rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Wow, those are multimillion dollar properties up where we're stuck looking. And I can't find normal houses like that. It's all giant box McMansion houses built to maximize resale value rather than practicality and heating/cooling/cleaning efficiency. And at those prices we could dig our way out of a mortgage fairly quickly...if DH still had a job rather than paying off a McMansion we don't like (ooo, sorry McMansion lovers)
yeah, we've been talking about all the options. It's so nice to see the houses that I like still exist. CLEARLY DH needs to work remote. I doubt they'll budge unless he comes in with another offer or threatens to quit (and even then maybe not).


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I looked and looked and looked for a place. I wanted either Houston County ( not Houston the city) or Trinity County. I wanted an old farmhouse to redo. But they are gone, abandoned, left to rot and cave in. A McMansion built in its place, 5 acres and a big price tag, for me at least. I wanted land, pasture for my sheep. Land came first on my list, house was second.

I found my 25 acres, with a double wide. I really didn’t want another mobile home, but I got one. I need a T-shirt with Double Wide Diva in sparkly letters. The good thing is taxes on a double wide go down as they depreciate. Ag exempt, homestead, and Senior citizen, my taxes for the year are under $400. Trinity County doesn’t have much in it. It’s 20-25 miles to grocery shop or anything else for that matter. Very rural. Sheriff is awesome, has a FB page and puts it all out there.

His videos are screaming funny. Methy 911 Call is one of my favorites. Hey, I live down a dirt road in the middle of nowhere, I’m easily amused.

It’s time for your husband to saddle up a new horse and ride somewhere he wants to go.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Maybe he should apply to Zillow like @murphysranch suggested.
Without getting too far into it the reason he's hesitant to do that is that the role he isn't over qualified for that they're hiring to fill is for AI to take other programmers jobs. That's not his specialty, he's not sure it's eithical, and he doesn't think AI will be a long term sticking around kind of thing so he's uncomfortable taking that risk. Plus, he's always hated machine learning-feels like it's kind of a quack science and AI is kind of like sloppy machine learning but out of control. He slept on the postings and has kind of dismissed the idea. He doesn't want to replace people like Murphy's Ranch's daughter (who will do better work than AI, and the various corporates and big wigs don't want to hear that because AI has a lower salary.)

He might be getting serious about looking a new jobs soon. Programming industry is a mess right now with the corporate "scruffing" of employees that happening last year and continuing into this and AI supposedly here to answer all of your employers' needs without you (but really badly) but he's considering it. We don't really want a million dollar property and mortgage or to give up everything. Million dollar houses have million dollar problems and we much prefer normal ones.

Funny, programmers salaries could be lower of the office was located in less expensive areas or if everyone could work mostly remote. Cost of living would be less. Companies are making their own problems.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Companies or at least their CEOs have gone over the edge. I have quit my beloved Tractor Supply. TSC has a CEO that has “gone woke”. TSC has fully embraced DEI. Diversity, Equality and Inclusion. Sounds good until you really study it. It does not include white males or Christians. DEI believes all white people are racists because they are white. I am offended by this. I am white and a Christian. I will not give my money to a company that hates me. I’m voting with my feet and they are taking me to other businesses.

I believe ALL people should be treated equally and with respect. I don’t care if a person is white, black, purple or plaid, I just don’t care. I don’t care if a person is gay or straight, religious or not, all that matters is just being a good person.

Goodbye TSC. By elevating everyone else, you are discriminating against me. How did that go for Budweiser?

Sorry for the rant.


Herd Master
Jan 13, 2010
Reaction score
Southern Washington State

Diana OHaver is my DD. You'll see she reposted the above link for somewhere in PA. Altho it is on site and four months old. But gives ideas and possible links.

Edited to add: I know BYH is not an employment site. We all care about each other. By networking, this is how one finds a job nowadays.
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