Ahhhh, just sat down. Had to run and get the two roosters that I had processed and then it was time to do payroll then time to feed everything..... Except the humans. Then had to inspect and carton up eight dozen eggs for a customer tomorrow. I'm going to take my guy to dinner tonight. I just can't get excited about cooking, lol.
The babies are starting to jump around so all is good there. Mama is chowing down and has had a good bit of water. I'm not making anymore predictions as to who will go next, lol! Obviously I have NO IDEA!
Oh, and this is the first one I've had that lambed while standing .
Great action shot! Congratulations on having a lamb and not having to supervise the delivery.
I have a great action shot of a goat over Christmas spewing out some fluid before the kid, but it's not as tasteful as yours. I love how he's just diving right out!