Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
If the smell is that strong when you haven't even been running the mower, I'd guess you have a leak.
Lift the hood, the fuel line will be on one side or the other. The fuel filter is a smallish plastic container with a paper filter inside. Small diameter tubing connected to either end. That is the fuel line. BTW, when you replace the filter you buy the whole plastic thing. Here is a video:


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks @Bruce! That was a great video.... I should even be able to do that!... I do think there might be a leak. Even the laundry room seemed to be filled with fumes. I didn't use the washer or dryer for a week while I was airing out the garage, just in case. I'll let y'all know when I have a chance to play with the Pumpkin/Toaster again. I bought a new gas can so I can get gas without spilling all over my truck. The nozzle is broken on my old can.

I went to the gym, called my mom, planted some stuff and realized the baby silkie chicks have eaten all the leaves off of my brand new mint plants! :rolleyes: At least the know good stuff when they see it!

Oh and I did this last week...

A friend ordered me a replacement for the one I broke a few years ago. I installed it all by myself! :weee

And this was from our trip to visit grandma.... Doodles and Arawrasaurus Rex, relaxing and enjoying grandmas company! In the kitchen of course, cause all babies are welcome at grandmas! :love


And Doodles getting to play with her sister at the impromptu slumber party... I only got these 2 decent pics.... all the others are too blurry from the speedy playing and racing around

and I probably already shared this one.... but this is Bailey, just getting prettier with age! I love this girl! Thank you so much @babsbag !


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
If you could post which model/brand etc mower you have we can walk you thru it..Normally, there is a tag or label under the seat (if it's one that the seat tilts up)

Some B&D engines have an electric solenoid that shuts the gas off at the carburetor bowl..it is an electrically operated valve, which is spring loaded closed, and opens when the key is turned to on. They are notorious for sticking. If they or the float stick open, gas will often fill the bowl and overflow will go into the crankcase, diluting the oil. If they stick closed, the engine will not run.

A gas fume while the engine is running could also be a clogged air filter...makes the engine run in a 'rich' condition.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
I never traced a leak that I could see, but the evaporating gas was overwhelming to say the least....after I lost a whole tank between mowings...I put the cutoff valve in it and it runs much better than a constantly flooded engine.....it also comes in handy if the tank needs draining.....:)


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
I never traced a leak that I could see, but the evaporating gas was overwhelming to say the least....after I lost a whole tank between mowings...I put the cutoff valve in it and it runs much better than a constantly flooded engine.....it also comes in handy if the tank needs draining.....:)

Dh put in a shut off on the fuel line on one of out mowers too...gear sector ended up going out though so we dont have it anymore but it worked great.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Happy 4th everyone!
I came online a few days ago to say hi, but had to leave before I could post. :idunno

Today started out crazy so I am laying low!!!

I have been catching the rogue baby chicks so I can offer them for sale here soon. I was putting them in one of the big old chicken pens. The pigeon that showed up as a baby when DS had pet pigeons, is still around, even though all the domestic pigeons are gone. Not usually a problem, but he has been harassing these babies. I caught him this morning and decided to put him in the pen next to that one. Elliot the goose and the little female duck have been fighting over and both setting on the 2 (by now rotten) goose eggs for about 3 months, in that pen. Elliot was out getting breakfast so I gently tossed the duck out, put the pigeon in, and the duck managed to run back in before I could shut the door. I didn't want to leave her in there as I was just planning on putting a chick water tin in there for the pigeon, and I prefer the ducks and geese have deeper waterers. So I grabbed her in one hand, the eggs on the other (planning on dropping the eggs in the squirrel hole to encourage them to move on). She flapped and smacked the eggs, causing one to burst all over me! :sick :sick :sick

I rinsed off, tossed my clothes in the wash with baking soda, vinegar and plenty of detergent, and washed my arms and hands with baking soda in the sink. I had to wait for the laundry to finish before getting a shower, so I put a towel on the chair and got a cup of coffee to cruise the interwebs while I waited.

I managed to spill coffee on the dog because he bumped into me really hard while I was walking with my cup (it was only warm, not hot, so no harm, just a little irritating for me). :he

Finally enjoying my first cup of coffee when my walls start to roll.... and the floor rolled, then the desk, the chandelier started swinging and the pond out front started sloshing around. Earthquake! Not scary, and not bad. I am a fullblooded California baby so it didn't even faze me, I just got up and stood in the doorway, swaying gently, almost like I was drunk, but it wasn't me, it was California. I swear! My coffee was not spiked this time!... but that isn't a bad idea! It has been a day already! :old

Oh yeah, then I finally got my chance to shower, and as I am getting out, not dressed yet, the neighbor is at my door knocking frantically. Her husband is back in the hospital, possibly to be transferred to another hospital a few hours away, and she is asking if I could feed her animals for her. Of course, but I haven't done it in so long, I ask for a refresher of where and what everyone gets. We get that done, have a quick lunch together and she heads back to the hospital to see where things are with her guy.

And I decide I should definitely not stress about trying to do too much stuff today. Seems like my universe is in an ornery mood today!!! :idunno

P.S..… I haven't touched the pumpkin toaster yard art lawn mower... at all.... yet... :hide:hide

K, so that is the beginning of my 4th of July, here in my quiet, peaceful, little country life! :gig Hope y'all have more relaxed and fun celebrations.... preferably without exploding rotten eggs! :thumbsup

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