Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Got the creep lamb lambs weighed today and mamas pulled off all lambs over 60 lbs. Weight ranged from 60.8 to 68.4, aged 9 weeks to 11 weeks. Some singles on first fresheners, most twins. Youngest jug lambs (2-4 weeks) moved from jugs into creep, weighed average of 21 lbs. with one really small lamb at 12.5 lbs. Possibly misweighed - will recheck next week although she is definitely on the small side. If she stays this small can I advertise and sell her as a "rare mini Dorper"? lol One December lamb weighed 47.8 lbs s she and her mother stayed in the creep pen.

Kept the lambs in the creep pen and turned the ewes out on the field, marked with pink/purple paint and green paint showing open and lambed in November as opposed to those marked with green only, showing them to be open and have lambed September /October. I will separate the ewes out to go to the different rams this month. Have to go through the paperwork to see which ones have ewe lambs out of which rams.

DGS2 is getting better at the weighing. He stays on the scale but is getting better at pushing the lamb into the scale with his knees. DGD1 was not allowed to come and weigh lambs (with she loves) because she had not finished her schoolwork.

Pens cleaned out and will be allowed to dry for another week when DS1 will take all jugs apart. DS1, grandsons, and DH will scrape the barn floor to get ready for next group of lambing ewes in 4-5 months.

I have decided to sell my antique carved Chinese daybed and the hand painted Chinese altar table at the consignment store in Palm Springs. No point keeping them when we need that room for a nursery for DS2's baby. I love them, but don't need them. I have too much stuff. I offered them to DD1 for her office/spare BR but she doesn't like Asian art or furniture. DDIL2 loves Asian art and furniture but has no house or apartment yet. Might as well sell them.

Josie the Mule is in trouble. Apparently she has loosened one side of the hay shed. She did not pull off the board, just loosened it enough to stick her head inside and eat off the bales of hay! One bottom bale is almost completely gone. DS1 caught her the other day. I told DH we should clear out the Connexes again and see if we could get rid of enough stuff to fit everything inside one Connex. That would free one up for hay storage. DH and DS1 didn't think we could empty one full one out although one is not completely full. We have another Rubbermaid type shed on the driveway about 8'x10' which is full of rubbish. I think we could empty it and either use it for hay on the driveway, or move some of the Connex stuff into it and get rid of a lot of the other stuff in the Connexes. It is not rodent proof like the Connexes, but could hold shelves and plastic totes of stuff, and the Christmas boxes which take up about 6-8' of wall shelving storage in one Connex. I will go out and start pulling out the stuff in it. There are a lot of suitcases in it, some of which could be donated to Goodwill.

Anyway, I need to start "decluttering" this place. I have not given up hope of selling the Yelm property and finding our ranch. :fl in Texas. :love

The ewes that were separated are yelling for their lambs. The lambs left behind in the creep didn't seem to miss their moms. They were all crowded into the creep gobbling hay. Once the next go round for the ewes in front passes, I will pull those ewes out onto the field and mark their lambing dates on the calendar, sort out a couple of ewes in good condition and put them with a ram. The late spring lambs from 2020 will be bred this summer. Next Wednesday I take the 4 heaviest wether lambs to the butcher. The following Wednesday I will take a load of lambs to the auction. Then I will need to check which lambs will make weight for the March butcher date or book April.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Ewes that we pulled the lambs off are not happy. Most likely because their udders are full. The udders look very pretty - I would not have been ashamed of these udders on our dairy goats when they were showing. Next time we pull lambs, I might try to milk a couple of the ewes for the first day or two. Doesn't hurt to have extra milk in the freezer. The lambs don't seem to miss their moms at all.

We need to leave for Yelm next week. Squatters got into the house and luckily another agent went to show the property and caught them. Called the police and they were arrested and went to jail. Broken window in door to fix. I am considering having a burglar alarm installed with monitoring company.

DH has an appointment for his first Covid vaccine on Tuesday. I can't get mine yet. We have an appointment t bring in 4 lambs to the butcher on Wednesday. I forgot that that is the same day as the auction I wanted to get a bunch of lambs off to the sale yard since they are big, I don't want to pay for their hay, and a check always comes in handy. i think we will weigh on Tuesday and sort out lambs for the sale yard. We will load the 4 for the butcher first and close the in the front trailer compartment, then weigh and sort the sale yard lambs into the rear trailer compartment. Drop the lambs off at the sale yard first since the auction starts at noon 2-3 hour round trip, then drive the same amount of time round trip to drop off the lambs at the butcher. A full day, but it gets them off the property and frees up a lot of hay! The auction check should be waiting when we return from Yelm!

Then we need to wash out the trailer and load our tools, cleaning supplies, etc. for Yelm. Two days up, inflatable mattresses and sleeping bags, do the clean up work and repairs, arrange installation of the monitored burglar alarm, take lots of junk to the dump Then clean up the house, reload our stuff for CA, and return home. I am considering contacting Fort Lewis ad seeing if anyone wants a short term month to month rental. Or DS1 might stay up there to watch the place until we sell.

DD2 is having problems with Doofus. His truck is not working right - overheating. So he has not gone to work for the past month!!! According to her he "thinks he knows what is wrong nd can fix it" but hasn't done so. She is considering whether to break up with him. They are out of money. I put my foot down and said they would not get any more money from us. DH is arguing abut it with me. He went to the Ford show with DD2 to drop off the truck. DD2 says she wants to know what is wrong with it and how much it will cost I think Doofus hopes we will pay to have it repaired. Not happening. She wants to stay in her lovely apartment so i told DH she can file for welfare if he is not supporting them since they have not married yet. Not sure what is going to happen. DD2 said she wants to stay at the house full time while we are away without Doofus and let him see what it will be like without her. His stepmother suggested this move. I told her fine but she is not to allow him in the house. More arguments with DH are looming I can see. :somad He is too loving with his children. Can't talk about DD2 and Doofus anymore. I am gritting my teeth so hard it hurts. Won't say what I would like to do to Doofus in case this is ever used as evidence in court!!! At least we don't have to worry about a divorce! And she can wear her wedding dress for her next marriage or rather her first one with a good man. The Flower Girl Dresses can be redone for our next granddaughters. Luckily I can sew. :mad:

Grandsons came over today and climbed into the tool shed loft to get down the baby equipment I had saved. There is a lovely large antique bassinet - the basket lifts out of the stand to carry around for a baby car bed, and a wooden porta crib with adjustable height mattress. That has all the bedding that I made for DGS1. I have to look for the bassinette bedding. I might make a new skirt for it anyway. I have a bolt of pretty pink flowered fabric that I saved for years. I will also get some quilted pink fabric for the liner. Also had kept a lovely electric swing, Jumparoo, stroller, portable battery operated swing stand that a car seat fits into and another stroller frame that a car seat will fit into. Next some miscellaneous items - portacribs, play yards, bouncy beds for infants, and a small high chair, etc. The years of dust fell off onto my face as DGS1 thrust the items down through the crawlspace. I began coughing and practically threw up gagging as I tried to cough it out. Then we went out to the Connexes and got out a number of boxes of infant blankets, sheets, gowns, toys etc., etc. Not sure we got them all, but we will find out when the girls go through them and decide what they want. Each girl has a new rocking chair, a full size crib and mattress. Kassy has her own Jumperoo from a church sale. DDIL2 has DD1's changing table. Not sure if they are going to have any baby showers, but I have supplied all this stuff as our baby gifts. I also have several set of baby jail panels which can be used here or spit between them. Not sure what will happen about baby showers since DD1 and DDIL2 are working and DDIL1 lives 3 hours north. I may have to hold them myself at my house. I will wait till we all have our vaccines.

When I was in the Connexes I noticed that there were a lot of empty spaces on the shelves! I think we can rearrange the shelves and free up a lot more area in the Connexes. Also, there are furniture items that can be removed to empty out the Connexes as well. I can take a lot of that good furniture to the consignment stores in Palm Springs to be sold, along the the antique carved Chinese bed. Maybe DS2 and DDIL2 will want to rent a storage unit and take some of the furniture. I will have to ask them if they want any of it.

I found the staghorn candelabra and sconces in the shed too. As well as the new chandelier I bought several years ago for DD1. Some of those items and the twin medicine cabinets can be kept in case we need them for renovating our ranch in Texas. For a while at least. I will move them into the barn loft or into the old milk shed to store, that will open up the space in the Connexes so we can use one for hay storage. DH was very unhappy when we emptied all the other Connex junk into the second Connex he bought for hay storage!!!

I ordered some farm and sheep flock recordkeeping books. Have to go through them to see if they will be helpful.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Sorry @Ridgetop .... wish I could make it easier for you. The "doofus" situation is sad... thought maybe he had gotten his sh$t together, was working and had found a vocation. They never seem to change their spots.... just cover them up for awhile.

That's a shame about the Yelm property. Thank goodness that a realtor found it sooner rather than later. It might be a good move to try to rent it short term if there is not any activity on it. Hope the damage is not too bad and can easily be repaired. I am afraid that there will be more and more of that sort of thing with people out of work, and lazy riff raff thinking that they are owed something.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
DD2 is getting a good look at what her life will be like with Doofus. I know you have a way of pointing that out to her, better to find out now than later. Maybe she can move to Texas with y'all and leave him behind. If she wants to stay in the house while y'all are gone to Yelm, to let him see what life is like without her, point out that she can also see what life is like without HIM. Having the electricity on is a bonus, she WILL live to see it cut off is she marries this POS. I know you can't down him to her, what about your DD1 or one of your sons having a heart to heart talk with her?