So my first attempt at "hard cheese" turned out pretty decent....I am so excited...I only let it dry overnight, but it is edible. Flavor is OK, texture is a little bit on the harder side, little bit crumbly....But for a first try I think it is awesome! And I put some over a left over piece of pizza and melted it...It works... Yeah!!!
Thanks...I am enjoying experimenting in the cheese making fun when you can actually eat your experiments!
It has been a really long day it seemed like a hundred little things all went wrong......starting with the husband taking my toothbrush with him on a 5 day camping trip (I found out when I went top brush my teeth )......and then the dogs chewed up my favorite hair clip that I use every day. Then the lady at the feed store accidentally ran my card for $278 instead of $27....I was going to have salami for lunch but it had gone bad, I decided to make pie for the kids but the flour had weevils in it so I opened a new bag and it had weevils too ..... so I ground my own.
I was thinking I might need to start drinking early there....the day was just half over and already trying to beat me down....then I got a birthday card from grandma.....she always writes the sweetest notes in them, and I was crying good tears by the end of I went to start laundry...well someone had put in a blanket that had cat pee on it and was clearly not salvageable, so I threw that away and then proceeded to clean the washing machine. I went to wash my work clothes but the washer is not working properly and is simply running the water no matter which cycle you put it on, and apparently this one you can't force to the next move the dial and make it start the then I start to really cry in frustration, take my soggy clothes out of the machine, answer the phone and it is DS asking for a ride home...I tell him I am heading into town to try and figure out how to get my clothes washed, I'll call him to let him know....
So I ended up stopping by Gudruns to run my laundry, just my work clothes and my bed sheets (she doesn't have a dryer, but that is OK cause mine does work)...but then I forgot to call the kid to tell him the plan, until I left her house and by then he had skateboarded all the way home . When I asked him why he didn't call me back once he realized I had forgotten, his answer was because he could hear the frustration and tears in my voice......figured I had other things to worry about.
So I finished my nice strong drink that I had had to put on hold earlier once I realized I was going to have to drive to town, and we watched Titanic.......first time for the kids. DS2 was soooo angry at Rose for marrying another guy at the end....He said it wasn't fair to the husband since she had loved Jack.....
We had blackberry and apricot pie for dinner...yep, nothin else, and we had a great conversation....only DS1 hadn't watch the movie with us, but the kids were funny and very talkative. Alot of the conversation was about the movie, but we also talked about why they each thought or felt the way they did..... always enlightening. For such a bad ended well.
It started out OK, but the feed store overcharge was still on my account and messing up my other transactions....
My girlfriends dog was attacked by 2 pit bulls while they were out for a walk, her husband fell fighting off the dogs and broke his fall with the arm he just had surgery on less than a week prior. It was over a thousand dollar bill at the emergency clinic to patch the dog up. Animal control knew the dog (they caught it on the scene) and the owner was already paying 2 other people for other attacks. I guess the guy surrendered the dog and was very apologetic and offered to make payments, but it doesn't change the injuries to their dog, her hubbies arm or the vet bills (they paid up front), the blood in her car (she had a blanket down but I guess he was still losing alot and it is a 20 minute drive minimum to the clinic in the next town) and my girlfriend has always been very fearful of dogs anyways.......
The neighbor came by to say that Leaky and Beaux had been getting out in the mornings and running loose (I was ready to give them away at this point...just couldn't handle any more stress!)
Poor DS2 missed the late bus because he didn't find his sister so he went looking for her, but she had called me and said that she was home already hours I caught up with him walking home in the dark....
So this day is almost over....I am exhausted and just plain worn out from the last few days...I go out give Raviolianna her injections, feed the cats, Whiskey sneaks in and creeps in to my lap like I don't notice a smelly 55 lb dog crawling up to snuggle under my chin....... I go to the kitchen and there is a maggot on the floor! I hit the roof! I absolutely cannot deal with maggots...I get serious chest pain, difficulty breathing, serious neurotic behaviors for days after.....It was from a rotten potato in the bottom of the pantry.....I ask DS3 to PLEASE deal with the bug, clean the floor, take the potatoes out.....and I took my scared-stupid self to bed....
I woke up way too early the next day....but I had to so I could call the bank. Took care of that.
I scared the younger chickens by wearing my kitty hat with the giant eyes on it outside when I went out to not was too cold and the goats are shivering so I am drying them up, they need the calories more than I need the milk.
So that was most, not all...but the more interesting and busier parts of my way not fun week!
Oh yeah....we celebrated my birthday today... it is tomorrow, but I work all day......
I had butchered and cooked up and shredded 2 of our meat birds (there is enough for probably 7 or 8 more meals after tonight...). We had chicken tacos with almost everything on them and I made back berry and apricot pies again....I am soooo stuffed! But it was yummy!
I think we are gonna see if the family wants to watch a movie tonight...just here at home, nothing too fancy...but time, she does fly........and spending it together is getting to be a rarer opportunity....
I had a good day. My dad texted me and I had a few birthday wishes from family via facebook too.... I don't really use it that much, but that was nice. My coworkers all brought food for lunch....delicious! The Dr bought everyone starbucks to help celebrate and everyone had lots of good wishes for me. DH and the kids had cards for me and made dinner. We had nachos and rice crispy treats.......
The only bad thing about today is that my ear hurts, but it hasn't been 100% since january.....but I will take this kind of day over most of the last several days.....any day!
the Vet Med Board will only accept 4 of the CE hours I have done so far. I only have until Oct 23 to turn in proof of 16 more interactive CE. So I am going to the Wild West Convention in Reno Next week. If you pray, then pray for me....I need at least 16 units....if you wish, then wish me good luck....Please and thank you.......
I am so sad...My grandma just listed her house for sale.... It is a beautiful old victorian....I remember playing there as a kid....I spent a whole lotta time there and it holds many really wonderful memories......
Mama Mia and my dad are coming to visit tomorrow.....Oh yeah! The Renaissance Fair is in town too.... We might go to that tomorrow if we get the chance. They have characters dressed up in really cool costumes and some neat booths with things for sale.
I have a bunch of little mexican avocados off the tree in the back. Persimmons are ready too, but as far as I am concerned, persimmons are animal food! I like persimmon cookies, but 2 persimmons are all I need....not 8 trees full!