Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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The puppies are mini dachshunds... The one for my son is a dappled and white and the one I hope grandma takes is a little black and tan. I am such a sucker for punishment! :th

So since the boys were down and we had a birthday potluck at work this week, my diet has been pretty off the whole week... but despite all the "cheat" meals, I am still down a few more lbs! 23 total counting from the start of the year. I don't do the real diet thing so I am just trying to make better decisions one meal at a time. If one meal isn't a better portion or food choice, I don't beat myself up, just try a little harder the next meal. And last week, I did a bit of a detox because I wasn't actually hungry in the evenings, so I just drank a 2 quart pitcher of chlorophyll water every evening. My skin broke out a bit, but that is to be expected. I am feeling so much better... I think the sadness of being in a marriage that wasn't right for me added a lot of psychological weight and that added to my poor decisions and lack of commitment to taking care of myself. On the road to recovery! :thumbsup


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
When I was growing up, we had a female black/tan named Heidi. She weighed 5-8lbs and lived to be 12 yrs old....she was a hoot and while I was at home she slept with me and followed me throughout the house. Some though have a bit of a mean streak and can be demanding. Glad things are getting better for ya....my first marriage ended after 21yrs too....so, I can totally relate.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
Your diet is the best kind @ragdollcatlady ! The other kinds usually end up with rebound weight gain. As @CntryBoy777 said elsewhere and in another context "You can't fool mother nature". Stick with the variety of healthy foods that you like, treats now and then. You'll get where you want to be.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks guys!

Feeling better seems to help too. I was hungry today at noon. But what I thought I wanted was pretty heavy... after I already had a little bit of cheesecake and yogurt for breakfast.... so I picked some high fiber seeds to chew on while I did something else... then I stepped on the scale to remind myself that I am trying to make good choices... do I want to stay at this the same number and have no guilt for the stuff I already ate??? Yes, then pick something lighter and I can eat the other stuff later...I asked myself at that point if I still actually felt hungry, but I didn't. So I drank some water and waited instead.

Ended up having a slice of pizza with my girlfriend a few hours later as I found out she wan't feeling well. I am going to miss her terribly when she moves. So I dropped the rest of the chores for a playdate with her and the kid.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks! @Bruce :thumbsup

On a different subject, and backing up a bit... my husband actually moved out (he lives a couple hours away) over a year ago, some difficult conversations later, and a few months ago, I finally just put into words that I am not settling for less than a divorce, as I deserve much better.... fast forward to the last few weeks, a couple of friends started gently teasing me a bit about signing up for a dating website.... so I tried it. The problem is,they want to "help me" and the keep trying to "like" and "flirt" with everyone on there!!!! Apparently they have a little wider definition of what they find attractive... The other night though, I was looking at one profile and apparently I really liked what I saw, so much that I said something about 'well that is a beautiful face to look at!' but I said it out loud and made myself and my kid jump! :lol: It was so funny and out of character for me, so I actually emailed him and let him know! I swear, I can't take me anywhere! Just laughing at myself over here.:gig Ohhhh but he is really pretty dreamy!!! He has kind eyes and a GREAT smile... did I mention that I liked what I saw! LOL!..... Oh well. I can dream right? He lives several states away and who knows if this online dating stuff really works anyways....:hu
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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Long distance relationships can work (at least for a time). My 2nd marriage was to a woman from 6226 miles away. I lived in Colorado and met/married a woman from Stavropol, Russia. I "imported" her here after meeting her in Moscow and spending a week with her in Saint Petersburg. Was one heck of a trip, but the cultural differences turned out to be too great. Hope you find success! :thumbsup


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks for the encouragement! :D =D

Have I mentioned lately, that my life likes to literally fall apart on me every time I turn around? I got a call at work from a few neighbors saying that "Big Ugly" was trying to play in traffic, but thankfully noone wanted to play cause I think she would have won!.... She is the monster, dual trunked pine tree that sits a the end of my driveway. One of her trunks broke almost the whole way down. Thankfully noone was hurt, human, animal or vehicle. Now she looks so terribly sad. And lopsided. The road crews cleared the street and now I have 2 giant piles of dead Big Ugly I imagine I have to figure out what to do with. It is totally blocking my driveway and some wires/lines that were secured actually onto her branches, are loose and hanging. I hope the sheriffs called whomever owns those lines to let them know about the problem. I was never able to find out who owned them, but they aren't the regular electric lines, as those come from across the street and have real poles holding them up. Did I mention my life is falling apart???? Like actually falling apart!.. just when I start to think I might make it..... :th
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Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Well, if ya were around here I'd tell ya to build a fire and roast ya some weiners and marshmallows....but, seeing that ya are in the country of California that wouldn't go over very well....especially with those fires raging out that way. Pine isn't good to burn indoors either....it pops and emits sparks. May be ya could cut it into chunks and place them where the goats can use them as climbing blocks....but, in not knowi g just what the definition of "Big" is, it is hard to think of things to do with it. I know some of those trees out that way are pretty sizeable and gigantic....and I'm not thinking redwoods either, I drive a truck and saw them first hand. I sure wouldn't take it as an "Omen", for sure.....tho, ya speak of it as something ya admired, but with that name it is difficult to tell. As far as the computer stuff goes....I'm definitely "Old School" and I know I couldn't do it, but just be careful cause there are plenty of liars out in "Computer Land" today....:duc
Tho it seems others have a different way of thinking than me, so just think with your head and not your heart, desire, and wishes. Just be patient and things will work out and present themselves to ya.....:)