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- #1,521
Herd Master
I think DD2 was the one that wanted to have the "rosy little picture perfect family". She certainly paid the thousands of dollars in attorneys' fees to obtain visitation and partial custody of his 3 year old. We all (parents and siblings) told not to chase custody since that would never happen. Encourage him to be a good daddy presence in his daughter's life but settle for visitation. She refused to listen. She loves that 3 year old and wanted for her own. Lie a ewe who ties to steal another ewe's lamb after losing her own. She has been trying to get him full custody for years - even when they had no place to live! She worked several jobs to support them and save the money for their apartment. After he got a full time job last spring, she immediately started looking for an apartment with 2 BRs so Maysie could have her own room full of toys. DD2 continued working until she got so sick with this pregnancy she had to quit. Now she is 8 months pregnant, and can't work, so he has to be the sole support. It wouldn't surprise us if to learn that he was fired. DD2 says that the company is keeping the job for him but he hasn't worked in over a month so I don[t believe it.
At any rate, no money is going to be coming from us to either of them. We have enough bills of our own and need our money to pay for them. Also, I was supposed to get new kitchen counters a year or two ago and that never happened. The new stovetop is still out in the Connex waiting for the new countertops so we can install it. I plan to install fake grass in the area where we tried to have our garden last summer. I want to get this place ready to sell once we sell Yelm and buy our ranch. Lots of stuff to do here to get it looking good enough to go on the market. All that needs $$. So no $$ for DD2 or Doofus. Oh yes, and we need to empty out the one spare BR we have for either DS2's new baby or for DD2 to move back home. That will entail us moving all her furniture out of her apartment and into a storage facility. We will have to pay for that. And they will probably be evicted soon anyway since he is not working. We won't store any of his stuff, but then he had almost nothing anyway.
Anyway, since the Yelm house is EMPTY, we need to bring air mattresses with us as well as towels and some cookware. I will bring the coffee maker from the trailer, a few pots and pans, a few knives, and we will have to buy all the food we will need at the Walmart in Yelm. We will be using all paper plates and plastic silverware. We will also bring some folding camping chairs. The old kitchen table and chairs are out in the shed so we will move them back in to use. DS1 is bringing a TV and his machine (?) so we can play movies at night if we want after working all day. My computer of course, and my travel printer. Also a whole list of tools for repairs and yard clean up.
Actually if my sister decides to give us the furniture she said she would, we will go up there first and get it so DH can sleep on his air mattress on a bedframe. He is worried about getting up off the floor otherwise. LOL Don't know what will happen there since my sister is so peculiar, so not too worried about that. DH can roll around on the floor until he can crawl up on a chair like I will have to do.
On Tuesday the grandsons are coming over to work in the barn, weigh the lambs, and load the butcher lambs into the front compartment of the trailer. Then we will chase the field lambs over into the barn and weigh them before loading the ones going to the sale yard. I considered moving the older ewe lambs off the field into the creep with the tiny lambs and mamas in order to put ewes with all 3 rams. However I have reconsidered that since I don't want all the ewes to lamb at one time. I only have 5 barn jugs. Instead we will just switch the ewes that are breeding now with MoyBoy onto the big field, move MoyBoy into the ram pen with Lewis and put Axtell in a harness in the breeding pen with 4 new ewes. In another month, we can switch Lewis in with the remaining ewes. Then put all ewes on the main field with a clean up ram. We will put all the junior ewe lambs in a separate pen. We have a lot of ewe lambs this year and I will need to go over them with DS1 and possibly DS2 when he is home. Both DS1 and DS2 are very judges of lambs and sheep. Then I will cull out any that we decide we don't want to keep and they can go to the sale yard. If we don't se Yelm and find a ranch there is no reason to keep al the ewe lambs this year. We need to cut back on hay with little forage available.
So the trailer will be loaded on Tuesday night. On Wednesday DH and I will go first to the sale yard and unload. The auction starts at 12 and we want to be there early. Then once we have unloaded that group, we will drive up to the butcher and unload the 4 meat wethers. That should be 10 less mouths to feed while we are in Yelm. No ewes are due to lamb. DD2 only has to check for a crayon mark on the ewes with Axtell and write down their # on the calendar.
DH had DD1 come over yesterday to ask her to drop by while we are gone and check that DD2 was not allowing Doofus to hang out at our house. We told DD2 that she shouldn't even see Maysie during their time apart since he will use her as a ploy to lure DD2 back. Whether or not she obeys is up in the air. However DD1 said she would come over with the children and teach from our house while they do other chores in the barn, etc. She will also hang out with DD2.
I can't wait to move to TX and leave all this drama behind!!! I am beginning to question whether even our darling grandchildren are worth this. I might not even leave a forwarding address!
3 of the newest lambs are definitely hair lambs. One in particular looks extremely good and will be a definite keeper. She has the length I like. One of the 3 month old lambs also looks extremely good and is a keeper too. Again, a hair lamb and very long through the loin. I am very happy with the quality of all my lambs this past year. 2 of my 4 home bred ewes lambed and one produced the really nice hair lamb I will keep. The other 2 are bred and will lamb in May or June. The other home bred ewe produced a single ram lamb that is overly thick through the shoulders and tapers in the rear. His awkward looking shape may be because he is a super fluffy hair lamb, but I am glad he is going to the sale yard. We'll see what she gives me next time.
At any rate, no money is going to be coming from us to either of them. We have enough bills of our own and need our money to pay for them. Also, I was supposed to get new kitchen counters a year or two ago and that never happened. The new stovetop is still out in the Connex waiting for the new countertops so we can install it. I plan to install fake grass in the area where we tried to have our garden last summer. I want to get this place ready to sell once we sell Yelm and buy our ranch. Lots of stuff to do here to get it looking good enough to go on the market. All that needs $$. So no $$ for DD2 or Doofus. Oh yes, and we need to empty out the one spare BR we have for either DS2's new baby or for DD2 to move back home. That will entail us moving all her furniture out of her apartment and into a storage facility. We will have to pay for that. And they will probably be evicted soon anyway since he is not working. We won't store any of his stuff, but then he had almost nothing anyway.
Anyway, since the Yelm house is EMPTY, we need to bring air mattresses with us as well as towels and some cookware. I will bring the coffee maker from the trailer, a few pots and pans, a few knives, and we will have to buy all the food we will need at the Walmart in Yelm. We will be using all paper plates and plastic silverware. We will also bring some folding camping chairs. The old kitchen table and chairs are out in the shed so we will move them back in to use. DS1 is bringing a TV and his machine (?) so we can play movies at night if we want after working all day. My computer of course, and my travel printer. Also a whole list of tools for repairs and yard clean up.
Actually if my sister decides to give us the furniture she said she would, we will go up there first and get it so DH can sleep on his air mattress on a bedframe. He is worried about getting up off the floor otherwise. LOL Don't know what will happen there since my sister is so peculiar, so not too worried about that. DH can roll around on the floor until he can crawl up on a chair like I will have to do.

On Tuesday the grandsons are coming over to work in the barn, weigh the lambs, and load the butcher lambs into the front compartment of the trailer. Then we will chase the field lambs over into the barn and weigh them before loading the ones going to the sale yard. I considered moving the older ewe lambs off the field into the creep with the tiny lambs and mamas in order to put ewes with all 3 rams. However I have reconsidered that since I don't want all the ewes to lamb at one time. I only have 5 barn jugs. Instead we will just switch the ewes that are breeding now with MoyBoy onto the big field, move MoyBoy into the ram pen with Lewis and put Axtell in a harness in the breeding pen with 4 new ewes. In another month, we can switch Lewis in with the remaining ewes. Then put all ewes on the main field with a clean up ram. We will put all the junior ewe lambs in a separate pen. We have a lot of ewe lambs this year and I will need to go over them with DS1 and possibly DS2 when he is home. Both DS1 and DS2 are very judges of lambs and sheep. Then I will cull out any that we decide we don't want to keep and they can go to the sale yard. If we don't se Yelm and find a ranch there is no reason to keep al the ewe lambs this year. We need to cut back on hay with little forage available.
So the trailer will be loaded on Tuesday night. On Wednesday DH and I will go first to the sale yard and unload. The auction starts at 12 and we want to be there early. Then once we have unloaded that group, we will drive up to the butcher and unload the 4 meat wethers. That should be 10 less mouths to feed while we are in Yelm. No ewes are due to lamb. DD2 only has to check for a crayon mark on the ewes with Axtell and write down their # on the calendar.
DH had DD1 come over yesterday to ask her to drop by while we are gone and check that DD2 was not allowing Doofus to hang out at our house. We told DD2 that she shouldn't even see Maysie during their time apart since he will use her as a ploy to lure DD2 back. Whether or not she obeys is up in the air. However DD1 said she would come over with the children and teach from our house while they do other chores in the barn, etc. She will also hang out with DD2.
I can't wait to move to TX and leave all this drama behind!!! I am beginning to question whether even our darling grandchildren are worth this. I might not even leave a forwarding address!
3 of the newest lambs are definitely hair lambs. One in particular looks extremely good and will be a definite keeper. She has the length I like. One of the 3 month old lambs also looks extremely good and is a keeper too. Again, a hair lamb and very long through the loin. I am very happy with the quality of all my lambs this past year. 2 of my 4 home bred ewes lambed and one produced the really nice hair lamb I will keep. The other 2 are bred and will lamb in May or June. The other home bred ewe produced a single ram lamb that is overly thick through the shoulders and tapers in the rear. His awkward looking shape may be because he is a super fluffy hair lamb, but I am glad he is going to the sale yard. We'll see what she gives me next time.