I try to disbud by 10 days. If they are tiny baby does they might get an extra couple of days. Some of those itty bitty ones you can't even feel the horn bud....but you don't want to wait too long. It gets harder on everyone if you do.
I'd check 'em every day...it's amazing how fast they can change. You can shave their little heads and keep a close eye on 'em - but if not, it's easy enough to feel 'em.
What @frustratedearthmother said. Not sure what size tip you are using but if the tip is larger and buds real small then you may go around the outside of the entire bud and it has no effect.
No daytimes sightings yet, although last night I heard coyotes howling and the dog barking through my dreams. Someone nearby has been shooting at night a lot.
Disbudded doelings. 2 had round wedged buds coming up and one didn't, so two got white rings and decapped and the other got copper rings and if any new growth happens she will be redone. Aw man, I hate disbudding. I don't want pointy dairy horns. They aren't like meat horns. Avalon's breeder had a few horned goats and the horned goats would flip and throw babies and really beat on the unhorned ones and each other. So for the peace, NO HORNS. Also horned goats sell for almost nothing and any time I have to sell anything for chicken scratch I always wonder how things will go for them as "discount" animals.