rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
I'm from way back in the day when computers were the size of buildings, paper tape, punch cards, mag tape, disc packs etc.
Back then there was talk about AI -- pie in the sky stuff from the nerd types. All of us were fixing ancient code and improving it and making it run faster (speed of execution was really important back then -- the dawn of computers doing the telephone switching {first was the operator with cords/plugs, then mechanical stepper systems, then computer).
At any rate I kept saying Why? and more over "Don't you'll write yourself out of a job". Well they obviously didn't listen to little old me.
What is truly scary is the programming since my day has deteriorated into a 💩-storm soup. Bandaid fixes on top of poorly written code a mile high and climbing. Enter AI with that foundation and God only knows what will happen when it all blows up.

While I'm on the oh no don't do it predictions -- don't get me started on the spay and neuter everything crowd. Veterinarians - can't you see that once everything is spayed an neutered you'll be out of a job? It's taken 50 yrs to get to the beginning of AI sooo 50 yrs or so on the spay neuter everything - ( oh and hey Purina and all no more cat/dog food needed either) I won't be around that long to see it.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
@Finnie I feel for your son. Your boss and the protection they give their team is everything. If they don't offer it and leave you out in the cold the company will destroy you. DH's boss is great, but they're not telling him much and he's under the same gun (also with an angry wife, reportedly, lol). If things were better I'd offer to get your son's resume looked at. They're not though. Keep out for the next little while if at all possible.
@Baymule has hit the nail on the head about AI. There is no "animus" to AI-no spirit/soul. It's just human data soup and we tell it what to do with it.
I can tell @SageHill is a programmer. DH fights the poop soup every day trying to get people both over and under him to build code that is both robust and scalable. His personal projects he loves to write so pieces can be switched in and out and added without causing waves. But it's "Don't let perfection be the enemy of progress" at work. Lol, "progress" that DH will be redoing as it collapses later to save the team and everyone's bacon. Those are the people he's supposed to be getting promoted to join.

and yep, @Mini Horses DH is a little annoyed. They want him to travel there to work on this team they invented frequently after his boss told him to get here.

But we're stable right NOW. KNOCK ON WOOD. Winter is coming this weekend.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Oh my dear. FB is blowing up with local people running around like chickens with their heads cut off and the fire department is pleading with people to stay home TODAY. We got less than an inch of snow and the roads have blown clear and are dry. Bad snow doesn't come until Sunday night. People are weather weenies here. Mean weather weenies. Lol.

I'm a little concerned because local govt is demanding people take pets inside when it gets below freezing and some govt orgs are trying to extend that to livestock (that's not what the law says!), but DH thinks we'll be fine. We're ready for this. We've done weather like this many, many times, every year.

I did something uncharacteristic today. I decided to buy a refurbished cast iron dutch oven and pan on Etsy to add to my lodge staples. The Dutch oven is circa the 1800's and the pan is supposed to be pre 1924, both based on pan markings, and neither are cracked. They should both be functional, so I'm a little excited.

With my normal cast iron I've begun cooking on the grill or my induction hot plate that I usually reserve for travel because the "fully functional" "new in the last two years" (probably very used) stove we inherited with the house has a grand total of two working burners out of 5 (but it sure looks fancy!) and by "working" I mean they take forever to heat up and then when they do heat up they're stuck on burn everything into a cinder high no matter what you turn the dial to. No amount of stirring can protect your Christmas fudge from this. And the oven acts weird too. :( Maybe after inspecting and getting plates for the new truck DH could help me get a new stove (and fridge, that's weird too). New pans will NOT go on that stove. I can maintain more consistent heat better on the charcoal grill.

...And as I type this, I'm like, OH maybe that's why I've had a mental barrier against cooking here. Funny.

* * Plodding onward. * *


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
when it gets below freezing and some govt orgs are trying to extend that to livestock
There's been a lot of pushing of that agenda -- started before covid - I think it lost momentum, but looks like it's coming back <GRRRR> and there's also a limit on heat. I ~think I remember 80 being the point at which ALL animals must be in AC. Yeah - right.


True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
Reaction score
Eastern NC
Oh my dear. FB is blowing up with local people running around like chickens with their heads cut off and the fire department is pleading with people to stay home TODAY. We got less than an inch of snow and the roads have blown clear and are dry. Bad snow doesn't come until Sunday night. People are weather weenies here. Mean weather weenies. Lol.

I'm a little concerned because local govt is demanding people take pets inside when it gets below freezing and some govt orgs are trying to extend that to livestock (that's not what the law says!), but DH thinks we'll be fine. We're ready for this. We've done weather like this many, many times, every year.

I did something uncharacteristic today. I decided to buy a refurbished cast iron dutch oven and pan on Etsy to add to my lodge staples. The Dutch oven is circa the 1800's and the pan is supposed to be pre 1924, both based on pan markings, and neither are cracked. They should both be functional, so I'm a little excited.

With my normal cast iron I've begun cooking on the grill or my induction hot plate that I usually reserve for travel because the "fully functional" "new in the last two years" (probably very used) stove we inherited with the house has a grand total of two working burners out of 5 (but it sure looks fancy!) and by "working" I mean they take forever to heat up and then when they do heat up they're stuck on burn everything into a cinder high no matter what you turn the dial to. No amount of stirring can protect your Christmas fudge from this. And the oven acts weird too. :( Maybe after inspecting and getting plates for the new truck DH could help me get a new stove (and fridge, that's weird too). New pans will NOT go on that stove. I can maintain more consistent heat better on the charcoal grill.

...And as I type this, I'm like, OH maybe that's why I've had a mental barrier against cooking here. Funny.

* * Plodding onward. * *
Is it an electric stove? You can buy replacement burners.


True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
Reaction score
Eastern NC
There's been a lot of pushing of that agenda -- started before covid - I think it lost momentum, but looks like it's coming back <GRRRR> and there's also a limit on heat. I ~think I remember 80 being the point at which ALL animals must be in AC. Yeah - right.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Toss it and get a new one. Bummer

Cast iron cookware! I love mine!
Here’s a biscuit recipe for cooking in your Dutch oven.

3/4 cup self rising flour
1/2 cup heavy cream

Stir until dough forms. Roll into 4 balls. Melt butter in ( I use a small skillet) roll dough balls in melted butter, flatten them a little. I bake at 375 for about 10 minutes. You will have to play with it a little in your Dutch oven.

For your family, just increase the measured amounts.