Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Hi all

We have had a few more quakes south of us, felt a few of the biggest. "Go home house, you're drunk! " LOL! But on a serious note, I need to get out the 72 hour packs, recheck and refill at least 2. (I still have 6) It has been years since I packed or checked them. Im sure new batteries, flashlights and food are warranted. I also realized that I should add chewable aspirin and Benadryl. I always keep liquid Benadryl for allergic emergencies... but chewable tablets will be easier to transport and can be used without water! :old I need to restock my 5 gallon water jugs, and I bought a couple of 100 gallon stock tanks a few weeks ago. Not exactly for earthquake prep, but for power outages. Without power, I have no water and PGE is reminding us that there may be 48 hour power down times if fires or other disasters warrant them shutting off the lines. Even though my biggest goats cant even reach the bottom of the stock tanks, and the littlest cant reach to the top even, I can always use buckets to scoop water for everyone. As long as I have water, I will find a way to get it to my babies!

Diet/exercise is going OK. I ended last month just about the same as I started it, but not for lack of trying! So far I am doing OK this month, down a little on the scale and I increased my weight stack in my favorite ab machine to #160. I started that machine at #60 in January. I am also up to #15 on one of the other machines... one that I could not do at all without weights, in January. I am also doing half hour on the elliptical and generally my heart rate is between 120-130 now while I am exercising, used to get over 160 and I couldn't do 10 minutes when I started.Yeah for me!

My kid is coming to visit next week for a few days! :weee

In 2 weeks I get to see grandma, I am going to stay with her while I do my CE at UC Davis. :thumbsup

That it. Not really planning on doing many of the chores on my list today. Taking it easy is my plan..... but I'll let y'all know if that actually works out for me!:D =D

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Some days, just not going backwards is as good as going forward! :) You are doing fine. There's progress in the exercise department!! Remember muscle weighs more than fat cells and that will account for some of the scale being still at times.

Hope you don't loose power but, best to be prepared. I keep some extra water troughs for JUST being able to dip from them and take "wherever". It works. even in winter, actually as I can break ice, dip & pour into the heated tubs.
Think "holding tanks".

Good to hear from you.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Just a quick check in

I made it to my CE last weekend. The classes themselves were good. I really enjoyed half of them. The other half.... I was just glad they were short. But I have met my requirement for the year so that is good. :thumbsup

I thought I was going to have a couple days to just hang with grandma, but my uncle was up visiting so he put me to work. I had to master a new toaster skill. He was teaching weedwhacker 101 :barnie LOL! But I did OK. Passed the test with flying colors.... at least that is what grandma said.... but then again, it is like an unwritten requirement that grandmas have to say the grandkids artwork is always "fabulous" ….. so you might want to take that one with a grain of salt! :old I think I did OK, mostly because it was electric, literally just pop the battery in, hold it away from you, hold in the lock button and push the start. I cant stand pull start toasters cause I can never get them to start. I may need to get myself an electric weedwhacker! It would make a lot of stuff faster around this Patch Of Weeds! (Haha...get it... cause that is my farm name...:hide)

Oh yeah, we also ummmm did something else. It may have turned into a "you broke it, you bought it" kinda thing. :hide So Uncle A is an engineer. We were working on removing some crazy secure fenceposts for grandma. We started by cutting through one bracing pole at ground level using a small power saw. Took several minutes and a lot of work. We regrouped and decided that 5 sets of these were going to be miserable on our part. We went with the "lets try it and see what happens" method of using Uncle Ks hand braided, super strong, fancy, high tensile rope (you might note that Uncle K was not present, but had made this rope specifically for and advised grandma to use it for heavy duty projects... something about it being safer??? IDK :idunno), and Uncle As 5500 lb truck to add some muscle to our side of the equation. We also opted to use some gravity since grandma has some pretty steep downhill slope to her property. We successfully pulled all the posts, but we lived and learned a few things.... one is that if your rope slips off the top of the pole when it bends, while pulling with thousands of pounds of pressure.... the resulting knot will never come out, don't even try! The next was, that same thousands of pounds of pressure along with the friction caused by the pulling, will melt the rope ... because apparently the very soft material is composed of some kind of plastic. Grandma was worried about uncle Ks response to us admitting we broke his rope after the first couple of uses....:hide I figured that since we were already going to be in the dog house, we might as well use it to finish the job :old so we did..... and we broke it even more! :thBUT.... we finished the job! and with way less time and effort on our parts, than we were initially planning on. I said they should just blame me when they confess that we broke the rope, since I will be safely back home in the middle of the desert with thousand degree daily temps... no one would dare come to find me here! :lol: LOL! (No real worries, the plan is to thank Uncle K, let him know the shenanigans we were up to and offer to pay for a replacement rope/material.) I am still sore from all the work. Even Doodles has never done that much work in her life and kept going back to our "regroup and discuss things" benches, trying to get us to quit cause she was tired! :)

Anyway... Uncle A made the BEST liver I have ever eaten!!! :drool It was soft as butter and mild…. Lightly breaded and cooked perfectly! Made all the work worthwhile ;).

I also sold Monet and delivered her to her pet home. I am thrilled with her new home, but it was so hard. She was the most gorgeous kid of the year. I would have been thrilled to keep her. I did offer to see about breeding her in another year or so, if I am around and if have a buck that I could use on her, since I will be needing another bloodline soon anyway... we plan on staying in touch just in case. :)

(Confession time.... I actually made enough from selling her to buy a plane ticket to Alaska... I just would not have had enough to fly back home.... I really wanted to visit Alaska, I miss him terribly, but since I didn't have enough to come home anyway, I decided to be a responsible adult and paid one more tax bill instead. :th Slowly but surely I am knocking things out. I hate slowly.... and adulting sucks sometimes.)


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Um, a pull start TOASTER? And how does one clear weeds with a toaster? :idunno


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Um, a pull start TOASTER? And how does one clear weeds with a toaster? :idunno

You know....

Toaster [toh-ster]
-an instrument or appliance that makes crumbs from whatever edible item it is used on
-any machine on the planet that has the ability and audacity to ruin my day and make me miserable over it's incredible ability to control my life

I used the battery operated wand with a plastic stringy thing that spins around. I believe it was a toaster-whacker?! or maybe it was a weed-hacker?! Edger-stick-thingy?! Rock-and-dirt flinger?! Bug-chopper-upper?! Toes-n-ankle slicer?! I dunno, I just use them and pretend like I don't know they control every aspect of my life in one way or another! :p
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