That does look like a tux!!!! The two older ones today tried out the sheep/lamb pellets today for the first time. All three have been growing so much, but that will make them grow even faster. All three have been nibbling on hay and taking drinks of water...loved the grass out in the pasture when we had that good weather...and I'm sure lambs come with springs attached to their little hooves!
I think your dogs took lessons from Gus! I swear - half the time when I see her like that I think she's dead or something HORRIBLE has happened to her! Too cute.
Well, looks like I may have been wrong on who was next to lamb. I've got one of the young ewes out in the pasture hiding under a tree by herself. If I go to check in her, the rest of the sheep and the dogs will follow me. Husband on his way home to help get everyone up and situated so we can go see what's up....
LOL, got everyone situated. There's no water bag or anything yet but she's definitely not herself. I told my husband... "She's either in early labor or she's gonna die". She's isolating herself in the small paddock now too so we will see. She's a first timer so it's really hard to tell...