That's one way, actually TWO ways to get rid of stuff, refurb and give it to expecting DD2 and DDIL for their babies! Brilliant! Back and forth to Yelm, I hope it sells soon.
This morning DD2 showed up and she and DDIL2 are making photo labels for the toy buckets. This was DDIL2's suggestion. She is a preschool teacher and uses this in her classroom. DD2 tool photos and sent them to DDIL who printed them out They are sitting at the kitchen table laminating them for appocation onto the buckets and bins.
DD2 is worried about going into labor while Doofus is at work. If they have Maysie she needs her to get over to DD1's house. DD1 told her that she and Doofus could drop her off on their way to the hospital. This wod work of she had enough time, but with a first bby who knows what would happen. I explained to DD2 that her sister has never actually gone through labor and delivery naturally. The first tome, she was whisked into the labor room at her last doctor appointment due to high blood pressure and danger to the baby and mother. The second time ditto. The 3rd time the doctor just scheduled the C-section. Since she had not gone through any labor pains, she had no frame of reference. Also didn't help that DD2 wanted DD1 to go over and just stay with Maysie when they left for the hospital to avoid getting her out of bed in the middle of the night. I told DD2 to get Mauie's seeping bag ready and her suitcase and talk to her about waking up in the middle of the night for the "Big Adventure" of a new baby. Then DD2 wanted to know abut how to bring on labor with chili powder, etc. I told her those were "old wives' tales" and the baby would come when it was ready. Nothing harder than the final weeks.
Anyway, having gne thr9ugh the rooms emptying them and cleaning the house looks nice at the moment. I do still have to do my bedroom since the suitcases are still packed with clean clothes and just sitting in there. I wondered why we had so few pairs of undies - then I remembered I packed all the clean clothes in the large suitcase after doing our laundry in WA just before we returned to CA. LOL Most of the clothes in the suitcases are long underwear, long sleeve thermals, etc, for Yelm weather. I guess I should unpack and repack for our next trip to WA. LOL
Back again. DH, DS1, and the 3 girls went to pick up the mountain of items we had bought at the Kid Consignment sale Then they sorted them out. Doofus came and picket up the stuff for DD2 along with the crib.
I had bought a rocking elephant for DD2 which cause us all a lot of laughter. Apparently it has a button in the ear that is supposed to produce an elephant noise. DS1 came in and made it screech for me. It sounded like someone being killed in a horror movie. We kept pushing the button to make it scream then collapsing in hysteria. While doofus loaded the crib and mattress into his truck, we set up the baby swing to make sure it worked properly. This was one of the really nice Fisher Price ones that plugs into the wall as well as working on batteries. It worked perfectly and was a very pretty shade of pink so it was approved by high maintenance DD2. Just as well since it couldn't go back. Only cost $30.00 for a $150.00 swing! That was the bargain of the day. Doofus finished loading everything and left. Once Doofus and DD2 had made it home with their treasures, the skies opened and we had torrential rain for a couple days.
DD1 and DDIL2 playd with the equipment they had bought. The Pak N Play was in its original box so they opened that up and decided to put it together. No problem until we tried to figure out the "bassinet", "changing table", and "newborn cuddler" parts. After about 2 hours of putting t together and taking it apart to move stiff around, we figured it was together properly. It apparently has a battery operated vibrator with music and "soothing sounds" that can be connected to the large Pak N Play mattress, or to the "cuddler". Naturally, we couldn't get it back into the box. DD2 will take it over to her mom's house where is is going to live.
Yesterday DH and I picked up DD1's crib and changing table for DDIL2. It is not in as good condition as mine was for DD2, but DD1 was determined that hers should go to DS2 and DDIL2. Complete with teeth marks where her children had apparently gnawed it. However, no problem. It came with the bolts to put it together. DS1, DDIL2, both grandsons, and I were required to hold it in place while bolting it together, Then DS1 realized the front drop down railings were on backwards. We flipped that around easily. At least it had all the components. Unlike the changing table that had no hardware. It did have torn tape where the hardware might originally have been attached but was missing. The changing table requires 3/16" dowel pegs and wood screws to assemble so DS1 has gone to Lowes look for the dowel pins. I had 8, but it needs 16. Lowes didn't have any dowel pins smaller than 3/8" so he is heading to Michaels and if none then we will use 3/16" dowels to make our own. He got the screws we need at Lowes. The changing table also had no changing pad but we had bought one at the Kids Consignment sale. Once it goes together, the nursery is complete except for the rocking chair. We agreed that DS2 should have the pleasure of assembling the rocker glider and ottoman when he comes home from San Diego. It is new - a wedding gift from DD1 to DS2 and DDIL. DDIL also bought some stick-ons for the nursery wall. Supposedly they don't damage the walls. She got 3. One is a large 6'+ tree with birds and squirrels. The second is a set of smaller trees with birds and deer. The 3rd is a set of colorful dragons. I told DDIL that we would put one of the deer in the mouth of a dragon since the baby needed to learn about the circle of life. Much laughter as she said that DD2 had already said the deer were necessary as a food source for the dragons. We are a sick family.
DDIL and I put the side sleeper together yesterday. It took us 1.5 hours. The instructions sucked. Finally we went on line and watched a video which showed us that we were trying to assemble it upside down.I dd say the instructions sucked. The pix in the instructions were indecipherable and the written instructions just as bad. After we removed the entire cover and assembled the sleeper correctly, we realized we did not need to remove the fabric cover.
DD2 is waiting to go into labor. If she doesn't go in today the doctor said she should go to the hospital tomorrow for more tests and possible induction of labor. Her due date is today so I don't know why the doctor is so determined that the baby comes by tomorrow On the other hand DD2 is very tiny. She called the other night late and DH answered the phone. I was dozing in bed and heard his yell "Is it time? Should I come get you?" Then DH who never goes faster than a walk these days ran down the hallway with the phone! DD2 was calling me to discuss a small discharge she had had. Raising livestock is very beneficial to my girls. She advised that the baby should be coming pretty soon since she had just "lost her mucous plug". LOL
Anyway we are in baby watch mode. Doofus has started his paternity leave so he s there to take her to the hospital. She advised her Daddy that if she called screaming that would be his cue to rush to the hospital. I don't suppose they will let us in but we will go so she knows she has moral support.
I have always said "Don't trust them" and "Never turn your back on them" but do the men in my family ever listen? NO!
The other day DS1 came in and said MoyBoy had charged him when he went into the pen. He attributed it to the fact that he was not carrying hay. He managed to side step and whacked MoyBy on the nose.
However, this morning DH WAS carrying hay and MoyBoy charged him. He caught him from behind, hitting him hard on the back and side of his "good" leg which caused DH to subluxate his bad knee and crash to the ground. According to DH he lay there for a while calling vainly for help. Naturally no one heard him down in the front pen, so eventually he managed to pull himself up on the feeder (MoyBoy was now occupied with eating) and hobble out of the pen. He limped into the house and fell into his recliner from which vantage point he informed us all that if it happened again he would shoot MoyBoy. He is now sitting in his recliner with his cane. I have given him Ibuprofen twice, reheated his coffee 3 times, and have just heated up and placed the microwave hot pad on his bad knee for the 3rd time.
MoyBoy is the ram we got as a small lamb and tamed down. This shows the folly of making rams into "pets". This is the third time he has charged at the guys. MoyBoy used to come up for petting and scratching on the field. I warned them not to encourage that behavior because sooner or later he would begin butting. They derided and laughed at me. Now they see that I was right. The other rams are not friendly, nor are they as apt to try to butt.
I have made "Ram Suppressors".
These are made out of left over pieces of closet poles. I suppose I should have made them out of 2" PVC pipes, but I had these pieces in the shed. I just drilled a hole in one end for a hay rope to go through to hang on the ram pen gates. When I showed them to DH, the man who threatened to shoot MoyBoy, he said "They are awfully heavy, I don't want to hurt him." ???
I don't think they will hurt the rams since just waving them at them should put the rams off any idea of butting us. I have not been butted, but then I never turn my back on any ram no matter how old. I sort of look at them as lions and tigers, ready to spring at a moment's notice! Tonight DH and I will move MoyBoy out of his pen into another. He has been in the front pen for about 6 months and is probably getting pretty territorial abut it. That is why I Iike to move rams around.
I put the corned beef brisket in the Instapot for tonight's St. Patrick's Day dinner. I have to go peel some potatoes and carrots to go in later. I also thawed a pumpkin pie left over from Christmas. We really need to empty our freezers a bit. We have 3 lambs to go in them! I also need to run a couple of the ewes with older lambs in the creep onto the field so I can wean their lambs. Time for Axtel to go un the front pen and do his duty with a selection of ewes. These sheep are turning into a job to keep bred instead of a hobby!
My DS is selling a couple of less than nice heifers that could hurt you..... he does not make pets out of any of his rams EVER...... sorry that your DH got hurt.
Do your kids have any idea how good you are to them????? I don't think they even begin to really appreciate all you do.
He had a lovely day reclining and occasionally letting out loud groans when he noticed I was in the room. I kept bringing him hot coffee, ibuprofen, and a hot pack for his knee. Whenever he got up he leaned pitifully on his cane. He enjoyed himself.
DS1 moved MoyBoy back in with the other 2 rams in the small pen. Tomorrow we will move Axtell into the front breeding pen and put his harness and crayon on him. I still have to go back over through the ewes and figure out who goes in with him.
Right now I am putting the changing table together with DDIL2. DS1 got us the screws but they were not the right size and didn't work. The changing table wobbled badly. l I had to use size 10's and drill out the holes in the sode boards larger. Back and forth to the tool shed for the right bits and drivers. Finally got it partially constructed and the drill battery ran out of juice! AARGH! Plugged it in to charge while we had dinner. It is charging now and should be ok in another 15-20 minutes.
I will be glad when the nursery furniture is back together. DDIL has all her baby stuff washed and folded into drawers and bins. Net thing to do will be applying the stick on trees and dragons on the walls. Sadly DDIL2 has forbidden me from attaching a deer carcass in the dragon mouth.
Good idea! I will down load some pictures of moose and when no one is looking stick them in the dragon's mouth then wait to see how long it takes for anyone to notice the feeding frenzy!
DD2 went into the hospital yesterday and they have been monitoring her, Her contractions were so mild she couldn't feel them. I wondered why they put her in hospital but then she told me she has been leaking placental fluid. The doctor didn't tell her that was why they put her in hospital, but my friend and I agreed that was why the reason since leaking like that can be dangerous. I didn't say anything since I didn't want her to worry.
As everyone knows from my Ridgetop posts, our family never does anything normally. DS1 texted to DD2 (in early labor in the hospital), his siblings, and siblings in law, and ourselves, a photo of himself 160' feet in the air working on the tower lines (those huge metal electric lines). I told him not to fall off because he was needed to put the rocking chair together. After some back and forth texting we received a photo of someone laying face down on the ground with a hard hat, saying "Oops! I fell, have DS1 put the high chair chair together". More back and forth joking while the children all agreed that Mom would still make him to put together the rocking chair before driving him to the hospital!
This is a deserved reputation! When DS1 was 8 he and his sister and their father went out on their new ponies. DH did not listen to DD1 telling him to tighten the girth and when the horses started cantering his saddle slipped and off he went The ponies spooked and dumped DD1 and DS1 riding double. The ponies then disappeared into heavy brush in the hills behind our house. This was before extensive brush clearing was required so naturally the brush was head high. I saw the whole thing and when the sad trio showed up at the door I handed them halters and told them "Never come back without your horse!" Then I locked them out of the house. This was a hard lesson in "Never let go of the reins" but needed to be learned. I could not go because our 4 and 2 year olds were in bed asleep.
Next morning DS1 kept complaining about bad pain in his arm so I took him to the doctor where it was discovered he had a green stick fracture. He went into a cast. This story, along with the story of DS3 falling from his skate board and fracturing his navicular bone (yes, humans do have this bone somewhere around the base of the thumb), is still told as a warning of my bad mothering skills. In the case of the fractured navicular, I told DS3 "You're fine - I will just massage it and it will feel better". His screams of pain as I forcefully rubbed the broken joint caused another trip to the doctor and another cast.
Where was Social Services when they were needed?
Although we did not find the horses before pitch darkness caused them to abandon our search, next day neighbors out riding found the horses completely trapped in heavy brush, unable to move and brought them home. We had up notices and were still looking for the horses so they were returned quickly. Their children became riding friends of ours too.
Back to the siblings texting, DD2 sent photos of delicious food she was stoking away. Apparently that hospital has a good chef because DD2 said it was excellent. DD1 and DDIL1 complained they were not allowed to eat. I remembered that all women of my generation were subjected to enemas and denied even water while in labor. Times have changed.
Went to put the ram in the breeding pen and select the ewes that were to go in with him but OOPS! DH had absentmindedly turned the ewes all out on the field. We can't turn the ram out with them since there are some younger ones that I am holding back from breeding yet. DS1 said it is ok we will do it tomorrow, He prefers to do it in the am anyway since he can separate them easier as they go out through the gate. I will have about 20 ewes to breed this year. About half will be first fresheners.