Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Oh no, they will tax them somehow.

DH just saw online that in Calabasas the County is putting meters in the water lines to cut off water after 80 gallons per day for the entire household! A lot of those homes out there are giant mansions! Also a lot of horse properties. Our water is being limited to 50 gallons per person in the household. Glad we are making plans to leave the state.

I can't use any aspirin from now until after surgery on May 19. Had my general practice pre op on Thursday, EKG and chest x-ray. Was glad to find that my heart was still beating and my lungs still work. Was even happier to hear that the anesthesiologist will knock me out before doing the spinal for the surgery. :thWHEW! From the way the surgeon talked so cavalierly about a spinal it sounded like they would just do a local and plunge the needle into my spine. :hit Glad to find out that I will know nothing.

May lambing has snuck up on us with the arrival of the first lamb in the bunch. A nice ewe lamb at dusk today arrived in the breeding pen! Her mother had marked again in January for a due date May 31. Obviously, she was one that marked originally when the crayon had fallen out of the holder.

Tomorrow we will have to rearrange our pen situation. DH suggested that we move the 4 rams down to the front (breeding) field. Then we can sort out all the ewes that are due this month and move them into the ram pen where if they lamb it won't be hard to catch them and move them to jugs. The 3 weaned ewe lambs can be turned out onto the field. I will hold back the ewes that should be bred now until July since we will be heading for Texas in September or October after I finish PT on my knee. I don't want any ewes lambing during the time we are gone since we are planning to bring DS1 with us to see the ranch. DD2 and DDIL2 will be watching the sheep for us and I don't want them to have to deal with lambing. I have ewes bred for September lambing so once they have lambed we can head for Texas. If I breed ewes in July they will lamb in December when I am back.

DD2 is leaving early tomorrow morning for Anna, TX, to help her birth sister with her new baby. This is Amanda's first baby and he is very colicky. Amanda has no relatives to help her. Her adoptive mother and father are living in France and her MIL is not able to come apparently. She is very stressed and it is affecting her milk so DD2 is flying back to help her. She will be there 2 weeks.

She stayed this weekend to be here for DGS2's birthday on Friday, DGD1's First Communion yesterday, and DSIL1 found her a cheap flight early Monday am. DD1 is having DGD2 for a sleepover 2 days then the birth mother will have her. We get the guinea pig for 2 weeks while DSIL2 is working out of town. We are also on call for emergencies with the school.

DD1 and DD2 are planning for the entire famiy to take a cruise to Alaska next summer. Not sure how it will work out since no one will be able to watch the guinea pigs (they each have one) and the dog will have to go in the kennel. Bubba might have to go in the kennel or if we are in Texas, possibly to Erick's for boarding if DS1 comes on the cruise. He is not sure he wants to do that since he isn't fond of the ocean. The girls are determined that the entire family should go. We will have to see if they can talk DS3 into a cruise as well since he is not interested in being on a big ship on the ocean for a week "with nothing to do". LOL


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Thank you for helping me yesterday to figure out what date I can now reschedule my knee replacement surgery to. and then the following 2 weeks in rehab. It must all happen around lambing! :lol: I want to be completely moved before surgery because I don't want to have to figure out how to move stuff after surgery. Nope. Not interested. So once I FINALLY close on the farm, I'll do my kick it in high gear thing and get it done.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Are they planning to pay for everyone? Or planning for YOU to pay for everyone?
Nope! They are all telling everyone now about the cruise so everyone can start saving and budgeting for it.

So last night I wrote my piece in the middle of the night after being awakened just as I was dropping off then not being able to get back to sleep.

I realize I just noted that we had a ewe drop her lamb last evening but did not give a full description of the typical Ridgetop fiasco that followed.

DS1 was feeding at dusk and came up to tell me to get my iodine and towels since a ewe had just dropped a lamb in the front pasture. He figured I would just pick up the lamb and he would chivvy the ewe behind as I coaxed her up the path across the yard and into the barn. Yeah, right!

Unfortunately, he did not see the lamb until he had fed the ewes in their feeder so naturally no one wanted to leave the pen. While I got my equipment he shut Bubba in a jug in the barn out of the way. The ewe did not want to leave her flock mates. She kept running between the lamb and the flock at the feeder and DS1 could not get her to move up to the gate. I picked up the lamb and moved up near the gate but mama could not figure out where the lamb was. The lamb was just born, the cord was wet and dripping, so there was the possibility of a second lamb since there was no afterbirth yet. DS1 made the decision that we would go eat first then come back and move the ewe and her lamb/lambs. I iodined the cord and left the lamb with the ewe while we went up to dinner.

DS2 had smoked a tri tip on his Trager BBQ for a nice Mother's Day dinner, and we had been dishing the plates when DS1 called me to come out. So we had a quick dinner - tri tip was excellent BTW, and then dashed back down to try to move the ewe before it got completely dark. Naturally we didn't make it.

After fruitlessly chasing the ewe around the feeder several times in the dark, DS1 decided to run her up through the narrow catch pen alley. It was no itch dark. I had wondered why he hadn't done this the first time but when I suggested it was told just to take the lamb and move up to the gate. Sometimes it is just easier to let DS1 get on with it and fail.

Finally he got the ewe in the alleyway. I had the lamb ahead of her but it was completely dark now and she couldn't see the lamb although she could hear her and was searching. Unfortunately we are talking sheep here and she kept looking in the opposite direction. By now Josie the Mule who thinks she is an LGD was extremely upset by the bawling of the ewe and the bleating of the lamb and had circled around the sheep pens and was trying to get into the front pen. Just as the ewe and several flock mates approached the gate into the alleyway Josie banged the gate shut with her nose. Thank you Josie.

We needed more bodies so I went up to the house and got DS2. Now he and DS1 chased the ewe around the feeder until they managed to get her into the alleyway. I proceeded up the alleyway with the lamb and gradually DS1 got the ewe halfway up and shut the lower gate. DS2 ran around the sheep pens and blocked the exit to direct the ewe into the driveway and the ramp down to the barn. DS2 took the lamb and placed it on the ram. It kept screaming. Josie the Mule aka LGD was very worked up by now and tried to charge past me into the yard. I yelled at her and waved the towels I was carrying. Josie backed off but kept charging up behind me when I turned back to guard the opening. As I kept shooing Josie away she became so excited that she turned her butt towards me and threatened to kick me! First time ever and last time too! Furious I yelled at her not even to think about it and whacked her on the butt with the towel. She moved away but was not giving up. DS2 came up from the barn to help me drive Josie off. DS1 still had the ewe running back and forth in the alleyway bawling. Josie was hysterical. The lamb was screaming. Just another day at Ridgetop.

Josie was back out onto the field but she was still trying to get to the ewe and lamb. As I moved a panel across the opening Josie pushed past DS2 and into the yard where she zeroed in on the lamb standing on the ramp to the barn. She rushed down the ramp while I screamed at DS2 to protect the lamb from her crushing hooves. DS2 made it to the lamb at the same time Josie did and as I watched in horror, Josie stretched her head down to the lamb. Was she going to kill it with her strong teeth? Stomp it with her hooves? Neither, instead she took a couple of sniffs at it and DS2 snatched it up. DS2 chased her back up the ramp onto the field and put the lamb into a jug for safety. While DS2 kept Josie back I started for the halter which DS1 had told me not to bother with. Why do I listen to others when I know I am right about these things? :rolleyes:

Coming back with the halter Josie managed to break away into the yard again. This time she veered over to the narrow path between the old garden and the fence along the alleyway. Following her I managed to get the lead rope around her neck while DS1 and DS2 yelled at me to get away because she was too wild. Before I could get the halter actually on Josie freaked out and decided that she needed to go back on the field. She knocked me over and only my hold on the halter kept me upright as she dragged me along for a few steps. Unfortunately the path was too narrow to accommodate a wild mule and me so I dropped the lead rope and let her rush past. Bursting through the gate she proceeded to knock over the barriers DS2 had just put in place for the sheep for the sheep. :he As she went past DS2 caught her and dragged her away with the rope that was still around her neck. I went to help him put on the halter for more control since she was really upset by the screaming lamb and the bawling ewe. He already had it on her so I went back but just as I returned to block the alleyway gap the ewe got away from DS1 and to the tune of shouted curses got through the gap onto the field where she disappeared into the night. :th

DS1 went off after her with a flashlight. Josie was trying to pull the halter rope out of DS2's hands and he did not want to tie her anywhere since he was afraid she would pull the gates down. Josie the Mule is a big powerful girl at 16.3 hh. While DS1 wandered in the dark on the hill searching for the ewe, and DS2 tried to hold on to Josie, I went back into the house for reinforcements. DH would not be able to walk around in the dark on the hillside but would be able to calm Josie down while she was tied to the fence.

We could trace DS1's location on the hillside by his shouted curses and bobbung flashlight. I asked if he wanted the lmb back in the alleyway and he said yes so I retrieved the lamb from the jug and brought it back out. By now DS1 had the ewe in the alleyway again. he moved her up the alley and just as we thought she was going to exit onto the driveway where her lamb was still crying for her she took a wrong turn and knocked over the second barrier and was off into the darkness again.

DS1 was not happy with us. In silence we rebuilt the barrier. In silence he wandered off into the night again searching for the ewe. Slight noises on the hillside and imprecautions let us know that this time he had found a couple hazards and had not avoided a fall. DDIL2 had now come out to assist us. I left her in charge of the lamb while DS2 brought over a heavy duty horse corral panel. I tied it in place with a hay rope and we stacked the other panels against it. DS1 was returning with the ewe. She was tiring now, as we all were. I was tempted to just leave her in the alleyway with the lamb but there was no water there. They way it was going she would excape again while we brought her a bucket!

The ewe came in sight the alleywayfollowed by DS1, limping. Prepared for another break out we waited. The ewe veered into the yard and into the ramp. Quickly we closed the field gate behind her. At least if she got loose in here we had a better chance of catching her and moving her into the barn on the driveway. This time though she ran down the ramp and into the barn as if trained. DDIL2 snatched up the lamb that the ewe had left behind and we ran down to shut the barn gate and lock both in a jug. Silently DS1 and DS2 removed the barriers and put them away. DS1 staggered in to take a shower. DS2 returned to his video game. DH came in with Josie's halter after turning her loose. Another successful roundup at Ridgetop! :old

When we move to the farm first thing we do is build an alleyway with gates that we can move the sheep through from one place to another without all this excitement!!!

The main problem was that it was dark. We don't like moving sheep when it is dark because they don't go where we want them to. During the daylight DS1 can move any number by himself but not at night.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Nope! They are all telling everyone now about the cruise so everyone can start saving and budgeting for it.
And will anyone who can't ot chooses not to save up that much money get kicked out of the family?
Sorry but it sounds kinda aggressive to me to push everyone to go on a cruise whether they want to or not.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
No one HAS to go. My children just have more fun if all their siblings are there with them. :hugs DS3 and family probably won't go. DS1 doesn't like being on the ocean (or even at the beach) so may not go. I am leaving it up to them to decide who wants to go and who doesn't. They can all figure out what they want to do.

Yes, Bay, we are hoping we can get a better set up in TX. This dog and pony show is getting old here on this steep hill. :old

DS1 moved the rams into the front field yesterday and moved all the ewes out onto the large field. This weekend he will separate out the ones that are due next week into the old ram pen which is smaller. They will stay in that pen until they lamb then be moved into the jugs one at a time. They won't be allowed access onto the field and gully so we will be able to grab them and move them more easily into the barn.

My friend Erick texted me about another friend that needs to buy a place for herself, her goats, and Anatolians. She wants to be near Tyler instead of Austin BUT she needs somewhere inexpensive. I texted back that I didn't think there was anywhere inexpensive in TX anymore! Then I went on line and looked up property for sale in Trinity, Houston, Hopkins, Wood, Delta, and Franklin Counties, and northeast counties property. Very little available for less than $400-500 K for even 5 acres or so with even a mobile home on it. Hardly any 20+ properties for less than $600 K. :ep I will give her Kris's number and also the agent in Sulphur Springs, but don't know if she will find anything affordable. She is a restaurant chef/cook and needs to be close enough to a town to find a job. Finding a job shouldn't be that hard, but finding property she can afford to buy will be. He said that she is selling her home but I don't know if she will have enough $$ from that. I didn't think she owned a place.

I think Bay and we got the last good buys around.
:lol: She may need to look in Oklahoma. He's going to have her call me so I can give her the scoop on AG property requirements. At the prices I am seeing for even small lots, it looks like we could shave off 5 acres from our 45 acres every so often and sell for a good price if we need cash!

Played bridge today and the cards were not kind.
:( Playing in a tournament Saturday so hop t have better cards (and play better too). The wind has been blowing strongly today. Temps are down quite a bit. It would be pleasant if the wind s=was not so strong and chilly. I made a slow cooker lamb stew today while at bridge BUT came home to find a POWER OUTAGE! Hope it cooked enough before the power went off at 2pm. Put in carrots, onions, potatoes and when the power came back on turned the slow cooker back on. :fl


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Another night of falling asleep reading, then as soon as I turn out the light my eyes pop open and I can't go to sleep!

Bridge Tournament this Friday afternoon after DR. appts in am. Heading straight there from hospital. DH wants our Bridge bags that I made years ago - names and card suit appliquéd on them. Haven't used them in 3 years so had to hunt for them. Found where I had stored the duplicate boards, additional packs of cards for the boards, bidding boxes, etc. but no bags. Finally, after several hours I found them packed in the bottom of a plastic container holding purses and bags in the top of my closet. Now we have to fill out our convention agreement which ACBL has now replaced with a new one that i can't find downloadable anywhere. Will have to get several copies at the convention and fill out there. Also need to remember to make lunches for us for Saturday, bring bottles of water, and our hang on writing boards for scoring. Problem is that the pencil groove is on one side for righties and the other for lefties but I can't remember which side is which! :rolleyes: I will give DH (the rightie) his choice. :gig

DDS tomorrow, then open house at the preschool in evening. DGD2 goes home with aunt DD1 for sleepover. (DD2 out of town.) Uncle DSIL1 takes her to school in am. Friday 3 sets of medical tests for DH starting at 7:30 am. Ugh! My surgical pre op at 11:00 am. (Same hospital) Tournament at 2:30 pm 60 miles north. Home, then back to tournament Saturday at 9:30 am lasting all day. Sunday DGD2 goes back to DD1 for sleepover and school run next morning. Sunday and Monday 6 ewes due to lamb. Tuesday mani/pedi appt to look good when covered by surgical sheet while ortho surgeon slices and dices knee. I wonder if I can have him throw in some liposuction. At least we don't have to show up before dawn for the surgery on Thursday - check in is at 11:30 am and surgery at 1:30 pm. Supposed to be an outpatient surgery so home that night maybe. Will probably sleep Friday and Saturday recovering from anesthetic. Hopefully ewes will get on the ball and lamb uneventfully before Thursday. :fl

DD2 currently in Anna, Texas, north of Dallas. LOVES TEXAS! Hopefully a convert. :D =D


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Outpatient? With knee replacement? That's a major surgery and they want to kick you out the same day? :somad :somad You need to bang their pointy heads on the wall and knock some sense into those morons. That is not right, at least an overnight stay. I'll have to stay for 3 midnights to qualify for going to rehab, medicare rules. More boring time wasted.

Glad your DD2 loves Texas. She'll probably be moving in her near future.......