Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Just a quick update since I'm still on my phone. Laptop is not back from the repair shop yet.

StinkerBelle had quads!!! I didnt get the last one out in time :(, every last one was backwards and delivered that way, despite my efforts to get them turned around.:barnie but she gave me moonspotted, blue eyed girls to make up for the quad boys last year! :weee:love:love:love

Someone sent me a beautiful flower arrangement wishing me a happy anniversary and happy mother's day! I think he really likes me!!! And this feels incredible! :D =D

Today I finished my butterflies, they were cheap finds from the thrift store and flea market.... And here they have a new coat of paint and a little bit of glitter ....

And I rounded up almost all the kids school pics for the frames .... makes me miss them even more.


Happy Mothers Day everyone!


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
So we had our final kids born this year... twins from Calico Pony! :weee buck and doe.... he of course has moonspots over maybe 85 percent of his body.... I can not keep him, cannot keep him, cannot keep him, cannot keep him.... is it working yet???? Cause I still want to keep him!!!!:barnie and she is brown and white like a cow!!! :love I milked pony out, looks to have a little better udder than her mom, but just as easy to milk, and moderate sized nigi teats so that is good. This is her FF. She is really responsive to her kids too, so i like that, but the doe kid screams everytime i pick her up.... :th

And one of the littlest bottle kids moved next door to be spoiled by my neighbor! :)

After years of enjoying them vicariously over the fence, I had to let her have this little love bug. She does have 2 goats and 2 sheep over there so she will have company when she is big enough.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Hi Guys!!!!

Sorry its been so long. Just busy.

My Alaska came down again!!!:weee He helped me fix one part of my bathtub drain. It turns out, the metal stopper inside the pipe got stuck and that is what been blocking the water from draining. He figured out that the riding lawn mower is missing a battery.... and that would explain why it wont start :hide... the gas lines on the weedeater were crumbling to bits, so that wont start. The regular lawn mower now works and he mowed the weeds out front for me.... but then his hidden lobster genes apparently started to show through!!!:eek: He got burned soooo bad!!!:barnie I am a desert cat so I eventually adjust to the heat... I am looking for a book or advice on how to "properly care for my new white boy".... if anyone has advice besides a hat, long sleeves and a gallon of sunscreen, send it my way! This is my first time owning one of these charming creatures and I am afraid I am already making mistakes!! Lesson number 1: He will burn to a crisp in a very short time, keep covered and limit time in desert sun! OK got it. :p

We drove up to grandmas, and uncle Albert put him to work!!! My grandma is a rock farmer... she digs up the rocks elsewhere on her property and is making some beautiful gardens up near the house. She borders the flowerbeds and makes steps out of them. After she broke her hip, the Drs ordered her to stop moving the trees and digging out the rocks, so the family does the heavy lifting for her now and but she still arranges all the smaller ones and plays outside to her hearts content. Grandma loves him of course!

Here he is playing with her tractor

We also went to our local Thursday Night Market Place, the farmers market. We tried the "local famous" loaded baked potatoes and street corn, Pina Colada Pineapple slushie, and enjoyed the music and each others company of course! And we stopped in at the also "local famous" ice cream parlor and shared a really yummy chocolate shake. There are still a couple local things I want to introduce him too. I totally forgot about the flea market, :barnieit runs on Mondays so I never get to go and that is why I forgot about it. Oh well, maybe next time.:old

My ankle was bothering me from the previous week when I fixed the dog fence by myself, and he insisted we stop for an ace bandage. He then proceeded to wrap it for me.

He supervised me changing the oil in my truck, walked me through changing the air filter and helped me clean the buildup off the lights and windshield. We changed the wiper blades too. I am not about to do that on my own, unless he is supervising again, but it is good to know. I have come to the conclusion, that I like to play the "girl" card and stop at the shop to have the guys check my air pressure in the tires etc... I can do it myself, but .... if I don't have to Id rather not, besides after the couple grand I spent last year at the shop, they can check the air for me! I already have to do all the heavy lifting around here anyways, 1000 lbs of hay every 2 weeks and hundreds of lbs of grain.... I deserve a break sometimes ;)

And surprise, surprise!!!!.... I am going to visit Alaska in Alaska again at the end of July! :weee I am not really too worried about the flight yet, might get a little anxious, but it was Ok last time, so I am sure I'll be fine. And he booked me a longer layover in Seattle so I can visit with my DD!!! :love

Aaaaannnnndddd ..... He invited me to spend the holidays (Christmas) in Texas with his family .... :ep

Farm notes:
Got a few updated pics of goats. I am offering my 2 adult nigi bucks and a handful of adult does. sigh. I am pretty unhappy about these decisions. I have been struggling with a few of these decisions and I might have been feeling a little bit depressed lately. Nothing serious of course, just really mourning the loss and feeling the deep sadness some of the changes I have going on in my life right now. The pics aren't great, I am also mourning the loss of my ancient digital camera, I was really spoiled with the clarity from her, and I hate the new pic editing program on this computer too!!! :he way more difficult than it needs to be. But here are few pics for y'all

This is Dutch Nickle Ladies Man "Manny" I used him pretty extensively this last breeding season, so he is the sire of most of this years kids. He is growing out very nicely

And this is my sweet boy Armani

and Backyard Swagger looking kinda hairy

and of course MartiniTiny!


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Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
We changed the wiper blades too. I am not about to do that on my own, unless he is supervising again, but it is good to know.
You need supervision to change the rubber in your wiper blades?? Comeon, I know you can do that!

and stop at the shop to have the guys check my air pressure in the tires etc...
OK but you do know that they should be checked cold, right? That means after about 3 hours since last driven on otherwise they will read high. They will be under what they should be if you set the pressure when they are hot.

And he booked me a longer layover in Seattle so I can visit with my DD!!!

And yeah, don't leave us hanging so long! :D


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
OK but you do know that they should be checked cold, right? That means after about 3 hours since last driven on otherwise they will read high. They will be under what they should be if you set the pressure when they are hot.
I don't think I was aware of that, but it wouldn't matter anyways. I would have to check them at the gas station and since I don't live there, I would be driving there. I could check them at home, but then again, I have no way to fill them here so I would be driving to the gas station to fill them and how do I know how much to fill once I'm there if it reads differently at that point?


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Just as a point of discussion, I would HOPE that the folks at the tire shop would realize that the pressure would read high on a warm tire and take that into account and NOT let air out to cause under inflation while cool. Thanks for the update! Nice looking bucks. sorry you're having to let all those animals go, but you can always re-build after the move. Nice that your IT future significant other isn't afraid to get on a tractor! There's hope for him after all! :hide:thumbsup