rachels.haven's Journal


True BYH Addict
Sep 20, 2024
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Eastern NC
It's $20 for a year I guess to get rid of ads or 6 mo for $12. Up here when you click on your name there's an "account upgrades" option. It took me a while to find it! They used to sort of push it a little. Now you've got to look.
View attachment 113953
I signed up, don't know if it upgraded yet.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Did you finally get the other house sold? I remember reading that there was a contract... finally, just after thwarting the 2nd round of squatters.... but cannot remember if it finally went through...
Nice truck.... think it will do good for you and the family.
We're under contract. All the things are inspected and passed. We've finally convinced them we really are just selling a super nice house and property for probably less than we should be. We accepted the sale being contingent on their house selling in the offer (but we also accepted a backup offer). Closing is supposed to be something like the 21st of January, hence being allowed to buy a truck that came up. We know we probably aren't going to be stuck paying two mortgages for years now with two offers accepted and lined up. Now the backup offer is for more than the actual offer, but what can you do? 🤷‍♀️ the guy didn't come forward until after things were accepted.
Once I can get the truck inspected and the trailer tagged if I had to I could move a decent chunk of my herd all at once. Always good when the employer is trying to force people to quit by cutting insurance benefits hard and by forcing people who were hired to be on remote teams (also us) to come in every week day. They will also probably start counting in office hours soon, which won't work for us. In addition to the really long subway commute Mark works during, they just put Mark on a new team, and they decided to base them out of Nashville and idk how that will work. Cheaper-office is not to code due to at least not enough bathrooms, they don't supply tp on a regular basis (spouse says he pities the women), find your own parking, very few desks provided, none assigned to anyone and even fewer work stations that WORK, and Nashville's business district is creepy and empty even compared to Detroit because it's really just a party town...). His employer is acting like they can replace everyone with AI and they can't yet...or possibly ever because that's not the way it works*. And all the big tech companies are doing this at the same time so things are going to rock and change in the tech world in general, which will trickle down and effect everyone in some way. At the very least the internet is probably going to get stupid for a while and full of misinformation. Hope it doesn't lose relevance/usability and basically go away like they did to FB. Hope at least Google maps stays okay...

( *Ai just recycles code/data from the library of what humanity has already written and tries to mix and average all the instances up and make it fit what you're asking of it- that's ALL AI is. It's a huge data library averager. If they need new stuff, which they usually do, it's got to be made by a human, just like always. And the humans can copy paste and reuse libraries and code themselves and employer does not even have to buy an AI service to do it...and it works better because things usually have to be customized to fit the usage and stomp out bugs anyway.

Oh well, getting off early morning soap box now...so, so, so sick of the instability in the tech industry. So sick of it. Too much moving...).


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I’ve read where AI centers use more electricity than a small to mid size town! The grid doesn’t produce enough energy now, so who will win this fight? Sorry people who are freezing to death because the AI internet took all your electricity, burn your furniture for heat!

Is there anything else your husband could do? He’s getting jerked around, but I guess other tech people are too.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
That bit about the electric part is true as far as how much they use. Here they are trying to run new giant power lines for the data centers by seizing farmland from farmers via imminent domain.

I can not convince DH to do anything else. He'll take the instability+poor treatment for the pay+stock they are still giving him...for now (next year it gets slashed, surprise, surprise). Plus, it's all he's ever known. He fixed a recruiters accidental code mistakes at a job fair. Since then he's been an intern or working for his company. He's got a good boss too, but it's a good boss that's getting the same treatment he is (and might consequently be leaving if he can find a job).
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