco would hump and breed anything in the cage from food dishes to grass piles. Well, summer came around as it often did and it got HOT and midwest humid so my mom put frozen water bottles in the cage. Well, Taco bred that too. Later we found him in his cage avoiding his scary frozen girlfriend leaving us to believe he may have frozen his business parts and given himself an unnecessarily hard time (in the heat, no less). Why his bunny brain felt it necessary to give him self a chilly willy is still beyond me, but teenage me found it hilarious.