Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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Thanks Bon!...I too seem to have trouble getting around when I cross my toes......can't seem to get my shoes on very well either....:cool:

Not very productive today but I did do a couple things like, ran to the store for rakes, cooked a pot of Tawney Lion Soup and beans for either chili or refried beans, trimmed just the worst branches off the lemon trees, collected the eggs, cleaned and restarted the incubator, started my laundry for work, moved some of the animal supplements to the other cabinet, started some milk for cheese......got the family to move the old washers and dryer out of the garage.

and I feel a little bit sick to my stomach, so I am going to not do much else....

I guess putting it in writing, today wasn't a total waste, but I was expecting to get alot more done :/

I need to go through my silkies and decide which of the newer kids to keep and which to try and sell. It is also time to dust and deworm chickens and clean up the pens before the rain starts.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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OK....I finally heard back from the board....they are accepting my application, waiving the test and all I have to do to be issued a new licence is to return this other application along with the licensing fee by Nov 25th! Yeah!!!! Cyber party at my house! :weee


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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Thanks Four Winds! I am excited!

So I had the worst migraine I have ever had! I ended up with a mild but constant headache on Friday all day, had a crummy day at work and my hip hurt to boot....then I came home and tried to go to bed at 7:30, only to not be able to sleep, head hurt too much, in bed, to the couch, back to bed, back to the couch, finally got some sleep but woke to a raging, all out migraine.... ugh!...wasted a whole Saturday throwing up and sleeping, by around 5 in the evening I was woozy, but no longer ill.

I love my job, but some coworkers seem to have nothing better to do than gripe about me and what they think I am doing wrong......enough already! I am aware that they aren't really nice people. I know that a couple of them don't like me, even without hearing them talk about me (when I am only a few feet away) they make it plenty clear....... and certain things they think I am doing wrong, aren't even what really happened anyway! How can there be people who like that much drama anywhere? I try and ignore it but it really doesn't make it easy to go to work some days. All 3 Drs like me and the nice people seem to like me so that is good. I don't know why they dislike me so I guess it is just because I am me, or more likely because they are them....I try and be helpful, cooperative and considerate ......just tonight Dr Singh was saying that they are so happy for me getting my license and glad that I am there, so I guess for now I am good.

My DH put in my little black pond the other day while I was recovering on the couch. :hugs He dug it in, put in the pump and put in 15 feeder fish to make sure they survive before we move my pet fish out there....it has gotten awful cold at night. Then he bought some flowers and planted them around the pond too. So far the fish mostly hide under the pump....

Speaking of DH, he had a friend offer him a really good job, :weee but he has to commute like he did when we first moved here. He will be living with his mom and coming home on his days off. I teased him that we were going back in time.......and I thanked him too. If it were up to him, he would give up on the "farm" and head back to the city. This is where my heart is and a better place to raise our kids......so this sacrifice is mostly for me, a little bit for the kids.

Oh yeah, I gave Spartagus back. Boo! (But maybe if I need him again next year).......For now hope for a lot of babies, all girls with blue eyes. :fl I plan on keeping at least 2 if not 3 or 4 girls if I get them.... Love those legs!

Tried to put Andy back in the smaller pen but he didn't want to stay. Tried to breed him to Ravi, but he was too excited. I didn't want her to get hurt. I will have to try a different way.

I have a few silkies for sale.

The 3 feed store "ameraucanas", Easter eggers are really pretty. I need to get some good pics and add them to my website. I hope they at least lay a blueish or greenish egg. I plan on breeding them to one of my breeder stock ameraucana roosters.

I made a killer sheherds pie the other night too....home grown chicken, veggies and cheesy mashed potatoes on top. :drool And since I cooked the crust first, it wasn't soggy, even the extra one that the kids had today. I will upgrade my membership one of these days so I can share more pics again.... course you all might need new keyboards if I post pics and you drool all over them!


Herd Master
Jul 2, 2010
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Northeast Mississippi
First off...congratulations!!!! :weee

Sorry about the migraine and sore hip :hugs That's what happens when you keep your fingers, toes, and eyes crossed for too long ;)

As for your co workers...yup...always some that are always negative and they love drama...kind of like flies to sheeet...they can't get enough of it! :/


Lost in the flock
May 23, 2011
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Just going to throw out it is super easy to post pics via photobucket.....I'm in college....I need to drool over home cooked food!....Although I did eat some awesome home grown lamb chops!


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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I took a couple of new pics of RavioliAnna (she is one good looking little girl!)and a few of Casanova. Macintasha was not cooperating, she didn't like being on the leash for the first time. I took a pic of my cool colored silkie, lavender, with maybe porcelain or reddish color on its body. I got a few nice pics of the new EE girls and a nice pic of Amie one of my white Ameraucana girls and put them on my website.


We trimmed up one of the trees and tried to rake up most of the free feathers around the yard....there are just about a billion, so we couldn't actually get all of them.

The boys dusted the chickens for lice while I butchered 3 more of our meat girls. I think our friend is coming over tomorrow to learn how to butcher ...finally! The poor guy has been asking me for the last few years, but i don't usually plan that far ahead...I just decide today is the day, and then birds are done. I don't have time to get too emotional that way. The girls are harder to do than the boys as they are much mellower and more pet like. But yum! They do taste good!

I am trying to get the pens set for the colder weather and the poultry divided up for spring breeding pens. It is also time to try and sell any extras.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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It's official....I got my license! :celebrate I posted the smaller certificate in the lobby at work this morning and I get the big one to hang on my wall at home! :weee

And Spartagus is back! Forever! I was offered the chance to buy him and decided that he was a perfect vet tech license gift to myself. I like him alot and I am so glad he is back. I needed a companion for Cowboy Casanova anyway and they were pals before, so it is just perfect! :clap