Herd Master
Strange things happen. By the time you have been doing this for years, it seems you experience most everything at least once. Such a shame about the kid.
Absolutely. The sire, Pete, his dam (and sire technically) someone special in the lamancha world, and so im hording all my Pete kids. Pete's dam is also not taking anymore so...Are you going to keep any?
What is unreal is the test for bird flu isn't foolproof, and if they get one bird to test positive, they will kill your entire flock.Bucks are negative, ND doe is still positive. Yay for the new bucks! (I guess). I guess I'll contact the poor dear's breeder.
They found bird flu in my county in a backyard flock and are now requiring all flock owners state wide to register their flocks with the state so they can come and test your birds and depopulate them if they test positive to protect the broiler/layer industry. I have birds on order but...I don't want the state up in my business. I had enough of that in Mass. I'm thinking about going birdless, but store bought eggs are so sulfur-y and taste and look weeks old already. I've got a month to decide.
They are also requiring all milking herds of cows, goats, sheep to test similarly. It's unclear if it's just the ones that sell milk or not. Knowing the state they may want all. Not really interested in that.