Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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@Bruce .... you know me, if it werent for bad luck, id have no luck at all!!!.... No for realls, I am always blessed beyond what I deserve, regardless of the tragedies and stupid shenanigans that come my way.

Merry Christmas to all my Farm Fam!!! Love you all!

Update on my life:

Dusty Roads has been to and from the shop twice in the last couple weeks

We've had rain like crazy lately

I had a tree come down in the back yard, free firewood, but I gotta cut it up eventually

Pirate Queen (3 legged cat that doesnt really like me) got an abscess on her tail. She picked a fight with the only friend she has in the whole world, Michonne, so after surgery, she has been on drugs for pain and to make her handleable. I am able to pet her right now though, so that is a plus! I am totally taking advantage of this situation!

Karma is in heat, cute in her ruffle bum panties but EWWW!!!! I wish I could call out of work for a month "sorry, I have PMS, cant work, gotta stay inside and sleep for 4 weeks!!! I seriously want to come back as one of my housepets when I die. They have the life!!!

My 13 year old TVs HDMI ports quit on me so I bought a new one. Damn Toasters!!! I do admit that it is pretty cool to have a new TV, I just dont know how to use all the features yet... too many buttons.

I did look cute in the dress I wore to the company christmas party... (I had originally bought it to look cute for my mr. Alaska a couple years ago but never had a chance to wear it for him since we broke up) and get this... I found the cutest booties to wear with it, and they have 4 inch heels!!! I know right??? I only ever feel comfortable in kitten heels, but these have a solid base so I didnt have too much risk of tripping over my own feet!!
Me Christmas eve 2021.jpg

me 12-24-21.jpg

mee dress 12-24-21.jpg



Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Good grief. Have you thought about hibernating and letting all this blow over? Come out in the spring and maybe it will all be better. Sometimes it seems like the hits will never stop, but they do. Better days are ahead!

You look stunning in that dress and boots.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score

This one is called.... I AM AN IDIOT!!!!!

Ok, so to set the scene.... I was in Las Vegas with my boss and my coworker "C" for the veterinary conference. We were getting our CE towards our license renewals, so lots of hours in classes. We spent 2 days doing the work we needed to and then we had a few hours to play on monday night. We were leaving on tuesday midday so we were going to miss the country concert they were putting on for us where Jimmie Allen was performing. Bummer!!! but C'est la vie.

So anyways, C and I got all dolled up, right cute, if I do say so myself!!!
(Im in the black with cheetah print touched in gold.)

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She wanted to find the hello kitty cafe and we thought we might find a spot to grab a bit of indian food for dinner. Our search showed a few places not too far and we kept our expectations in check, they werent 'sit down' restaurants so you know.... Anyways, we wandered around, found a cool fountain, the hello kitty cafe, and the 2 food places we had looked up previously. I happened to glance up and see a generic sign that just said 'indian food', in amongst a dozen or so other signs. We opted to wander down and just see what it was all about. So the building was likely from the 70s and didnt look like the decor had been updated since.... more than a little creepy.... I had to use the restroom and it was um, really old, kinda decrepit.... C said we were surely gonna be murdered in there and never found again, it looked that creepy. It was actually clean and we were alone so we hustled and managed to make it out alive. The restaurant was upstairs and poppin! This was definitely the place we wanted to try. As we are being seated, we pass the door to the indoor area and see a huge party going on, dancing, music, etc.... C asks if this was a party for some of the veterinarians at the conference and the waiter confirms that it was. Our boss was inside with all his friends!!! We texted him that we were there and he came out to say hi. LOL!! What are the odds that of all the places we could go, we ended up walking a few blocks and happened to accidentally choose the same place they were having their get together. Anyways, the food was OFF THE HOOK DELICIOUS!!!! :drool

After dinner, we headed back to the hotels and went down to the bar with the little stage, thinking we might watch the band that was on that night and grab a drink. As we approached the supper packed little bar, I look up to see this man in front of me. First thought... 'He looks like a star' second thought.... 'He is HOT!' He is wearing mostly white, with some american flag like print, red and blue on his top, white cowboy hat, earrings, a dark, handsome face..... we make eye contact as I approached him and I pause..... my brain glitchched with a hint of recognition, but I cant place it...... I smile and he smiled back. It looked like he might have expected me to say something but I didnt. (Stupid shyness!!!!!) I had to turn as I passed him so I didnt knock him over (you know how boobs will just shove everyone out of their way if I am not careful... cause those things have a mind of their own sometimes) But we couldnt find a place to sit anywhere (standing wasnt an option as I am only a year out from my broken leg and I have on heels even if they were little) and we werent able to even find a way to approach the bar to see about a drink so we gave up and opted to head back to the other bar where things were much slower and there was plenty of options to sit. Had some drinks, discovered I really like one called "S@x on the beach", love the peachy flavor!!! Very satisfying night overall.

We had a good time, got our CE done, enjoyed some views, great food, and each others company. The boss was hanging out with his friends and C and I get along really well so we all had fun, shared the driving on the way there and back... all in all, great experience.

me in my room.jpg

That was a month ago, life is back to the usual routine mostly. This sunday night, I stopped by the neighbors with fresh apple pie, baked with apples she gave me. I come in, we have pie and coffee, her hubby has american idol on the TV. I see a face that makes me stop in my tracks... my brain does that glitchy, something is familiar' thing again..... the guy that is coaching the performers looks familiar. That was the guy in Vegas last month.... the one I came face to face with.... I AM AN IDIOT!!!! I look it up just to be sure and it is Jimmie Allen!!! I WAS LESS THAN A FOOT AWAY FROM HIM.... I COULD HAVE TOUCHED HIM, TAKEN A PICTURE WITH HIM, GOT AN AUTOGRAPH, MAYBE HAD A CONVERSATION..... HE WASNT TALKING TO ANYONE ELSE WHEN I WAS THERE..... THE HOTTEST NEW COUNTRY SINGER AND I COULD HAVE MET HIM!!!!! WAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! :hit:hit:hit:hit

Jimmie allen concert.jpg

I dont watch TV enough so I dont know famous people and stuff like that. I think I only ever saw one picture of Jimmie Allen, the one on the posters for the concert there in Vegas. To be honest I dont usually even know the names of the songs or the singers of my favorite songs, I just listen to them on the radio and enjoy, maybe sing along.... :th

So this is my story titled: "I AM AN IDIOT!!".... Hope you have enjoyed it.

Open invite to join my pity party y'all!!.... Ill be here all week!!! And dont forget to tip your waitress!!!!! 🥳


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score

I know God is up there going "Girl!!! This is why you cant have nice things!!!!!!"

He dropped him smack dab in front of me so I could meet him and have a fun time and how did I handle it???? And I was even all made up, war paint and everything so it wasnt like oh, I dont have my make up on, or Im not all dressed up, I am not looking my best right now.... I was!!!! I honestly dont clean up any better than that! :th

I dont even know what to do with myself. I actually really do sing along to a couple of Jimmie Allens songs on the radio when Im driving, cant tell you the titles but once they start, I jump in.... probably off tune and all, but I add all the soul that I got while I am doing it.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Pity Party is still going strong.....

but I gotta new story:

I live in a little old house a few miles outside of town. Cute little yellow house with brown trim. I had a couple of cobalt blue pots with pretty flowers on my front porch steps. So last year, I picked up a few more from the same set, I love how the blue contrasts with the color of the house, really pops if you know what I mean. I also picked up a pretty white flower pot, but intended to use it for a water bucket for Scribbles (still a bit feralish kitten that was raised with Plank and OtterPop), and of course for Karma when she patrols the front yard. I added a handful of fantail fish with a little decoration to give them a safe place to hide. Within a few days I no longer saw them, within a few weeks, I gave up and quit putting food in, assumed the cats ate them. Today, I bought some more fish for one of my stock tanks and brought home a few more for the white water pot. Stock tank done, I dumped out the white pot, rinsed off the little decoration and was refilling the pot when I saw something moving in the dirt.... It was my last fantail!!! I snatched her up and threw her into the water!!! I feel terrible! I just dumped her into the dirt. THIS IS WHY I CANT HAVE NICE THINGS!!!!! I dump them into the dirt apparently. I watched for ten minutes or so and didnt see the fantail so I took a few more minutes trying to decide if I should add the regular comets in with the fantail or go buy more fantails... I decided to just add the comets and hope for the best. As soon as they were released, the fantail came out of her hidey hole to meet n greet her new roommates. Yeah!!! I hope they all keep getting along. Super glad a saw my poor FishyFish before she perished! Thankfully it was a good ending to yet another stupid moment in my life. Phew!!!

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