Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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I see a definite family resemblance between Alaska and Alaska "Jr." Both good lookin' guys.

@Bruce Thanks!.... I agree, with that sentiment, they look very much alike, and I think they are both extremely good looking! ;)

@Devonviolet , I am sorry I wasn't able to meet you and more of the Texas crew as well, but holidays are a tough time and I wasn't particularly proximal to anyone (San Antonio area). Joe was probably the farthest away though, to be honest.

Mistletoe is toxic to goats... and it can cause pretty bad issues for people too. I gave Alaska the plastic kind so it will last forever and he can hang it wherever he likes. I do have a little bit growing in the old persimmon trees here that I cant cut out cause I cant reach it, but I used to try.

So my newest favorite phrase is "D@## Toaster!!!" I use it many times daily, to insult any and all of the machines that happen to be giving me grief at any given moment... I mean... that sounds like an insult right??? :hu If you were a machine, wouldn't you be insulted to be called a d@## toaster? I think I would, so that is my current go to phrase. I don't actually use foul language much, I think it is unattractive and generally shows a lack of class, but if you are familiar with my relationship with machines, perhaps you will allow me a little indulgence on this one? On top of all my sad stuff going on, my toilet took a dump.:th D@## Toaster!!! :somad But I skipped lunch today and managed to fix it myself for $20! :celebrate I swapped out the flapper and the whole float mechanism, it works, no leaks so far. :fl

And in the middle of writing this, I had to take a couple hour break to assist Blueberry with her delivery. Buck and doe boer kids :weee. I believe she is done, but no placenta yet. I needed a little break and the other goats wanted to go to bed, so I will check on her again in a little bit.

And I finally settled on a name for my little black dappled boer doe. Voodoo Dolly. She is a trouble maker like none other. She was jumping on the chicken nest boxes to reach the leaves on the avocado tree, so I put her in the baby pen for time out. She stayed in there with the 2 Nigerian kids for 3 days then jumped out. Tonight she got a couple of good whoopins from Blueberry, who didn't appreciate the unrelenting curiosity about her new babies. :old


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
OK, I missed this...you have a BLACK DAPPLED Boer? Where did she come from and can I be jealous? When I started my spotted Boers that is what I was aiming for. I bought a solid black doe and a black headed doe, but could never get those black dappled kids. I need to see a picture. Please.


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
And I finally settled on a name for my little black dappled boer doe

OK, I missed this...you have a BLACK DAPPLED Boer? Where did she come from and can I be jealous? When I started my spotted Boers that is what I was aiming for. I bought a solid black doe and a black headed doe, but could never get those black dappled kids. I need to see a picture. Please.
Okay, I’m going to have to admit my ignorance here. I’ve never seen a “Black Dappled Boer”. Although I did get a picture, in my mind’s eye, when I saw you mention yours, Cat Lady. I, too, would love to see some photos. It sounds really cool!


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Mistletoe causes abortion in animals and humans too for that matter.

I am glad that you , Alaskan and his son all got to meet with Joe. It's fun when we can actually meet each other. You have those pictures to treasure.

What a precious gift of the reindeer and the lead moose! You make these? What a talent you have!


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
@Baymule , I bought out the local TSC for all the goat and kid figurines for a couple weeks before Christmas. I just added the collars, tags, ribbon and lights. It was a fun little project!

I don't have really nice pics of Voodoo yet, but I tried to get a few today. She came from my friend that bought StinkerBelle and Pearl. My friend had sold a mini Nubian to a nice family that ended up facing some difficult times and needing to rehome their goats a few months later. She took her goat back and ended up with Voodoo in the deal. She had initially asked me about her quality, market potential, what I thought about possibly making something from eye candy kids if she were to use her mini Nubian bucks, etc. She doesn't breed boers and knows nothing about them. I strongly advised her to use a good registered buck if she wanted to make some money as black dappled boers with good size can command a few pretty pennies. if she was able to get that to present in the kids. She decided to offer her to me in exchange for the nigerians as she has 2 breeding programs that they could be beneficial to, and so I ended up with a pretty little doe in the deal. She came to me with a goofy eye. perhaps a former injury or something. I don't think she has much sight in the one eye, but it doesn't stop her shenanigans.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks @Baymule , I think she is darn pretty myself. Her face is narrower than my boers generally are, maybe some Nubian back in there??? :idunnobut whatever. So far, she is a similar size as my yearling from Rigatoni. We will see how she grows. I am happy to use my boer buck Beautiful Beast over her this next breeding season. He is loaded with spots. I don't have a really good pic of him. I have been trying to get some decent pics, but still don't have a really good quality camera since mine died. I have my phone and a small digital camera, but the quality is comparable between both.

Here are his pics as a kid
Beautiful beast kid pic.jpg
BB kid pic #2.jpg


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
They should make some gorgeous kids; she's beautiful. My spotted Boer buck had Nubian in him...many many generations back. Wasn't he related to Andy somewhere back there? Gold Country Boers. I know that when they started their breeding program for spotted Boers they bred to Nubians to get the color. I do miss those spots.

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