Glad that Rocky got a good home, hope he serves them well. He was my first bottle baby. I also have too many bucks...8. I have a polled mini Alpine buck from Hercules (FraGiLe) so do I want or need any more kids from him? Then am I staying with minis at all? So I two Alpine bucks and Jumanji is servicing the ladies quite well but let's see if he settles any of them before getting tharid of my big boy. And I have two LM bucks since I kept the preemie that was born here this Spring and I have actually bred him to a few does. I also have two mini Alpine bucks, one that I don't need for sure...need to put him up for sale. But then if I keep any kids from this year's minis then I will need a new mini buck for them. It sure gets complicated fast.
Rocky should be happy, he is going to a small herd of 3 boer does, so he will get to have all the fun. Hopefully all 3 girls I bred him to this year give us lots of options. I had admired Perfect Alibi for years before you offered me Rocky, so I am tickled that I get to have some of those genetics in Rockys girls. I have Ghost Ryder (she is huge, as big as her mom already) and Delilah and Auroarasaurus out of him. And whoever I get out of Strawberry Shortcake, Blueberry Melanie and Peach Bellini.
Gus went back to his breeder, she was over the moon to have him back. She is planning on hosting an LA this year, so i may try and get in on that.
So now I have 4 nigerian bucks, one nubian, and 2 boers. That seems reasonable. Mostly. 4 bucks for 8 girls is a little high..... but its better than it was.
Yesterday I helped one of our poultry friends butcher a couple of his chickens that he has been needing to process. Had a really nice visit talking chickens for 4 hours.
Picked up more duct tape so I can process more ducks.
Got a list a mile long of chores to do.... better get to it!
Thanks!!...I use the plastic feed bags with a corner cut out, I don't have any cones either. I didn't know if it was pin feathers, like waxing or something. I use duct tape quite fact, I use it to hang my mailbox on a Tpost....speaking of Redneck....