Or, she'll be THERE before she knows it... If you don't get a chance to stop in before you go, please relax and have a safe and FUN trip! You can provide us with a not so detailed report upon your return
The traveling went WAY better than I have ever traveled! Instead of feeling the need to vomit violently the whole way... I was able to rest most of the time, read a little and I only had a few minor nauseous episodes (besides the last 45 minutes into Alaska). I used the patches behind my ear and I think that might have had a huge impact in the overall difference in the sensation. Normally, even on very short flights, I feel the VV feelings and this time it was more of just a "motion" feeling. Probably what normal people feel when flying. I also used enough ginger candy, pieces, and tea to cause a run on ginger in my town... but who is counting???? I did get a little car sick once I was in Alaska, but all in all, travel was good! And very comfy in first class. I was in the very front so I had more room.
I was a little wobbly, that last 45 minutes on the flight took alot out of me, so I needed a few minutes to rebalance there in the airport... but it was fantastic seeing my handsome guy again!!! We did head to his favorite mexican food place before the local hockey game. I am not too big on sports, but I can do hockey. It was fun, we had a good time, our team lost it all in the last couple minutes of the game!!!
Apparently things between us got so hot, we actually set off the fire alarm in the hotel and everyone had to evacuate... Ok, Ok, Ok, it wasn't actually our fault, but the alarms really went off and we headed out, only to find out that it was popcorn that caused the midnight evacuation party in the hallways.... the fire department did show up, but we were already back in bed so I can't tell you if they got to eat the popcorn or not.
Did I mention my life is always like this??? Just another day in paradise! or my life!!! (McSteamy, that was your warning..... in case you weren't sure. )
The next day, we got haircuts, yep me too. Several inches off the bottom, just cause I had tons of split ends. I haven't trimmed my hair in maybe 5 years??? Someone likes bangs, so I now have those too.... buuuuutttt.... my hair is actually wavy, it is now twice as wild since it doesn't weigh so much anymore. And.... we went shopping!!!I hate shopping!But he was very patient and put up with repeat trips to the dressing rooms to try on jeans, lots of bras and camis. We actually found 4 bras that fit, 3 jeans and 3 camis. Since losing weight, my other jeans and bras didn't fit anymore, so he was nice enough to help outfit me with another set. I did wear the jeans he sent me too.... they fit now.
We stopped by Santas place, but apparently he is on vacation while they remodel.
I got to go Ice Fishing!!! I haven't really been ACTUAL fishing before so even just catching fish was new for me.
I caught 2 feeesheeees!!! One was 15 1/2 inches long, one was 13 inches. And then McSteamy tried to drown me down the ice hole!!! Nooooo..... I'm telling stories again... I slipped when helping shut down the pop up tent and almost drowned ... Ok, I didn't actually even get very wet... but I did slip. And there was a hole, and there was water and ice. And he was there, but nowhere near me... man!!! That story was way better the first time! All these little "tell the real story" modifications make it just boring! LOL! It was really fun and exciting... and maybe he was just a little irritated at being skunked by an inexperienced girl!... It sure is a good thing my pretty face distracts him really easily... He can't stay irritated at me too long. He did teach me how to clean them and then he was sweet enough to cook the fish for me.
This is me losing my license to walk in the snow. I have only really been TO California snow... You drive, trounce around in about 1 foot of cold hard stuff with clear sunny skies and then when you are cold, you go home. This snow was deep and soft and I fell down. More than once.
It snowed on Easter. REAL snow, falling from the sky kind of snow!!!! I have only seen snow falling a couple times, but not REAL snow that falls from the sky and then stays on the ground! I had alot of firsts on this trip. I drove in the snow, for like 10 seconds. I met just a couple of his friends, everyone was gone/busy for Easter... but I still think they are going to think Im just a figment of his imagination since I didnt meet very many people and now that I'm gone, how is he going to prove I was there? ....
I did give him a print out of the pic he went a little silly over.... Cause I think that was so sweet... and then once I was back home in california, he sent me a marco polo video using that picture, like a missing person plea to the public.... 'if you see this girl, please return her to me in Alaska'.... (That one almost made me cry!!!)
Despite losing my license to walk in the snow... I think I could do it. I think I could live there.
Thanks McSteamy for such a wonderful trip! I'll be back.....
What a wonderful story to read first thing in the morning! So happy for the both of you. You look so "natural" together! From the little I saw while in Alaska, you look like a native Love the trout pictures. Love fishing but much prefer to eat salt water fish over fresh water fish. You said he cooked them but never commented beyond that... Glad the travel sickness issue wasn't as bad as you had feared. Welcome back "home" (for now, as I see that status changing). I'm sure with a little more practice, you'll pass your "walking in snow" license exam.
Thanks everyone, it really was a wonderful trip. The fish was delicious, I LOVE fish!!! so I could really get used to that. I'm gonna eat fish tacos every week once I live there!!!!
I tried cooking while I was there... the Lasagne was OK, the first (sweet) sourdough came out fine, the next set needed longer to cook. I talked to my BFF about the cooking issues, she did say that in really cold environments and different altitudes (think Germany), things (especially yeast breads) cook differently, so I've got some learning to do.
Speaking of cooking, I made cinnamon rolls and 2 quiches yesterday. It was overcast and I LOVE cooking in that kind of weather, also love sitting on the porch watching the rain with big cup of coffee, beer or wine.... What can I say, I'm easy to please! Now if only there were thunder and lightening to go with the rain and shadiness....
I admit..... I did worry A LOT! But to be fair.... If y'all had ever suffered through sitting next to me on a flight in the past, you might never have flown again.
Yesterday Murgan had quads and today I personally delivered Pearls quads.... that makes 3 out of 5 Nigerians so far this year!!!I still have StinkerBelle, Calico Pony, and Clownie due...possibly Little Italy and Whoopsie too though im not positive on those last 2, they don't look like they took.
Pearls herd
And while I was waiting for Pearl..... Whoopsie was playing in the treefort