rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
@Bruce I bet your family could handle a LDG if you could find one that never barks like ours. Apparently they exist. They do lots of peeing and pooing, which I guess works for repelling things because it seems to be working here.

Dog was looking depressed and we wanted to go walk a trail so we took her to "The (town where we live) Place", an off leash trail on forestry land open to the public that used to be a horse farm. I put on a long lead because I wanted my dog back when we were done. Bailey met lots of dogs and became undepressed fairly quickly. She also jumped in the nashua river and drank half of it while swimming around, then tried to catch up with a whippet mix puppy with the help of a rat/chihuahua terrier she met and hit it off with. They couldn't get him, and he literally kept running circles around them, so I guess they all enjoyed themselves. After all that she almost couldn't get in the car and was too tired to get out of the car when we got home, so I cut all her nails before dragging all 120 lbs of her out, and put her in the goat pen where she drank more water then deflated into the dirt for what will probably be a long power nap.

The walk only got hairy when a lady came down the trail with two off leash pit bulls that went after my kids (the kids jumped in the water and lady was able to grab her dogs before they jumped off the bank barking and snarling). I don't like pits. Bailey caused no issues, but I think she was well on the road to over doing it by the that happened so she didn't have much fire left to protect them. She doesn't appear to have a lot of endurance, but all in all that walk went really well.

My kids want to find a place without all the dogs to get in the water (although they said to go fishing, but I doubt that because I know them). It was nice and clear and there were plenty of visible panfish. My youngest said he saw a shark, but I doubt that too.

Good dog day. I have cute pictures of baby goats running their already crazy mom around, but those are on the phone and not this laptop. I think Avalon is losing her mind from the isolation and always looking for all three of her kids. I feel for you, Ava.

I also introduced the dog to the goat kids, but Bailey kept trying to herd them back to their mom, and their mom kept trying to get them away from Bailey and they weren't being cooperative to anyone for so for the sake of everyone's stress level we went ahead and took the dog for that walk.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
If he follows Bailey's lead there may be no barking. I'd like a little though. It might keep the coyotes at bay without altercation when they start packing up on the hill and screaming at each other all night long. Mom and dad weren't barky though.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Bailey was guarding in the pen towards the road again. She also keeps trying to make holes, but gives up at about this size. Darn rocks.

She might like cars too much now.

She was very pleased with herself here and attempted to sit on the seat.

She's had the runs since she got here and this morning I think I finally figured it out. When I alfalfa pellet the does, she claims one of the buckets and eats her fill first. Makes no sense considering her full dog dish is right there...I may stop the pellet feeding in the barn run, I guess.

On a different note, Avalon is looking very dairy lately. She's empty here. it has come to my attention that she is a self nurser, so teat tape might be in order when I separate for milk. Silly goat. She is still lovely to milk. We have begun training.
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