rachels.haven's Journal

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
Please don't let anyone try to muzzle her, first they are hard to fit a muzzle,
secondly your girl could feel their fear , and if I had a fearfull person trying to stick me, they would get more than a soft mouth on them.
It makes perfect sense that Bailey felt sick after that trip and the chemicals they put into her. ....
Mel doesn’t Always come when he is called..unless it's important, he knows by my tone of voice and they ARE independent thinkers :love
Sounds like you may want a vet that is familiar with the breed, if Bailey has no problems with you grooming her and cutting her nails than I would say you have gained alot of trust from her in a short amount of time. Finding the right vet depends on where you live, we are in very rual farm country where LGD'S are as common as hunting dogs.......:) best of luck to you and :hugs to Bailey.......and you too:)


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
I did hate it how they kept poking her because THEY were uncertain and afraid. That was miserable for her. I think I can go ahead and start looking for another vet toward Townsend that is specifically used to LGD's, out where things are more going towards being rural without being isolated and remote yet. I have until wednesday when they scheduled another blood draw attempt. This vet's main virtue is a short car ride. So far we haven't taken her by car any farther than about 10 minutes, so they fit the bill. I guess I was taking for granted that they had decent animal handling skills. This dog likes EVERYONE (at first, I'm assuming?) including them until they made something painful take too long.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Our Trip smiles at everyone. I swear, that dog smiles! He likes everybody. But—-when we took him to be neutered, the staff wouldn’t bring him out to us. They were scared of him. They said he tried to bite them. He was in a kennel with a sign in big letters. BITES! I don’t know what happened, but at least he can only loose his nuts once.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Lol, Bailey knows come now. She's quite smart. Not sure she'll come 100% of the time, but I'm sure she'll do good enough. She sure came from all over the yard and the pen tonight. I could probably teach her a lot of parlor tricks from my animal shelter training days, she's extremely biddable and excited to play any new fun game, but I don't think parlor tricks are necessary unless she'll enjoy it and one day I have time and some spare chicken or hotdog at the same time.

Yes, she is an independent thinker, but she lOOOOVES everything especially if it involves me, kids, and DH (and CHICKEN). We will be reviewing/reconditioning often. Daily preferably, since that's really the only command I care about at the moment.

More nails were clipped until she decided to try to swallow the clippers as they were troublesome (she didn't take them from me, she just engulfed them in her mouth to see what I'd do). I quit because I didn't want to cut her tongue or lips, and gave her a little scold. We'll have another session when she's calm and not all jazzed up from recalling from all over the yard. Nail clippers are not gummable.

Avalon the Nigerian is due September 6th. This doe I wouldn't mind building my herd on. She is overheight, but milks like a dream and is a people doe. She takes meds and shots like they are nothing. Prefreshening while she was over full to hardness and leaking milk all over the place down her legs I was milking her and she was making around 2 cups per milking (then her production slowed down, she stopped being so tight so I stopped and now it's colostrum again, thank goodness). Her dam peaks at half a gallon a day, so I am excited. I told her that if she has a bunch of does that she could take over the herd and potentially become herd queen. She has a butter udder and long, wide teets, so I'd love her daughters to stay. She closed her eyes and looked like she's got a plan. I wonder what she'll have?


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
@B&B Happy goats , still no sign of the coyote. He's been harassing the other goat owner across the woods from me. I think 122 pounds of dog might be a bit much for him. She did bark this morning. That would be the second time I've heard her voice, but it may have been at a car accident or the clean up crew out on the main road at about 5:30 am. We get a lot of accidents(people keep hitting giant trees on the side of our winding road that the people of our city are somehow smitten by and could never remove, therefore they keep hitting them, taking bumper chunks out of the trunks...sigh...*I will be nice*). By the time I got out she was laying down by the fence watching the woods towards the road and she came over to ask for approval like she does when she finds food in the house. I told her she was good.

Put shortly, It could have been a coyote, or it could have been an accident clean up crew. For the record, the goats WERE hiding in the barn.

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
@B&B Happy goats , still no sign of the coyote. He's been harassing the other goat owner across the woods from me. I think 122 pounds of dog might be a bit much for him. She did bark this morning. That would be the second time I've heard her voice, but it may have been at a car accident or the clean up crew out on the main road at about 5:30 am. We get a lot of accidents(people keep hitting giant trees on the side of our winding road that the people of our city are somehow smitten by and could never remove, therefore they keep hitting them, taking bumper chunks out of the trunks...sigh...*I will be nice*). By the time I got out she was laying down by the fence watching the woods towards the road and she came over to ask for approval like she does when she finds food in the house. I told her she was good.

Put shortly, It could have been a coyote, or it could have been an accident clean up crew. For the record, the goats WERE hiding in the barn.

Awesome girl Bailey :highfive:....no matter what it was she was on alert and protecting her family ....sooooo happy she is working out for you :thumbsup