Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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I just sold Spells little girl. I am going to miss her! She was the friendliest of all the kids this year. I think Spell must have the friendly genes. Every year, her kids are the friendliest. This one got lucky enough to go as a young girls birthday present. She had been asking for a goat ....sounds like my kind of kid and my kind of birthday present!!!

On Wednesday, Georgias little boy "Hunka Chunka" went to his new home too. I felt bad that I didn't have a wether to send home with Spells doeling, but I am glad I was able to sell the boys. These kids are really nice this year. I am loving Captain Morgans bloodlines!

Farm day was Thursday. We took all the goat babies, RavioliAnna, Spellbound, Georgia, Stinkerbelle. Elliot and Funkasaurus were the big hit in the poultry demo this year. The kids were fascinated by their feet! LOL! Every year it is something different! I have to go try and find some newspapers from the last few days....gotta see if the kids or animals made the front page for being there at farm day.....

Jodie....don't be too jealous....we get 112 degree summers.....everything including people and animals dry out like like dusty old prunes....:th


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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I just got an email and cute pic of Brownie, The little doeling with her new person! It was a perfect match.

It has been quieter around here with that little one gone. I guess she talked a lot!

St Pattys was good! We had corned beef, potatoes, cabbage and Grasshopper pie for dessert! Yumm!!!:drool

I had a weird dream the other night. In the dream, I was waking up from anesthesia....or rather not waking up. My friend was talking to me, begging me to come to, but I couldn't move or respond. Then I heard my baby goat cry and someone put her on my chest where she started nuzzling my cheek. I woke up from the anesthesia because I had to feed her.....Then I woke up from my sleep in real life, cause I had to go feed real baby goats real milk, cause they were really hungry....for reals!!!


True BYH Addict
Apr 22, 2010
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N. Kentucky
Jodie....don't be too jealous....we get 112 degree summers.....everything including people and animals dry out like like dusty old prunes....:th

I grew up in Phoenix, I remember 112 and even 120. We thought we were freezing in the winter when it got below 40. :lol:


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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I am most likely getting one or 2 Nubian doelings soon!!!:weee I talked with the seller today. We are waiting on the sires paperwork to send in the deposit, and pics of the other one. I should be getting the first one I want...the second one I want seems to have a prospective buyer already. The last one available, I requested more pics on. I had asked about buying the first one and maybe trading for a second one with one of my Nigerian doelings that I had held back for myself, but she wasn't interested in the doeling so I offered her to someone on my waiting list and they snatched her up! They were here in the next hour to see her and leave a deposit. :woot

We have the 4H fair this week! I am judging the poultry! I hope I do OK and don't take too long..... Mom will be here to help DD with the goats.....


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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Yeah! 4h fair is half over. DD won showmanship in poultry. She barely beat the competition (one of our 4h friends that has been in poultry with us for years. They had the same score, same uniform, same everything. It was the guessing on the bonus question that decided it! Thankfully I was not the judge for that part.

Judging the birds was sooooo difficult! it was easy if there was even a minor fault or less condition to one bird vs another. The birds that were all beautiful examples of the breed were the worst to choose.

In goats, StinkerBelle came in second in a class of 5 big goats! She is a dry yearling and she was in full coat because the weather is just too iffy right now. I decided to just trim the hooves, foot feathering, udders and inside of ears, but to leave the rest of the coat longer for their comfort. All the other dairy goats were shaved up, but I don't have a barn for my girl goats, just a couple of three sided shelters.

Stinker also took Reserve! .... but Delaney gave her a run for her money on that one! Dalaney (Djali) Reeses light chocolate buckskin, impressed the judge and walked away with first. Indigo Mist came in second (she goes to her new home on Sunday) The judge mentioned Delaneys overall style, but both girls width between the hocks set them ahead of the competition.

Stinker Jane came in second in her class! Not bad for our least dairy type, almost officially retired first goat. He mentioned that udder was nice and even.

Oh and while Jane was in the show ring, StinkerBelle jumped out of the pen and came running to find us!

I know it is just the 4H fair, but feedback on the animals helps me see what I am looking for......
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Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
DD won a first in small animal round robin! :weee

Mom was down for a couple of way too short days! We had fun and she went with us to the 4H fair. She of course filled us and the fridge with delicious food!!!! ..... and she conspired with me to cut a hole in the wall to let the dogs out through the laundry room wall. Then she decided that she wanted us to have a real, nice doggie door and bought one with 2 flaps and the wall kit so it looks professional and keeps the weather outside. I got a first hand lesson in cutting bolts since they don't sell them in the length I needed. At one point in our hole cutting adventure, the husband came out to see what the heck we were doing. I guess the vibrating walls and really loud sounds gave us away! :hide He doesn't exactly care for me cutting holes in the walls....:idunnowhich is why I usually do that sort of thing when he is gone! Mom said that grandma liked to do things like that too....so I guess it is all her fault! Runs in the blood! What can I say? I am trying to make my life easier....and keep dog pee off the carpet, since the dogs haven't learned how to open the front door, a hole seemed much more practical. Turning door knobs seem like a stretch for Sir Leaks-A-Lot. He really isn't the brightest crayon in the box! As it is, the hole in the wall seems to be stumping him with those weird flappy things.......:barnie


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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Ok so now I plan on getting both Nubian girls and maybe a couple of boers too!!!! :duc Did I say that out loud?
We are planning another trip. :weee This time DD is going with me. We are meeting mom at grandmas new house, picking up the goats and planning on stopping by my other grandmas, mothers day weekend. We had so much fun last year going to pick up RavioliAnna, it was a consensus that we do it again. Just all us girls!

I sold one nigerian to help pay for the nubians....I decided to sell another nigerian for the boers and I think the same family is seriously considering taking her too!

I had 3 silkies and a faverolle hatch over Easter and a few more hatching right now......

My spinster geese are trying to hatch some eggs. Funkasaurus and Lucy are sharing the nest....but they don't have a mate in that pen.... :idunno My seb gander is in the breeding pen with the other girls. I think i will see if they will set on a few seb eggs for me. They should do a better job than me, but I have to move them tomorrow, so I will see if they still want eggs after the move.....

We had hail today while I was at work. DH was home and he went out in the hail (quarter sized) to rescue our baby ducks, juvenile chicks and put a table over my setting geese even though he really doesn't care too much for the birds.....:love


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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It is supposed to be 99 degrees here tomorrow!!! :th

I called one grandma today with tentative plans....The the DD tells me that that Friday night is the prom! :th sooo I guess we leave Saturday morning instead of friday.

I am soooo goofy, I am thinking of getting a Nubian Buckling. I found a precious blue nubian buckling....but I love spots and so many boys are coming available right now...then I see a beautiful boer girl and think I need another one of those... :barnie

I think I have goat fever!!!! Quick, someone get me some hot water, get me some iodine, get me another goat!!!!!! :p

But, I am thinking that if I sell Jack, I could buy a nubian buck that would eventually be Andys companion..... I do love the milk behind Jack which was why I paid a pretty penny for him in the first place. He gave me 3 girls and a boy already, Georgias quads from last year. But I could happily use my other 2 nigerian bucks for the next couple years before I would really NEED a different Nigerian buck......thinking....thinking....

I just had someone ask me to lower the price on one silkie chick! Seriously?! NO! I am only asking $10 each and they are out of absolutely beautiful stock! I normally do offer a discount for more than 2, but not for one. It isn't my problem he is driving from another town...in fact he had mentioned that he was already going to be in town so what gives? :he


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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Took some pics!!!

Spellbound contemplating world domination......

Georgia and her adopted kid. She had to have her, after all, you can see the family resemblance!!!She must have been hers!....That little brown face on the right is MacinTasha. Georgia tells her to back off so she can snuggle with the new kid. Tasha ended up almost snuggling with mom, by laying on the other side of the wall, just inches away! (broke my heart!)

My "LittleLittle"....Crepe Suzette


Katastrophe Jane our little C-section baby

Casanova, zombie goat, biting my finger......


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
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Anderson, CA
I just checked out your website. Ravi is a good looking girl and Andy has SPOTS!!!! I didn't know you had a spotted buck. You should get some nicely colored kids from Ravi and the new does when mixed with his genetics.