Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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I'm back! :)

The flights were ok ....just one stretch was nauseating for almost the whole thing, but i think it might be because I forgot to swap my patches. They are the little things you put behind your ears and I suspect they are the more effective part of the antinausea effects. Swapped those as soon as I landed and the next flight was better. I did use the ginger stuff too and that helps, but it seems like I have to keep some of the ginger candies/chews going almost nonstop during the worst part, in order for those to help. I brought a quilt along for my own comfort.... no shame here, I got cold the last time! :oldI did feel a little bad once, when the lady across the isle kept eyeing my blanket jealously. She had 2 tiny little blankets, one draped over her legs and one over her head.:hide I like first class WAY better too. Room to stretch out and I think the food was probably just more of a distraction, but it helps. The one flight I wasn't in the bigger seats, there wasn't anyone in the seat between me and the other person, so I still had a decent amount of room, but that was also the flight that seemed a little more rocky.

We went to the local fair. I love fairs! We got there a little late so we missed a lot of the shows, but we managed to meet one of the goat families we had been referred to and discussed the transport issues at length. This family had brought a couple truckloads of cattle and goats in through Canada not too long ago, and were very helpful. We tried some of the fair food and picked up a local jelly made from Alaskan flowers.

Fishing in a little boat called the Sea Monkey

I caught the biggest fish at about 17 1/2 inches and the smallest one. I felt like a little kid though. I would get bored and play with my line, which apparently the fish really liked cause I was getting a lot of hard bites, I just need to work on my hooking technique and timing. I brought a few more fish to the surface before they got away, including one that I swear was bigger than the one I did finally get. :epAnd one that he brought up, flew right over the boat, let go of the line and took off away on the other side! Just wanted to stop in and say hi I guess! :lol:

Just us

He did end up spraining his ankle at one point :( so I ended up unloading all of the pellets for the woodstove. Just 50 (#40) bags. And then I moved them all again the next morning (before coffee mind you) down to the crawlspace. I got my workout for the week!!!

Alaskan wild strawberries are super tiny with a lot of flavor. It only took me like, 45 minutes to pick this many!:ep

My daughter and I. She met me at the airport, and we walked to Dennys. Then we did another half hour walk to find a starbucks. My flight was pushed back a couple hours so we had more time to visit.... and eat again.... and get another coffee! :p We had a good 6 hours to catch up, my beautiful girl and I. Thanks Alaska for understanding and scheduling that layover for me! I was good for my heart!:love

Had a great visit!


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Man... nice to "hear you" so happy! :celebrate:thumbsup Glad you had such a great trip.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
I forgot to mention that is seems like you paid for those airline tickets "in kind". Moving a literal TON of pellets, twice, in 2 days! :bow


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Sorry Ive been missing, trying to catch up a little on a couple threads I try to follow, but they seem to be getting longer and longer.... and I'm getting farther behind! :barnie

I had a mishap at work yesterday. I am sensitive to Lysol and apparently someone was 'fumigating' with it! They just used so much it took over the whole area and wafted back to where I was working. My throat started to get scratchy and I couldn't clear it. I felt a swelling feeling in the back of my throat so I alerted the coworker I was with and went outside. After a bit, the itchy feeling went away so I went back in, but the fumes were moving further through the hospital. I asked B to grab me some Benadryl and went back outside to take that and get more air. I was able to breathe better and felt OK so I tried once more to go back to work, thinking that if I stayed in the surgery suite with the better ventilation system, I might be alright, but I felt lightheaded and just not very well. The Dr. said to go back outside once she found out what was going on so I did, but I was feeling guilty about not being able to work. I thought that maybe the Benadryl just needed longer to work. But then I started vomiting. I decided I had to go home at that point, but every time I stood up, more come up. I finally ran, grabbed my things and left, with just a quick explanation... didn't want to vomit in the hospital or breathe any more of the fumes. I called my own Dr, but they had to call me back since there were no open appts, and I was breathing OK, so did not need the emergency room at that moment. I called my manager back and asked her to file the report and I got permission to go to the workmans comp Dr. Ended up getting a steroid injection after signing a very scary consent form. :eek: When the big boss heard what happened he had everyone round up the offending stuff and get rid of it. I'm OK, but I've had better days.


Golden Herd Lurker
Golden Herd Member
Aug 24, 2016
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High Desert of New Mexico
I feel your pain on all of the gunk they clean with (yes, I understand things need to be clean). I always dislike having to work in the surgical unit (or even GI) as they seem to always be cleaning with something new (whatever the latest vendor is trying to push). Sometimes I feel like I am going to lose all cellular cohesion and melt into a puddle of goo.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Wow... can't like either of the last two posts... Sorry to hear you got chemically induced sickness RDCL... That must really suck since where you work, they have to disinfect... At least you know what caused it and it's not like you're just starting down the path to determine the culprit. Glad they eliminated that stuff from the workplace for you. Better get yourself back up to that nice clean air of Alaska... ;)


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
When the big boss heard what happened he had everyone round up the offending stuff and get rid of it. I'm OK, but I've had better days.
Sorry you got hit but really glad the boss thinks "get rid of the nasty stuff" rather than "suck it up". Some people don't understand how nasty a lot of those cleaners are and how they affect some people. Even those who are not hit like you were are breathing in bad chemicals.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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Thanks everyone! The big boss was confused since the issue had come up before and one of my other coworkers had been sure to let everyone know, during one of our staff meetings, that I was sensitive to Lysol, to please not use it often and to use it sparingly when necessary... but she also let everyone know that our nonaerosol cleaner killed nearly all the offending germs they were worried about anyhow. He thought the issue had been solved then.:idunno

But yesterday was yesterday.....:old

Y'all remember how I said my life refuses to be nice and quiet and peaceful, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah....???? Weeeellllll, today I had an appointment at the piercers. I want a "personal" piercing :oops: and to even out my ear piercings. The 15 year old me had decided she wanted 2 rings in one ear and only one in the other.... the grown up me thought I might be ready to even things up. I am not particularly fond of other facial piercings, I cringe at the thought of most of them to tell the truth, however I do like ear charms, up to but not really more than 4 in any one. Cuffs look cool and some of the chains they have are different and interesting.... but I was thinking just the small size diamond at the top, barely bigger one next, same again, then a different ring altogether on the bottom would be just about my speed. Alaska didn't care for the idea of 4, so I was thinking of compromising and going with 3.... but I was going to have them at least fix the uneven number and decide from there. And the other piercing is maybe just the curious/rebellious part of me that never had a chance to be a little wild cause I was licensed to work, married and had kids, by the time I was legally old enough to try crazy things ;)....anyhow, back to the story... so I scheduled the apt 2 weeks ago. This shop and the owner had really good reviews, except one, from a girl that seemed to keep trying to walk in, but said they were always closed. All reviews about the cleanliness, sanitation and actual piercing work were great. So I made the appt. I tried to call this afternoon 5 hours prior to my apt, to be sure the method I was planning on paying with would be sufficient, or so I could bring cash, etc, but I just got a message saying they couldn't answer. I figured they were busy, the shop sounded like it was full when I had called before, so I didn't think much of it, just figured I'd go early and find an ATM if I needed to. My kid and I decided we would go to my appointment, then check out a few stores there since it is in another city a half hour away. On the way there, my navigator said there was a 7 minute delay ahead. I told the kid not to worry, probably just traffic, maybe a minor fender bender, it was rush hour traffic after all. But I was prepared to slow down all the same. Traffic was slowing ahead of us, and we came to a complete stop. We weren't going particularly fast at that point. But as soon as I stopped, I heard screeching in the lane next to us, another screech and a hit. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the vehicle next to us jerk forward as it was hit from behind, heard another screech, as I lifted my foot off the brake and rolled forward just a few feet, out of the way, but not too close to the vehicle ahead of us. I think the vehicle behind me was bumped but he didn't get out. Then the 2 vehicles next to me that had already crashed, had a third vehicle slide into them right then. The now 3 car collision, missed hitting us by mere inches as the last vehicle pushed everyone into my lane, right towards the corner of my truck.:barnie Two of those vehicles pulled off to the side, everyone got out of all of those vehicles that were involved, thankfully all appeared to be OK. :thumbsupJust a couple minutes down the road from that, someone hit the car in front of it, over in the off ramp :th and then a couple more minutes down the road we saw a CHP officer, tow truck and 2 disabled vehicles being towed off the road, probably the original cause of the traffic delay. :th So we make it to the shop, finally ... and they are closed, sign on the door says they are having technical difficulties. I called the phone number that I had tried earlier and left a message, but really? They could have called or texted to let me know! :he I mean... I barely made it there safely!!! and I was 20 minutes early to be sure I had time for paperwork and to be sure they would take my preferred form of payment. Needless to say, I am more lukewarm about this shop/business at this point and not really wanting to travel that road (literally) anytime soon!!!! We will see what they say if they get back to me,I may search in the next bigger city to see if there are any shops with good reputations there instead. :idunno

So that is what my day off was like.... :rolleyes:

Currently enjoying a mimosa, animals are fed, kid is safe, glad to be comfortable in my own space. ....at least until tomorrow!:old


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Glad all those colliding vehicles avoided you. You obviously lead a charmed life ;) Sorry the piercing evolution didn't work out... consider it as well as the near death experience an omen... perhaps you should change your mind regarding the whole thing?:idunno:old