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- #2,171
Herd Master
Wrap it up in plastic? I have a roll of moving plastic - the kind you use to wrap upholstered furniture. Like giant size Saran wrap! LOL A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!If you have ewes lambing and you’ve just had knee surgery, you will NOT be sprawled out in the barn, where all kinds of germs could infect your knee. You already know this, what are you thinking?
Easter was lovely, the kids jumped in and did everything. I was crafty and stayed in my room moaning about my leg. LOL Wonderful day with Eater egg hunts on the patio and cries of warm - warmer - cold - boiling hot! echoing as the kids hunted for the hidden eggs. Robert enjoyed finding the eggs then throwing them like a ball. Luckily they were plastic eggs! He is walking really well now.
Pulled the ram out of the breeding pen due to him imping on a rear leg. Checked him out and his hooves are too long and breaking off. I really need to do some hoof trimming but the hooves are so hard that I can't cut them. I think I will save up for one of those electric hoof trimmer/grinders.
Opened 2 bottles of dry wine for dinner and one was corked. Waste not, want not though, so I strained it into the Insta Pot and used it to slow cook a chuck roast. Amazingly tender!
Finally finished my annual report for the NNNs . Went to print it out and it fractured into several pieces somehow and refused to fit on the pages! Got DS1 to fix it and he reminded me that I couldn't use that particular template since it would not print in Word. 6 hours of work wasted!!! However, since I had done all the additional schedules to attach, redoing it in the proper Word format only took 3 hours! Told DH I was going to leave him and become nun so I wouldn't have to do this anymore. He was sympathetic about the wasted work, but not about my entering a convent. He reminded me that we like to cuddle and it is not allowed in convents. LOL Made a resolution to do it earlier next year but know I won't since I get most of the figures from our tax return information.
DS1 says now that I have finished that chore we can work on his magnetic sheep board. We need to vaccinate and dock this week. He wants to wait until Frankenram is 2 months old to castrate him. He will be going into our freezer since we only have one ram lamb. Too much gas money to take one lamb to auction, so band him and let him grow to butcher weight Won't take long as a single.
I did not get as much as I hoped for the ram lambs I took to the auction. The auction lady said prices were shockingly low for the 2 weeks before Easter. I did get a good price for the ewe though. The nest group will be ready to go about the first of August. I will check prices in July to see if they are better then. If we get mostly ewe lambs and the auction prices are low more ram lambs can go into our freezer. The ewes breeding now will have September/October lambs and the next batch will be November lambs. Those will sell in November/December and January/February and so on.
Had heavy rain last night - really pounded down. Hopefully it will give us some green stuff for the sheep.