Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Josie the Mule is the sweetest mule ever. DDIL1 and I laugh about our en who think the best way to catch a horse or mule is to stride into the pasture swinging the halter at them and calling them. Our old horses used to come running when we did that but our current horses now give us the hairy eyeball. and contrive to stay just out of reach! LOL Josie the Mule gets in your face until you run right into her if you turn around if you don't want to catch her, but you have to hide the halter if you want to put her in a corral or tie her out of the way! LOL

Last night I did the response envelopes with return address labels and stamps. Then I printed and cut the Registry cards, put the response cards, response envelopes, registry cards, and invitations in the envelopes, applied the return address labels, stamped them, and addressed them. OK OK, I admit I used fancy script labels instead of writing the addresses in caligraphy. But my back was seizing up and I am 16 years older than I was when I did all of DD1's 250 invitations in caligraphy. Today DH mailed all the invitations! :weee

Today I also scheduled the rehearsal, contacted the minister and gave her the time and date, contacted several DJs and photographers for bids - they are recommended by the venue and give a discount (supposedly) if I use them. I would hate to see the price list without the "venue referral discount"! :ep However, having been through the claws of wedding vendors before, I was expecting the prices and in fact was pleased that they might come out lower than expected. Today I also sorted out all my wedding purchases. Items needing to be transported to the ceremony and reception went into a special box, As stuff gets made, assembled, etc. those items will join their little friends in the box ready for THE WEDDING! Yesterday while waiting for DD2 and DGD2 to arrive at the Flower Girl dress appointment, I also contacted the florist and set an appointment for November 4.

Multitasking - Thy Name is Woman!

Yesterday I accompanied DD1, DD2, DGD1 and DGD2 on their quest for the perfect Flower Girl dresses. The Perfect Flower Girl Dress has several important "Musts". First it must be beautiful, but not so beautiful as to overshadow the bride since we know that Flower Girls demand all the attention anyway as they sweetly walk ahead of the bride and her father down the long aisle. (Unless they are sobbing and trying to run back to their mother in which case the entire congregation is treated to hissed threats to "Walk down that aisle or else"! Then the mother - always in an outfit that clashes with the bride's color scheme has to drag the screaming child down the aisle followed closely by the bride regretting the decision to use that adorable child as a flower girl. However, that problem is being averted since DGD1 will do the dragging and DGD2 will enjoy being dragged by her cousin since she follows her everywhere anyway. I cunningly arranged for 2 flower girls for just this reason. ;)

Second it must twirl with abandon since all flower girls know that they plan to twirl on the dance floor until they are dizzy and fall down, thus causing dancing couples to trip over them. This is apparently flower girl exhilaration to the max!

Third, it must not be too expensive but also must not look cheap! And since the flower girl will want to wear her flower girl dress multiple times, must be reusable, thus washable. So any requirements, so little time

To get on with the story, DD1 tried to convince DD2 that she should order the same dress that DGD1 wore as flower girl for DS2's wedding. This would save DD1 money. DD2 resisted since she abhors lace and DGD1's dress is completely made of lace. DD1 graceful abandoned that attempt and the two (little) girls enjoyed dressing their offspring in a multitude of fluffy dresses. It was like watching them play with dolls. That is if the dolls had not been running around on the dais, TWIRLING to make sure the skirts swirled out enough to show off their underpants, singing the hit tunes from Frozen at the top of their voices, and "tap dancing" by stamping their feet. The children enjoyed themselves very much. Finally a compromise on the dresses was reached. The style chosen was very plain but they were in stock in the store. This was good since some of the dresses would have to be ordered and would not be delivered until 2 days before the wedding - which is taking a BIG chance on them not arriving at all. With the addition of pink sashes (luckily the store had 2 in stock) the dresses looked very sweet. The overly simple look could be fixed, said DD1, by Mom (me) sewing multitudes of little pink satin rosebuds over the tulle skirt. Thank you, Dear.

It gave me a wonderful warm and loving feeling to watch my girls talking to each other as they walked back to their cars with their 2 girls. I may not live to see my DGDs marry, but I know that the strong togetherness our family has for each other will endure and keep them together after DH and I are gone. DD1 had insisted on paying for her sister's dress. DD2 returned the favor by buying both FG dresses. They are besties again. I can only wonder how long it will last. Sigh . . . . Sisters . . . .

Then I went to Michaels for pink and mauve artificial flowers for the FG baskets. Got home at 7:eek:o pm nd made dinner. DH insisted on watching Grace & Frankie till midnight (the show we discovered and both love) so I took a nap during it. I will watch it another time, Bless you Netflix. Had a bad moment this am when I couldn't find DGD1's basket then realized that she had taken it home with her. I called DD1 and told her I needed it back to do up in pink for DD2's wedding. I will get it on Saturday at the alteration fitting for DD2's gown. In the meantime I have updated my To Do list.

DS1 had the grandsons coming over to sort out the corral clamps for the pipe corrals. He has decided to get to work on the front pasture fencing and will clamp together our existing pipe panels. However, over the past 35 years some of the clamp connecting bolts and nuts have rusted together, other bolts have been stripped or bent so he is making use of the grandsons, ages almost 13 and 10 to do this sorting for him. They will be able to use the power drills to unscrew the bolts which make them very happy. Testosterone Speaks!

The weather has changed suddenly as it does here in so Cal. The nights are very cool and the days stay cool till afternoon when they warm up to the 70's. Nice refreshing weather to do our outside work which is why DS1 wants t get the front section fenced into a pasture. DH said he wants to close off the lower pasture that the rams are in currently so he can seed it when the rains come (or if they come). He would water but our water bill is horrible. We have had leaks and fixed them but I think this leak is from a toilet that has been running forever. Unfortunately it doesn't run ALL the time and DH can't hear well enough to hear it most of the time so has been in denial. Until the last water bill. DH had a hissy fit, accusing everyone of wasting his expensive water. He decided to try turning off the water to the toilet and just turning it on when someone used it nd needed to flush. :gig This did not work well since he turned it off the day after the wedding while all the family was still here and everyone was using the toilet so he had to keep going in and turning the water back on for a flush! Finally, he decided to fix it. He suggested calling a plumber but at DS1's look of shocked surprise and horror he relented and said maybe they could fix it themselves. Then he and DS1 went down to the street to see if the meter was turning after turning off all water in the house and yard. The toilet did not run while they were out of the house - like the car that only makes that funny sound when you are driving alone! After more discussion while the toilet ran and DH couldn't hear it, DS1 took an entire day and went back and forth to the plumbing store to get the correct size innards for the toilet. He replaced all the guts and now it has stopped running. I bet our water bill is down 50%! It has been running intermittently for 20 plus years! Need I mention that I have been saying it needed to be repaired for 20 years? No? You already guessed that? OK

My ewes are still holding out on me and I am still waiting for lambs to arrive from the 3 ewes due this month. I will be extremely disappointed if the ewes I bought as bred don't lamb before the end of the month. :mad: However, it is what it is. The nursing ewes need an increase in their rations. They are heavy milkers, had big lambs and the lambs started nibbling hay within 2 days of being born! 8111 lambed at a condition score of almost 4 and is now just over 3! The lambs are sucking her down. 0439's condition score was lower but still good however she is also losing condition. With the cost of hay I might give them barleycorn to help them maintain condition. It is cheaper to supplement them with a small amount of barleycorn than add half a flake of hay to their ration, DS1 said to feed an extra half flake alfalfa in the morning too. We have been feeding half a flake am and half a flake pm, but some of the flakes peel very light feeling. We still need to bring in more hay before the heavy winter hits. We have missed the low hay prices though. There is still a good bit of dry forage out in the far corner of the pasture though. Pease let it rain! 🙏 But not within a few days of the wedding! Just enough to wash the skies and make for good pix. After the wedding it can come down in hurricane gales though. I want the forage to grow.

Yesterday while I was attending the "Flower Girl Musical" tryouts, the grandsons came over to work and cleaned the jugs. Yay! The older DGS is trying to earn money to go on the class trip to Washington DC next year (postponed from this year of Covid 2020.) While they are not as capable or strong as my children were at younger ages (since they did not grow up on a farm working with livestock) they are still capable of learning and of doing work. We will teach them to be strong. LOL One thing is certain, they like making money so all the little annoying stuff we are getting tired of doing that requires bending over etc. can be passed on to them. :)

Well, got to go and make a ring bearer pillow.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! TO ALL YOU BYHers who encourage me to continue writing my stories.

I am a published author!!! Not a paid author, but 3 stories that I submitted to magazines have been published.

I am a realist so must also admit that with the dearth of shows and show winnings to report on, the various breed magazines are desperate for articles. The Anatolian Times published "This Little Piggy Went to Market:" about Ham Hocks, and has published the first installment of "Our First Anatolian". The Dorper Report published a serous article on the importance of Livestock Guardians to the sheep rancher.

I would never have had the courage to send them in without all you guys telling me I should. Your support has been so important to me over the years. My BYH family had become some of my best friends. I love you all.

Back to the wedding -
Booked the DJ, chose the menu, mailed the invitations, made the Ring Bearer pillow - now on to the Flower Girl dress sashes, crowns and baskets.

DD@ just arrived - got to go.