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- #1,281
Herd Master
The wedding is over.
Really great and DIL2 arranged for it to be live screened on U tube under Carl and Kathleen Wedding for friends and relatives who couldn't attend. (If anyone wants to view it I think it is still there - no need to send a gift. 
Several glitches with the rehearsal and wedding as expected. DH, DS1, and I were late for the rehearsal having been dispatched back to the house for forgotten items. The rehearsal dinner went off well. The roasted pig and salads were on the table which looked a little sparse until I remembered that DD2 had remained home to supervise the baking of the 2 lasagna trays, which were not on the table. Those were retrieved from the warming oven, cut and placed on the table along with a large pan of special noodles. Filipinos borrow freely from both Hispanic and Asian cultures for their own ethnic identity. Noodles signify long life and you never cut a noodle since it shortens the life span. I love Asian noodles so was delighted to see them. Then everyone was called to partake of the buffet whereupon the bride's mother discovered that the special Filipino cakes were missing. Daughters were dispatched to find them. While I may decry the lack of daughters (who can cook) to help me with cooking, at least when ONE person is in charge you don't usually forget necessary items. The little cakes were in all different colors and flavors ranging from pistachio through onion. Yummy. The Bride's Father was selected to carve up the roasted pig which he did under directions from the Bride's Mother. DS3 made Margaritas and we partied. The climax was a gender reveal where we found out we are getting a new grandson in April. With 7 girls and 1 boy the new father-in-law was openly crying. He did say he would be checking under the diaper in the hospital to be sure however! The Bride and her ladies all left as did the Bride's parents and other older members of the party. Then the Groom, Groomsmen, and other young men in the party adjourned to the other patio for more liquor and cigars. I went in to clean up the kitchen. By then my knee and ankle were aching into my hip and back. I was tempted to leave everything but knew that The Wedding Day is always hectic. I put away all the food, started a load of dishes, and threw away a few things. The guests had already cleaned up the patio before leaving. The dogs were released and fed. Bubba seemed to like all the remaining guests, only one of whom he had not met before. I checked my ewes one last time, and finally I was able to go to bed dragging my, by now useless, leg behind me.
We had a terrific time at the rehearsal dinner and I really expected the wedding reception might be an anti-climax.
Next day I was up early for my makeup and hair session at the Bride's hotel room. I immediately drove to the wrong hotel
but managed to make it in time to the right one. The entire female contingent of the Bride's and Groom's families were there drinking coffee and eating snacks. I brought the leftover Filipino cakes which were greeted with cries of delight.
An hour and a half later, made up and styled, I left the hotel where all the women, my other 2 daughters, and their girls were getting makeup and hair done. I came home to make sure everything was well with the 3 (helpless) males. There were actually 4 men there but the Best Man had his wife to look after him. I had to find a shirt and tie for DH, a tie to match DD2's dress for FSIL, and put in the cuff links and studs for the Groom. His Bride had given them to him and he wanted to wear them since he had a bow tie. After dressing him, I turned my attention to DS1 who was also struggling with studs - his had come with the rented tux. The Best Man pointed out that since he was not wearing a bow tie, but a regular tie, he did not need to wear them - at which point DS1 threw the offending studs back onto his bed and rebuttoned his shirt. DD2 then showed up with FSIL and daughter Maysie. While DH taught FSIL how to tie a double Windsor with coaching from DS3, I went to find the lilac hair ribbons for 3 year old Maysie whose hair had been done at the hotel. Grandma tied the ribbons on the 4 tiny front ponytails in her curly hair. On to DH who was demanding his boutonierre which I explained was waiting at the church. DSIL showed up with his 2 older boys who had to show me their nice new suits. DD1 was dressing at the hotel with the Flower Girl and would meet everyone at the church. I assigned the cars to carry everyone to the church since some of them would be traveling for pictures right after the wedding ceremony while the rest of us returned to the house for a snack and me for a quick change of dress. No cars could be left at the church since they would be needed later for return from the reception at the other end of the Valley.
The Groom, DS1, the Best Man, and the Ring Bearer were sent off in the Black Dragon, proudly bearing 2 giant American flags mounted in the bed along with a giant Just Married flag. (He and his brother had built the mounting the previous day.) They also had my portable mounting block in the back so the tiny Bride, who tops out at 5', would be able to scramble into The Black Dragon in her "mermaid" style dress and train.
The Black Dragon has extendable running boards, but even I have trouble getting onto them! DSIL, and his two boys drove off to the church in his van. He would then exchange children with DD1 and take the Best Man, the Ring Bearer, and the Flower girl in his van with its safety seats on to the photograph sessions. Other vehicles would be allocated at the church for transporting the wedding party to photos etc. FSIL, DD2 and DGD2 left. DH, DDIL, DGS4, and I then drove together to the church, returning only once to the house for forgotten items, and an emergency needle and thread to repair the Bride's gown. As it turned out one of the bridesmaids' dresses needed a few stitches as well.
I did not think I had to be there early so arrived about 15 minutes before the wedding was supposed to start to find pure pandemonium!
The Bride had not even left her hotel by 12:15 pm and the wedding was due to start at 12:30 pm! The Groom took the wrong freeway, followed by FSIL and DD2, but he was corrected by Best Man and DS1. Not sure if he was making a break for it or just tired and confused. LOL
Then no one seemed to know where any of the necessary ceremonial items were except for the flowers which were laid out in the entry. The Ring Bearer and Flower Girl were running around ringless and flowerless. The Sponsors did not have their necessary items and no guest book had been placed ready for signatures! I had packed everything in a box marked "Rehearsal and Wedding" which the Bride had assured me her sisters would bring to the church and and pass out the items to the appropriate persons. Obviously on a wedding day people become illiterate! The Bride's sisters had indeed brought the box, but no one remembered where it had been placed. I finally located it in a pew. I collared the Ring Bearer and Flower Girl and gave them their appropriate items. Then I sent them to the foyer to wait for the procession. I found the Wedding Rings, Veil, Rope, Bible, Rosary, and Coins, and passed them out to the correct persons. The Bride would have to wait until after the ceremony for repairs to her dress since by now we were running very late. The eye part of a hook and eye on her dress was missing and needed to be replaced. No problem, but no time since we needed to start the wedding. Another wedding party were arriving at 2:00 pm and it was already 12:30 pm. The church wedding coordinator, Tina, whose son had been in DD1's class in school, grabbed me to pin on my corsage. The Ring Bearer and Flower Girl were nowhere to be found. The Groomsmen were wandering, while the groom had noticed an elderly uncle to whom he was talking oblivious to frantic calls from Tina. The Father of the Bride was weeping at the sight of his beautiful daughter in the foyer, while the Mother of the Bride was waiting with their son to process down to her seat.
Escaping from Tina as she tried to thrust me into a pew, I said hello to my uncle and accidentally insulted my cousin thus brightening DD2's day. My cousin had gone very gray and before I realized I told her I hardly recognized her with her gray hair and she needed to find a good colorist! I also called her "Honey", which might be considered a Califrnia variation of "Bless Yore Heart". Since becoming old I have no control over my mouth - it is very freeing. Since none of us like that cousin (she has been vicious to DD2) my family was very pleased with me.
Next I proceeded down the aisle to the front of the church gathering up Groomsmen, the Flower Girl and Ring Bearer. Herding them all in front of me back to the foyer I threatened DGS3 and DGD1 with mayhem if they left their positions in the foyer. I assigned the Best Man to watch the ring Bearer and DSIL to watch the Flower Girl who was now wearing her wreath at a jaunty angle. Pausing only to straighten her crown, I returned to the rear pew where I pushed DH in, then the Groom, and told them to wait there without moving. I then told DD1, DD2, FSIL, and DGD2 who were still chatting with my elderly uncle in the middle of the center aisle about DD2's upcoming wedding to get into their pews on the RIGHT side of the church. PRONTO! Since by now poor Tina was having a meltdown trying to arrange the bridal procession.
Finally, she told us to proceed and DH and I escorted DS2, the Groom to the front of the church. The Mother of the Bride was escorted to her pew by her son. then the Procession began. The Flower Girl was adorable in her "twirly" lace dress and flower crown, the Ring Bearer was adorable in his tiny tux. He did not swing the Ring Pillow around like a baton, but carried it carefully flat. The Groomsmen and Bridesmaids processed up, all of them handsome and beautiful. Finally the moment we were all waiting for arrived. The organ music swelled, and in came the Beautiful Bride on her father's arm. When he got to the front he placed her hand into that of the Groom. I was ready and as the Bride and groom went up onto the altar, I quietly pressed a couple Kleenexes into his hand Surprised, he looked at them a moment then wiped his eyes.
Aaah, tradition. DH's eyes were also watering as he watched his son. Luckily I had extra tissues. The Mother of the Bride and I beamed with pride. And on my part, gratitude that it was finally over. Our old pastor was watching from the wings too. Dear Fr. Larkin brought DH into the faith as a convert, gave DD1 her First Communion, married DD1 and DSIL, buried several of our relatives, and has been a good friend. He is not well now, and was on a cane, but we were overjoyed to see him there. He had been invited to the reception but both he and Fr. Mike declined.
As our wedding party filed out, I collected all the items, and noticed that the next wedding were waitin in the wings with puzzled looks on their faces. The Bridal party was rushed outside for some pictures and DH, FSIL, DD1 and DD2 collected our flower arrangements from the altar so the next florist could put hers up there. Since the bridesmaids were dressed in red and carrying red roses, our apricot and blue color scheme would not have worked for them anyway. LOL We quickly put the flower arrangements into the car to transport to the reception, and made sure that everything was removed fro the pews as the next wedding guests took their seats. Photos with family outside the church before the bridal party went off to their secret photo locations. I was able to repair the Bride's and the Bridesmaid's gown between photographs. Then we all collapsed into our cars and went to our house with the family. We snacked on leftover rehearsal food, and I changed into my evening reception dress. Finally everyone left for the reception with the flowers. DDIL, DGS4, and I left while FDIL let out the dogs again and closed the gate. We didn't bring in the sheep but with the 3 dogs on guard they were safe. I did check the heavily pregnant ewes from the window with my binoculars and they were fine. On the road, BUT we received a last minute call from the Groom AND had to return to the house for comfortable shoes for DS1, DS2, and the Groom's overnight bag.
Finally arriving at the reception, the Groom and DS1 met us in the parking lot and retrieved their belongings. I had to repair the Bride's gown again since there had been another malfunction. The last stitches - actually put in by her sister - had unravelled. I made sure the eye was firmly attached this time, and the Bride was rezipped into her gown ready for the grand entrance. BUT NOT QUITE YET! The microphones and speaker that the couple had purchased needed to be located in someone's car and brought into the reception area. With Covid no DJ was allowed so no mike or speakers. They provided their own and one of the Groomsmen announced everyone. The Groom had gifted his Groomsmen with long ceremonial daggers and the Bride and Groom decided to have their attendants form an arch holding their bouquets and daggers in the air. Everyone agreed that it was very DS2. It made a lovely entrance though and was fun.
Now that we were finally at the reception I immediately got myself a large Mai Tai and sat down to chat. What a relief, pressure all gone! The reception was great, and we even danced. The little girls danced a lot too and DDs and i agreed that it was a good thing they both had "twirly" dresses. LOL DD2 looked lovely as did DD1 and both were complemented greatly on their dresses. Everything was lovely, the view from the terrace looked over the Valley's lights. the food was excellent, and there was a 4 hour open bar. I had 3 Mai Tais over the evening and enjoyed myself immensely. The Bride and Groom each had a dollar dance and danced with men and women alike. The Groom made
$100 more than the Bride but he was really a kick on the dance floor! LOL We finally packed up everything and came home where DH and I fell into bed and slept the sleep of the exhausted.
Next morning DS3 and DH were already up and chatting when I got up. I did more dishes left from the day before, and DDIL, DGS3 and 4 came inside from their sleeping quarters in our 5th wheel. I fed them Zuchini cake and informed their mom that it counted as a vegetable at grandma's house. LOL. DGS4 said if it was a vegetable he didn't want it but after a bite he gobbled it down. DD1 called wanting to come over and bring donuts. Everyone perked up at the mention of donuts and I texted DD2 who also came over with her family. A couple of friends showed up as well - Lianne has been friends with DS2 for 22 years since their goat showing 4-H days. She was one of his Groomsmen. She is also the friend from whom I got goat milk for Snowflake. LOL Finally the Bride and Groom came over to pack
their suitcases. They are going to Catalina Island for a 3 day honeymoon.
When they arrived DSIL told them that the rest of us had never been to Catalina so he had found last minute cheap tickets and reservations and the whole family were going with them!
DDIL2 went a little pale and clutched at her chest. DS2 immediately told DSIL "Fine, you can drive us down to the boat". However as we all broke into laughter she immediately asked DD1 which hotel we were at and of course, that broke up the joke. She knows us all well now so it only took a moment to realize that we were teasing. It was a good joke and believable though because we made DSIL tell them he got the reservations discounted on line - which he always does. More donuts and coffee, then DS1 collected everyone's tuxes to return. DS2 and DDIL2 went to pack for their honeymoon. The rest of us waved them off to visit her folks before catching the 4:00 boat.
I brought out all the leftovers from the rehearsal dinner and served lunch on the patio. We all relaxed and visited while the grandkids ran around and played. It was a lovely morning. In the afternoon DS3 and his family packed up and left for their 3 hour trip home. Lianne and her friend also left. DS1 announced he was retuning the tuxes.
No sooner than they had driven off down the road than I heard a painful bleat from the corral and one of the ewes was lambing, I put on my boots and got my lambing box and went to see what was going on. She looked like she was having a bit of trouble. Luckily DS1 had not yet left so he was able to come help catch her. She is one of the range ewes and not tame. We caught her and I checked her. Sure enough the lamb was coming but was slightly stuck. I eased out foot and head but the other leg was still inside. Finally I found it knuckled under the pelvic bone. Got it out from under the bone and he slithered out. After waiting for a while, no other lambs were noticeable although she had another bag of waters presenting. We decided to move her into the jugs which we did. Still no more lambs so I checked her. Another lamb but way up and I didn't want to burst the water bag. I said let's leave her for now and come back later. Sure enough about 20 minutes later we checked and another lamb was on the ground. One of each, both nice sizes and healthy. I may have jumped in too fast to pull the first one but I would rather do that than wait too late. So nice of that ewe to hold off until after the wedding!
I did text Lianne about her terrible timing in leaving. By now she has pulled as many kids as I have. 5 minutes later and she could have been helping me in the corral!
However FSIL did a good job with the ewe on her halter getting her into the barn, while DD2 and both granddaughters watched and then helped rub the lamb dry. Little Maysie was impressed about the "stuck" lamb and how Grandma got it "unstuck".
Today, catching up on emails and relaxing!!!

Several glitches with the rehearsal and wedding as expected. DH, DS1, and I were late for the rehearsal having been dispatched back to the house for forgotten items. The rehearsal dinner went off well. The roasted pig and salads were on the table which looked a little sparse until I remembered that DD2 had remained home to supervise the baking of the 2 lasagna trays, which were not on the table. Those were retrieved from the warming oven, cut and placed on the table along with a large pan of special noodles. Filipinos borrow freely from both Hispanic and Asian cultures for their own ethnic identity. Noodles signify long life and you never cut a noodle since it shortens the life span. I love Asian noodles so was delighted to see them. Then everyone was called to partake of the buffet whereupon the bride's mother discovered that the special Filipino cakes were missing. Daughters were dispatched to find them. While I may decry the lack of daughters (who can cook) to help me with cooking, at least when ONE person is in charge you don't usually forget necessary items. The little cakes were in all different colors and flavors ranging from pistachio through onion. Yummy. The Bride's Father was selected to carve up the roasted pig which he did under directions from the Bride's Mother. DS3 made Margaritas and we partied. The climax was a gender reveal where we found out we are getting a new grandson in April. With 7 girls and 1 boy the new father-in-law was openly crying. He did say he would be checking under the diaper in the hospital to be sure however! The Bride and her ladies all left as did the Bride's parents and other older members of the party. Then the Groom, Groomsmen, and other young men in the party adjourned to the other patio for more liquor and cigars. I went in to clean up the kitchen. By then my knee and ankle were aching into my hip and back. I was tempted to leave everything but knew that The Wedding Day is always hectic. I put away all the food, started a load of dishes, and threw away a few things. The guests had already cleaned up the patio before leaving. The dogs were released and fed. Bubba seemed to like all the remaining guests, only one of whom he had not met before. I checked my ewes one last time, and finally I was able to go to bed dragging my, by now useless, leg behind me.

Next day I was up early for my makeup and hair session at the Bride's hotel room. I immediately drove to the wrong hotel

An hour and a half later, made up and styled, I left the hotel where all the women, my other 2 daughters, and their girls were getting makeup and hair done. I came home to make sure everything was well with the 3 (helpless) males. There were actually 4 men there but the Best Man had his wife to look after him. I had to find a shirt and tie for DH, a tie to match DD2's dress for FSIL, and put in the cuff links and studs for the Groom. His Bride had given them to him and he wanted to wear them since he had a bow tie. After dressing him, I turned my attention to DS1 who was also struggling with studs - his had come with the rented tux. The Best Man pointed out that since he was not wearing a bow tie, but a regular tie, he did not need to wear them - at which point DS1 threw the offending studs back onto his bed and rebuttoned his shirt. DD2 then showed up with FSIL and daughter Maysie. While DH taught FSIL how to tie a double Windsor with coaching from DS3, I went to find the lilac hair ribbons for 3 year old Maysie whose hair had been done at the hotel. Grandma tied the ribbons on the 4 tiny front ponytails in her curly hair. On to DH who was demanding his boutonierre which I explained was waiting at the church. DSIL showed up with his 2 older boys who had to show me their nice new suits. DD1 was dressing at the hotel with the Flower Girl and would meet everyone at the church. I assigned the cars to carry everyone to the church since some of them would be traveling for pictures right after the wedding ceremony while the rest of us returned to the house for a snack and me for a quick change of dress. No cars could be left at the church since they would be needed later for return from the reception at the other end of the Valley.
The Groom, DS1, the Best Man, and the Ring Bearer were sent off in the Black Dragon, proudly bearing 2 giant American flags mounted in the bed along with a giant Just Married flag. (He and his brother had built the mounting the previous day.) They also had my portable mounting block in the back so the tiny Bride, who tops out at 5', would be able to scramble into The Black Dragon in her "mermaid" style dress and train.
I did not think I had to be there early so arrived about 15 minutes before the wedding was supposed to start to find pure pandemonium!

Then no one seemed to know where any of the necessary ceremonial items were except for the flowers which were laid out in the entry. The Ring Bearer and Flower Girl were running around ringless and flowerless. The Sponsors did not have their necessary items and no guest book had been placed ready for signatures! I had packed everything in a box marked "Rehearsal and Wedding" which the Bride had assured me her sisters would bring to the church and and pass out the items to the appropriate persons. Obviously on a wedding day people become illiterate! The Bride's sisters had indeed brought the box, but no one remembered where it had been placed. I finally located it in a pew. I collared the Ring Bearer and Flower Girl and gave them their appropriate items. Then I sent them to the foyer to wait for the procession. I found the Wedding Rings, Veil, Rope, Bible, Rosary, and Coins, and passed them out to the correct persons. The Bride would have to wait until after the ceremony for repairs to her dress since by now we were running very late. The eye part of a hook and eye on her dress was missing and needed to be replaced. No problem, but no time since we needed to start the wedding. Another wedding party were arriving at 2:00 pm and it was already 12:30 pm. The church wedding coordinator, Tina, whose son had been in DD1's class in school, grabbed me to pin on my corsage. The Ring Bearer and Flower Girl were nowhere to be found. The Groomsmen were wandering, while the groom had noticed an elderly uncle to whom he was talking oblivious to frantic calls from Tina. The Father of the Bride was weeping at the sight of his beautiful daughter in the foyer, while the Mother of the Bride was waiting with their son to process down to her seat.
Escaping from Tina as she tried to thrust me into a pew, I said hello to my uncle and accidentally insulted my cousin thus brightening DD2's day. My cousin had gone very gray and before I realized I told her I hardly recognized her with her gray hair and she needed to find a good colorist! I also called her "Honey", which might be considered a Califrnia variation of "Bless Yore Heart". Since becoming old I have no control over my mouth - it is very freeing. Since none of us like that cousin (she has been vicious to DD2) my family was very pleased with me.
Next I proceeded down the aisle to the front of the church gathering up Groomsmen, the Flower Girl and Ring Bearer. Herding them all in front of me back to the foyer I threatened DGS3 and DGD1 with mayhem if they left their positions in the foyer. I assigned the Best Man to watch the ring Bearer and DSIL to watch the Flower Girl who was now wearing her wreath at a jaunty angle. Pausing only to straighten her crown, I returned to the rear pew where I pushed DH in, then the Groom, and told them to wait there without moving. I then told DD1, DD2, FSIL, and DGD2 who were still chatting with my elderly uncle in the middle of the center aisle about DD2's upcoming wedding to get into their pews on the RIGHT side of the church. PRONTO! Since by now poor Tina was having a meltdown trying to arrange the bridal procession.
Finally, she told us to proceed and DH and I escorted DS2, the Groom to the front of the church. The Mother of the Bride was escorted to her pew by her son. then the Procession began. The Flower Girl was adorable in her "twirly" lace dress and flower crown, the Ring Bearer was adorable in his tiny tux. He did not swing the Ring Pillow around like a baton, but carried it carefully flat. The Groomsmen and Bridesmaids processed up, all of them handsome and beautiful. Finally the moment we were all waiting for arrived. The organ music swelled, and in came the Beautiful Bride on her father's arm. When he got to the front he placed her hand into that of the Groom. I was ready and as the Bride and groom went up onto the altar, I quietly pressed a couple Kleenexes into his hand Surprised, he looked at them a moment then wiped his eyes.

As our wedding party filed out, I collected all the items, and noticed that the next wedding were waitin in the wings with puzzled looks on their faces. The Bridal party was rushed outside for some pictures and DH, FSIL, DD1 and DD2 collected our flower arrangements from the altar so the next florist could put hers up there. Since the bridesmaids were dressed in red and carrying red roses, our apricot and blue color scheme would not have worked for them anyway. LOL We quickly put the flower arrangements into the car to transport to the reception, and made sure that everything was removed fro the pews as the next wedding guests took their seats. Photos with family outside the church before the bridal party went off to their secret photo locations. I was able to repair the Bride's and the Bridesmaid's gown between photographs. Then we all collapsed into our cars and went to our house with the family. We snacked on leftover rehearsal food, and I changed into my evening reception dress. Finally everyone left for the reception with the flowers. DDIL, DGS4, and I left while FDIL let out the dogs again and closed the gate. We didn't bring in the sheep but with the 3 dogs on guard they were safe. I did check the heavily pregnant ewes from the window with my binoculars and they were fine. On the road, BUT we received a last minute call from the Groom AND had to return to the house for comfortable shoes for DS1, DS2, and the Groom's overnight bag.
Finally arriving at the reception, the Groom and DS1 met us in the parking lot and retrieved their belongings. I had to repair the Bride's gown again since there had been another malfunction. The last stitches - actually put in by her sister - had unravelled. I made sure the eye was firmly attached this time, and the Bride was rezipped into her gown ready for the grand entrance. BUT NOT QUITE YET! The microphones and speaker that the couple had purchased needed to be located in someone's car and brought into the reception area. With Covid no DJ was allowed so no mike or speakers. They provided their own and one of the Groomsmen announced everyone. The Groom had gifted his Groomsmen with long ceremonial daggers and the Bride and Groom decided to have their attendants form an arch holding their bouquets and daggers in the air. Everyone agreed that it was very DS2. It made a lovely entrance though and was fun.
Now that we were finally at the reception I immediately got myself a large Mai Tai and sat down to chat. What a relief, pressure all gone! The reception was great, and we even danced. The little girls danced a lot too and DDs and i agreed that it was a good thing they both had "twirly" dresses. LOL DD2 looked lovely as did DD1 and both were complemented greatly on their dresses. Everything was lovely, the view from the terrace looked over the Valley's lights. the food was excellent, and there was a 4 hour open bar. I had 3 Mai Tais over the evening and enjoyed myself immensely. The Bride and Groom each had a dollar dance and danced with men and women alike. The Groom made
$100 more than the Bride but he was really a kick on the dance floor! LOL We finally packed up everything and came home where DH and I fell into bed and slept the sleep of the exhausted.
Next morning DS3 and DH were already up and chatting when I got up. I did more dishes left from the day before, and DDIL, DGS3 and 4 came inside from their sleeping quarters in our 5th wheel. I fed them Zuchini cake and informed their mom that it counted as a vegetable at grandma's house. LOL. DGS4 said if it was a vegetable he didn't want it but after a bite he gobbled it down. DD1 called wanting to come over and bring donuts. Everyone perked up at the mention of donuts and I texted DD2 who also came over with her family. A couple of friends showed up as well - Lianne has been friends with DS2 for 22 years since their goat showing 4-H days. She was one of his Groomsmen. She is also the friend from whom I got goat milk for Snowflake. LOL Finally the Bride and Groom came over to pack

When they arrived DSIL told them that the rest of us had never been to Catalina so he had found last minute cheap tickets and reservations and the whole family were going with them!

I brought out all the leftovers from the rehearsal dinner and served lunch on the patio. We all relaxed and visited while the grandkids ran around and played. It was a lovely morning. In the afternoon DS3 and his family packed up and left for their 3 hour trip home. Lianne and her friend also left. DS1 announced he was retuning the tuxes.
No sooner than they had driven off down the road than I heard a painful bleat from the corral and one of the ewes was lambing, I put on my boots and got my lambing box and went to see what was going on. She looked like she was having a bit of trouble. Luckily DS1 had not yet left so he was able to come help catch her. She is one of the range ewes and not tame. We caught her and I checked her. Sure enough the lamb was coming but was slightly stuck. I eased out foot and head but the other leg was still inside. Finally I found it knuckled under the pelvic bone. Got it out from under the bone and he slithered out. After waiting for a while, no other lambs were noticeable although she had another bag of waters presenting. We decided to move her into the jugs which we did. Still no more lambs so I checked her. Another lamb but way up and I didn't want to burst the water bag. I said let's leave her for now and come back later. Sure enough about 20 minutes later we checked and another lamb was on the ground. One of each, both nice sizes and healthy. I may have jumped in too fast to pull the first one but I would rather do that than wait too late. So nice of that ewe to hold off until after the wedding!
I did text Lianne about her terrible timing in leaving. By now she has pulled as many kids as I have. 5 minutes later and she could have been helping me in the corral!

Today, catching up on emails and relaxing!!!