Thanks! I am excited! I get to start dosing anesthetic drugs as I get more comfortable with our protocols and drugs..... Scary...but good. I can't believe I am back doing all of this again. It has been a long time. Today we did a C-section on an english bulldog and got all 7 pups up and running! That was fun. Stressful too, a couple were not wanting to breathe consistently, but in the end, they all came around.
I know it is a little late....We were out of town. We went to visit our extended families. My favorite part is Thanksgiving breakfast with my brothers. Loud and a little bit obnoxious, but totally hilarious! We visited with DHs granny, she is still recovering in a nursing home, doing very well and seemed to enjoy the thanksgiving visit.
I ended up bring my headache with us on the trip....the one named Whiskey ....She has severe separation anxiety which in turn causes me to have extreme anxiety when planning trips . She sounds like she is going to eat the babysitters when they walk into the house ....they all know her and aren't afraid of her, but it causes me great distress knowing how stressed she gets when we leave and other people come to take care of the with mom and dads permission, she came with. She is really a pretty good dog, a little more nervous than she needs to be, but the trip went well. By the time we left, Blue, moms dog, was crying for Whiskey to come back. I made her wear her backpack and carry my wallet and phone when we went for walks, but she didn't seem to mind being my pack animal in exchange for getting to stay with me most of everyday. I really enjoyed having her with me too. The first night I locked her crate, after that, she was fine sleeping in the open crate or on the floor next to the couch I was on. I would hear Blue come in to check on her in the middle of the night 3 times every night and in the early morning she would go with him for a quick cruise around the house (likely to check on the kids) then come back, kiss my face (yuck! ) and lay back down to sleep on the floor til I woke up.
We had my brother take a '4 generations of women' picture...grandma, mom, myself and my daughter. I have been wanting to do this for awhile. I can't wait to see how they turn out! One of my boys suggested a 4 generations of men pic....none of the great grandpas are around and we would have to draw a crooked line to connect the generations of boys, but I am OK with that dad (technically a step) to DH, to our boys would give you a 3 generations...mostly, kinda, be honest I think they just want one with all the boys in the family because they will out number us by far.... so maybe next time, when all the big boys (my brothers) will be around.....
Oh and mom took us to a seriously awesome bookstore...used books for good prices and they had NICE books! popular titles and alot of hardbacks of favorites.... It was just mom, myself and the twins, but we had so much fun! DD wanted to know why I had ever taken them there before! I never knew about it before! I got a book on to make it and of course recipes too (it has tons of pics!!!!), mom bought me one about forgotten kitchen skills from older times....a couple organizing books ( I love to organize) and a book about the wisdom of old people....I'll let you know how I like that one, looks good! .......Did I mention that we love books! and of course reading....DD got an Edgar Allen Poe book (heavy as a brick house and just about as big! Yeah, she is a weirdo!) and DS got Stephen King and Sherlock Holmes books.... and I got a Beatrix Potter book (Peter Rabbit and other stories too)for one of my little kid friends....
We had 2 different babysitters again and all the critters are so well taken care of! I got a text with pics of one babysitter holding Amelia Bedelia, our pet turkey and another pic of one of the cats on top of her car.....I love having such good friends! They are the bomb! I am so relieved that I don't have to worry about the animals when we are out of town.
It is a good thing we have friends willing to babysit or I would get left behind....
I just got back from a short chicken acquisition trip.....another pair of breeder stock salmon Faverolles, and a trio of mahogany Faverolles from Sandhill. The salmon hen has a beard to die for!
I traded a trio of mahoganies last year to someone with larger flock of faverolles to work with, but who ended up not liking them and I regretted not keeping them just for pets. I felt guilty that I wasn't going to work with them because I just didn't have enough birds to use for improving the more guilt, these guys can stay as pets just because I like them, even if I don't get to work with them.
It was my twins birthday this weekend! DD invited her boyfriend over so we could meet him for the first time. He is a really nice, respectful guy. I like him alot! And so does Whiskey...after her normal "bark like you want to eat the new kid" routine, she was all up in his grill, trying to kiss his face and sit on his lap!!!! Both DD and I were starting to get a little jealous I think...he was stealing my (traitorous!)dog, and Whiskey was trying to steal his kisses!
This morning was devastating....2 of my little mahogany babies were killed during the night, most likely by a possum. We shut the chicken house with a board over the doorway for the night. I will have to try and trap the critter and put a door on the house so the favs will get locked in every night.