rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Another 5 days until she is officially late. 5 months and 5 days.
I hate it when they go to day 158, and it's looking like she wants to. It usually means a giant single I get to figure out how to get out without too much tearing. Maybe I should have her do jumping jacks.

Earlier Shaun (still 4) made a trail of animal crackers from the stand to the barn door for the goats and they missed some of them. So I got milk room company. The darned barn cats won't take care of this one for me.
Worm tailed rat-cats smell like mildew. Pretty sure it's female because the boars smell worse... musky. And they have an attitude and have junk in their trunk.
milk room possum.jpg

closer milk room possum.jpg

I fed it more cookies (possums freeze, right? so you can put them next to its hands and then it ate them between milking string changes) and after I milked all the goats it left and I don't think I've seen it since.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Hopefully it wont cause me trouble. I've always been able to just corner and catch those and put them in a bucket to get them out if the barn if they wont leave by themselves, but they won't mess with chickens in electric net so I've never had an issue with them causing losses before. I think this one was living under the house garden shed and had just come out. Im just glad Riker hasn't taken it under his big dumb wing this time.

Hope, last mini saanen, only one that I bred, has hit the kidding stall.





Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
I hate it when they go to day 158, and it's looking like she wants to. It usually means a giant single I get to figure out how to get out without too much tearing. Maybe I should have her do jumping jacks.

Earlier Shaun (still 4) made a trail of animal crackers from the stand to the barn door for the goats and they missed some of them. So I got milk room company. The darned barn cats won't take care of this one for me.
Worm tailed rat-cats smell like mildew. Pretty sure it's female because the boars smell worse... musky. And they have an attitude and have junk in their trunk.
View attachment 116077
View attachment 116078
I fed it more cookies (possums freeze, right? so you can put them next to its hands and then it ate them between milking string changes) and after I milked all the goats it left and I don't think I've seen it since.
Worm-tailed-rat-cats 🤣🤣😅🤣😂😂🤣😅


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Buck/buck twins for Hope sired by her father (both mini lamancha bucks were too wild to catch at the time, Beaul's pedigree was dysfunctional and he was failing to settle does at the time, which at the time left only her dad). One cream and one. Normal bite, no extra teats, I'm waiting to see if they unfold to have nice straight backs because they seem a little extra folded than normal. I can rule out some things Oberon probably isn't carrying.
Ultimately these will be sold meat cabrito kids, but Hope's udder is AMAZING. Idk what I'm going to do with her, but she may be staying as a guilty pleasure milk maker. Its so nice to have a mini saanen freshen with a medical glove texture udder that milks down to nothing vs the thick leather glove texture I got with the other does. And she had a half gallon of colostrum in that high rear and extended foreudder as a ff with not a leak in sight. Her hocking in is a lot less without a big baby belly in front of her knees (in additon to her fat...because like a lot if us out there Hope tries to run heavy).


Herd Master
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
Reaction score
Eastern NC
Buck/buck twins for Hope sired by her father (both mini lamancha bucks were too wild to catch at the time, Beaul's pedigree was dysfunctional and he was failing to settle does at the time, which at the time left only her dad). One cream and one. Normal bite, no extra teats, I'm waiting to see if they unfold to have nice straight backs because they seem a little extra folded than normal. I can rule out some things Oberon probably isn't carrying.
Ultimately these will be sold meat cabrito kids, but Hope's udder is AMAZING. Idk what I'm going to do with her, but she may be staying as a guilty pleasure milk maker. Its so nice to have a mini saanen freshen with a medical glove texture udder that milks down to nothing vs the thick leather glove texture I got with the other does. And she had a half gallon of colostrum in that high rear and extended foreudder as a ff with not a leak in sight. Her hocking in is a lot less without a big baby belly in front of her knees (in additon to her fat...because like a lot if us out there Hope tries to run heavy).
Baby pictures?!