Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
As old as your tongue...and a little older than your teeth....:)
Really a very nice pic....ya are a very attractive young Lady.....:thumbsup


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Well that's just about spot on then, since I am 30 with 10 years of experience! ;)

And thanks for the compliments! :)

I took this one and a couple more pics for someone who was a little bit interested and had asked for a more complete pic. Nothing inappropriate (I would not have complied anyway if that was the case)and he was nice about the request, but not being too sure of myself, and incompetent at taking pics, it wasn't easy. This online dating stuff is difficult to navigate. A couple of guys have asked for my number to text, but I am not willing to give my number out to everyone and when I ask to get to know them a little better through the website first, they stop responding. :hu

Last night a little after 10, Red Kid, the boer wether I can't stand and can't wait to eat, managed to get himself tangled up in some fencing pretty good. He got his neck and a front leg twisted up in some field fencing that was pulled partially off the old wooden fence. Had to cut him loose. Thankfully DS3 was home and was able to come hold a light for me. I probably could have done it in the dark, but I was getting tripped up by the fencing as the kid was struggling, and screaming like he always does. Usually he has no reason. Hasn't been fed yet (but still on time), scream, just been fed (like 10 seconds ago), scream, thinks a thought scream, doesn't think of anything, maybe I ought to scream :th....... The boys are in an even smaller pen now, adjacent to some boer girls. I saw Blueberry Melanie reach through the fence and pull some fur pretty hard from one of the boys so they should probably stay away from her side. :old


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
A couple of guys have asked for my number to text, but I am not willing to give my number out to everyone and when I ask to get to know them a little better through the website first, they stop responding.
I'm thinking you don't want to continue with those types anyway! I don't know how I would deal with online dating. You might want to get a "throw away" phone for texting with people who aren't yet familiar enough to give out your real number but you think show promise. Though I think one problem with texting is that some people think you should respond to their texts within seconds of them being sent and think they are being blown off if that doesn't happen. Some things were easier when the only way to get ahold of someone was a landline home phone.

Sorry about the PITA goat, seems like you need a headlamp in case you need to work alone at night.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I agree with the whole texting generalization thing. I try and be clear if I do give out my number, that I work and do farm chores without my phone. No phone is a match for goats and water buckets anyway. My phone does get internet now, but it is still my country internet. Super slow. I am not always available for immediate response though I know alot of people are glued to their phones 24/7 these days.

This guy seemed pretty nice and complimented the pics. He did seem worried that he offended me with his comments....but I wasn't offended (they were funny and politely stating the obvious), I was just out feeding and hadn't responded right away.

And yeah, the ones that refuse to keep communicating through the site aren't worth the worry if they don't like it. Have to be as cautious as I can. I am the only one looking out for me in this wide world. I understand that some might think I have something to hide, not wanting contact directly yet, but it isn't that. I want to be sure I feel safe and comfortable, and that I actually might want to be friends with someone first. I like the "conversation", text, email, whatever, to feel like it is flowing naturally for the most part. I don't even give my cell out to people I meet in person very often. And if I think there might not really be enough in common, it isn't worth it.

One guy worked in sports, participated in sports and didn't appear to have anything about him that I might have something in common with (his pic wasn't exactly my thing either, but I was willing to see if we might have had more to talk about). So I let him know that I wasn't comfortable giving my number out yet (he asked almost immediately), but I would like to get to know him more through the site. I asked him a few questions to get started, but no response. Sometimes people that know me and love animals still have a hard time understanding my PASSION for my animals. True animal lovers have trouble sometimes. This particular guy hadn't mentioned animals or country life or what he might have liked about my profile, what he wanted, what he was like, and with the few thing I saw on his profile, I doubt there was a match anyways.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Have to be as cautious as I can. I am the only one looking out for me in this wide world.
Well, if we were closer, there are lots of us that would watch over our "ragdoll daughter" ;)

I don't know why someone who isn't interested in animals and country life would even bother to connect with someone that was all about animals. That would be like me choosing (or whatever you do on there) someone who is really into professional sports. I don't give a rat's @55 about professional sports, why would I want to spend time with someone that lives for every game and wants to talk about them when they aren't on? Do people just troll for a "pretty face" (either gender)?


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Well, if we were closer, there are lots of us that would watch over our "ragdoll daughter" ;)

LOL! Thanks! Y'all are the kind of friends I need! And yeah, not sure why anyone so into a completely different kind of lifestyle would want to talk to me anyway.

Here is what I posted about myself on my profile ..... so you can see that I definitely made sure animals and my family are a huge part of my life....

I am a country girl at heart, though I was born and raised in the 'big city'. I love living in my little old house, on my little patch of weeds, in my small town.

In my profession, I work with animals all day, every day. I am a cat person, but I LOVE my goats too! Raising my goats is my passion.

I love kids. I come from and always wanted a large family. I do have 4 of my own, young adults, just launching into the world. Family is extremely important to me.

I might mention that I don't usually wear makeup, my socks don't match and my hair is usually trying to make it's own rules despite trying to tame it for work. I regularly end up with alfalfa leaves in my hair from picking up hay on my lunch break. I love a good pair of jeans but skirts are nice too. I am a bit girly and feminine but I get down and dirty when I gotta, I'm washable. I like pink, my truck is a little girly truck, and I can butcher my own ducks and chickens.

PS.... I don't have a fancy cell phone and I use actual country internet, slow as molasses sometimes. I also use a computer for access. Thanks for understanding.