Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Truth be told, I love Big Ugly. :loveShe is Big and Ugly and you can't miss my house cause once you see her, you know what I meant when I say the big ugly tree. She does earn her keep as she is huge and she shades half my property in the morning to about noon. I just don't like pine type trees and she is a double wide so thats double the pine needles. I would feed them all to the goats, but it is right along the road so I know she gets some of the sprays and all of the road dust. I used to say that we didn't need a christmas tree, just put lights up in Big Ugly and if she burns down, well, I wouldnt be sad... but I would have cause she the sentry at the end of the drive, defender of our little patch of weeds.

A campfire from her would burn for days. I wont be able to move many of the larger chunks at all.

I mentioned to a coworker that now that I have a McDreamy, I should just make a poster and I can daydream and fawn over the poster like we used to do for our favorite movie stars back when we were in junior high! :lol:


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I just sold Bries buck kid! Yeah!!:weee

As of right now, everyone that I wanted to sell is sold. :)

I am going to drop off the last boer kid and pick up our puppies next weekend and I will drive grandma to a cousins wedding. She doesnt want to stay for more than the ceremony so they were going to send her home in an Uber, but it is a 2 to 2 1/2 hour ride one way.... I am already driving up friday so I will just drive her there, drop her off and find a starbucks. She bought me a new laptop the last time I was visiting her so I will have that and the puppies to keep me entertained for the hour or so. Then we can spend the trip there and back visiting in the car. :thumbsup


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
So I went to Ulta with my girlfriend (basically a make up store with thousands of items for your face....) and they helped me pick out 2 kinds of foundation and a bronzer.... If you don't know what those are, its Ok cause I don't either. :idunno But I was told to just paint it on everywhere. I tried it for work today and I guess it looked good. Now I gotta figure out the whole eye make up stuff. Apparently to get my girl card, these kinds of things are required. I think I had one in highschool, but I musta lost it cause I don't remember how to do all this face painting stuff anymore. It is kind of fun though.... and I do feel more feminine.... So if everyone else likes it, maybe I'll try it more often. :D =D

I called up a friend I haven't seen for awhile and we met for coffee and shared some really deep stuff. Feels good to finally get some of the really painful stuff out... and I am so fortunate to have friends that really care, and that I love enough about to want to share their burdens as well. They are so worth the time and effort. I am really feeling thankful for good friends.:love One friend is going through some medical stuff and in pain right now, so I am exercising my prayer muscles for her as well. :fl


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Oh yeah ....so remember when I didn't make any money selling goats cause I gave them away way too often this year??? :thWell the young lady that got 2 of them is showing this week and both of them took first place in their respective classes in the first show and they each took second in their age classes in the next!!! :weee Yeah!!! Go Patch of Weeds Goats! It was Reese and Swaggers doe kid and Little Italy and Champaques doe kid!!!:woot


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
These 2 are the showgirls



Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
I am glad that you are sorting out your life and having a little fun. Just remember "Farmer's Only.com" :) I really wish you lived closer, I think that we could be soul mates and we already share a last name so it would be pretty easy. But then maybe you will be changing names... We never have really explored our family trees to see if our DHs (well, your soon to be x DH) are somehow related...

It must be exciting to see your "girls" do well in the show ring. I think it is time for me to move Flash on out of here. I have quite a few of his daughters and it is time to move on. I have a polled buckling that I need to DNA test to see if he is an F2 mini Alpine or an F1 with Hercules as the sire. I am hoping for the later. He showed me his rump today and my does he have good width and polled makes it even better. If you know anyone looking for a nice nigi buck you can send them my way. Flash has given me some gorgeous kids but the boys do outgrow their usefulness. :(

Oh, and I never wear serious makeup. Mascara for dinner out now and then and eye shadow for a wedding...that about does it for me. Guess I don't get my girl card but pink is my color, does that count?

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
I think I've seen Teresa in makeup twice since we have been married and she has a Master Girl Card so I don't think paint makes much difference. :)

She has to get all made up in October for our daughters wedding and isn't looking forward to it.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
I for one never cared for much makeup on a woman, but knowing it is a woman's "Issue" I never say much about it. I prefer the natural beauty that the Creator gave them.....and much rather them wear blue jeans than a dress, but that is just my opinion. We all have to be comfortable with who we really are and not what society dictates. I kept telling ya your goats looked really Good....guess the "Proof is in the Pudding" tho....and official confirmation is much better than the word of one that knows nothing about the "Show World"....:)


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
@babsbag , for now I am keeping the last name. He never cared that I took it anyway, I think he actually preferred that I didn't, but my RVT license, drivers license, the mortgage, friends and neighbors... the whole world has know me with this last name for a very long time, so I don't suppose it matters much if I just keep it. Plus, I am not particularly attached to my maiden last name either. Oh but about our shared name... When I showed at my first and to date, only cat show, with Halo my first ragdoll, the assigned me a cage next to another wonderful couple with the same name assuming we were family. They had done alot of family history and they told me that there were 3 brothers that came this way directly from Spain and were responsible for all those with that last name that are now considered more or less native to this part of the world. That would explain XDHs lighter complexion and his insisting he is totally from here and not "from Galician Spain" as the name actually translates to!:D =D

But I think we might be soul sisters anyways... goat peeps are a whole different species of people!!! You gotta be stronger and more stubborn than your biggest, most obnoxious goat, sense of humor has to be fully intact and well used, and then you gotta really have heart.... these animals make you feel all the feels they can, just because they can!:old

I was thinking of changing my handle on here though... to match my name in other places..... any thoughts on that? :hu

About make up, I used to wear it when I was feeling really down, to cheer myself up, or when I just felt really good, because it does make me feel a little more polished. But the last many times I tried it, it was an attempt to look nicer for someone that didn't bother to look at me or take notice of me while he was actively noticing others... my heart and soul were never as lonely as when stuck in the confines of this marriage. He doesn't deserve me. Letting go feels good. I am not holding on to him or to feelings. Letting it all go. I feel as though a terrible weight is gone. I always choose to be happy, but there is really a freedom, a joy that is creeping back in. And peace. My life is always ridiculous... who else has trees that misbehave and throw their trunks into traffic?!?! I mean really! And stuff always seems to go wrong for me, but I have always been blessed despite the painful or trying times, and things could always be worse. I have been blessed with today and today I am choosing joy and happiness!:D