Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
The holes are round, the support ends for the shelves are flattened. I can use any type that has .55 mil round ends as long as all 4 are identical. I will check i the shed here in CA since I have several jars of different kinds of shelf supports ranging from plastic cabinet clips to metal clip in supports, etc. If the .55 mil dowels are strong enough to support 30" shelves full of books, I can try them.

The chicken litter was spread during the eclipse. The spreader has tires that leave 40" wide tread marks. The field looked like there were crop circles after he left! LOL It started raining that night and rained for the next two days. Lightening and thunder as well. At least the chicken litter got washed into the ground.

We went out to the barn to finish the creep - luckily, we had moved the panels into the barn the day before. It stormed really bad while we were putting up the creep panels. I used hose clamps to attach the creep panel to the fence panels since the creep panel uses pins and the fence panels use corral clamps. I still need to put water troughs and feeders in the creep, night pen, and ram pen. I found that I was able to get up off my knees more easily after a couple days assembling corral pens. :D =D DH said he was moving better too after doing more physical work. DS1 doesn't like us to do any corral carrying, attaching, etc. I think getting more exercise moving around is good for our Prime bodies. LOL

Wednesday, we went to Bible Study and saw several acquaintances who are becoming friends. Really nice time and an interesting talk. When we came back, we had to hitch the stock trailer in the dark since we planned to leave early Thursday am. Luckily, I had packed about 5 battery operated lanterns planning to use them in the barn until we can install the lights. Thinking about it now, I wonder if we can install some lights in the barnyard as well as lights in the barn. And a switch at the house to turn them on. I found several areas where we need to put better drainage in. Needless to say, I was not wearing my rubber boots! LOL

We were up and out by 5:30 am on Thursday, drove 12 hours - 1000 miles. On Friday we finished up our trip to the CA house. Since we stayed in a motel we couldn't make as early a start on Friday since the free breakfast isn't served until 6 am. I had made sandwiches and cream cheese blueberry bagels, so we only stopped for dinner - Cobb salad at Denny's. Since we are in our Primes, we get 15% off with an AARP card.

I got my knee surgery appointment for July 8. Now I am wondering if I should cancel taking the sheep to Texas until October since I will have to do PT for several months, and DH has appointments here as well as a couple reunions this summer. BUT if I cancel the vet and shipping, I am afraid we will never get there!

Jeremy's son Jamison is 15 an interested in the sheep. They have a couple registered Jersey cows that they breed and sell the calves. They also raise and sell hogs. He asked me if you could make money with sheep and I told hm not in Southern California where I have to buy hay all year, but with pasture I hoped to do so. He is interested in working for us, feeding the sheep, dogs, etc. when we are out of town. He has no experience with sheep but knows cows and hogs which is a head start. I told him I would teach him how to catch and flip sheep and he is really interested in working and earning money. He is home schooled and says he has a motor scooter so can travel the half mile to our house easily. I also arranged for him to come work for me when Colene comes out to grade the flock. He will get to know the dogs and that will be a good thing. He works for his dad who does lawn service and garden stuff. His dad does our yard and tilled up and cleaned out our garden. Once he meets the dogs and they know him, he can feed when we aren't here. He has 3 younger brothers so maybe I will have a semi-permanent work force. LOL

We can put up a shelter in the garden. I think we can use 2 10' panels attached at right angles to the panels fencing off the garden. I have an 8x10 corral cover frame and will screw new corrugated panels on top for a shelter in the garden. That will make the garden (1/4 acre) usable for the sheep to clean off the garden residue each fall. And give us somewhere to sit in the shade when working out there! Payton is on the high school football team and Cody said he could bring some of his football buddies to help put up shelters. Those high schoolers are all hungry for spending money. LOL @Baymule said to drive fence posts into the ground at each of the corral panel ends and wire the panels to them to keep the wind from blowing over the shelters. I can also screw some wood or galvanized paneling to the sides for windbreaks. There are plenty of trees at different spots in the fields, so the shelters will mostly be for rainstorms. Wes Patton lives in northern California and gets heavy storms. He doesn't have any shelters for his Dorpers except for the lamb pastures which are closer to the house.

I checked out the tool shed in the yard and the metal walls are lined with plywood. I will be able to attach the heat barrier easily with a staple gun after I empty the shed. Once that is done the cabinets can be screwed onto the walls, the shelving and metal tool cabinets replaced. Then all the tools can go back in the shed and into the tool cabinets.

I did some clearing out in the office closet and was able to put in one of the shelving units I brought from the closets here. The closets in Yantis are 25" deep so I could fit in the 24" wide unit at the end. It will hold office supplies. The closet in the office is about 12' wide but the bifold doors in the middle are only 5' wide! That leaves about 2'3' of the closet very hard to get to. I was looking at the closet and thought about cutting through the drywall, framing around the opening, and sliding in a prefab oak pantry cabinet. The pantry cabinet doors would open behind the bedroom door giving better access to that space. I did that in 2 of the bedrooms in California with several feet of closet space that was not easily accessible. It made the inaccessible space usable and only took a day to do. So many possible projects! I love projects. I wonder if Habitat has any oak cabinets. :D

I measured the kitchen base cabinet door openings and found pullouts that will fit them. I will order them on Amazon and take them back in May. The second set of beige slipcovers came while we were in Texas. DS1 returned all the dark blue ones today. I will have to get some throw pillows for the other loveseat. I may have some throw pillows in the Connex that I can use. I found the lamp shades for the buffet lamps and put them on. I even hung a picture while back there! The house is starting to look lived in. I will have to bring back my beautiful Chinese screen. I don't have anywhere to put it that will look good at the ranch. DDIL2 loves Asian decor and wants it so she can have it. More decluttering and giving special things to my children that love them and want to use them. Also brought back the Asian pillows and window treatment for her. There are some other Asian furniture pieces in the Connex that she said she would like so that will work out.

It started raining here about 3:30 pm. The sky is dark, it is foggy, and raining very heavily. This is a wet season here. Naturally there will be good forage this year :mad: when I won't get any use out of it!


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
It has been raining heavily for two days! The horses have no shelter and are unhappy even though they are wearing leather. The sheep are not happy, crowded under their tiny shelter. They all crowded back into the pen and under the A-frame shelter. Why they didn't shelter under the trees I don't know. There are too many in the pen, so they keep bumping each other out into the rain. Supposed to dry up tomorrow. After the vet check we will turn them all into the front to graze. The only happy sheep are the ones in the barn and the rams who have a nice large shelter in their small pen. A lot of the ewes are starting to show udders so many of them will be lambing on schedule after April 21. Just in time to load onto the transport for Texas. :confused: I wonder if I should send a tagger and some scrapie tags with Bob in case the Texas Animal Regs pepe want any newborn lambs tagged. I better check on that.

DS1 and I used the paint brands today on the sheep in the barn. We did not brand the ewe and large lamb who have access to the hillside because although she is docile we didn't want to try to chase them in the rain and mud. GR10 and her twins were caught, vaccinated, and paint branded. She is wild so is a possible one to sell in Texas. I branded one of the twins backwards by accident. Instead of 10 he is now 01. DS1 really laughed at me about that. DS1 did not want to catch them so he decided to try to brand them in the jugs without restraining them. The numbers are a little catty-wampus. 🤪 LOL We will brand all the others in the catch/sorting box as we run them down the chute tomorrow. It will be much easier to do. We branded the lambs with the mama's number. We did not do the new ram who is in one of the jugs. He has not been handled and is rather wild. He will eventually calm down once he gets used to being harnessed and put with ewes regularly. The special paint was ok to use. It is very thick and is supposed to last up to 12 months but will wash out when the fleeces are processed. I washed the paint off the brands with hot soapy water and a paper towel. I think using these paint brands will work great for identification when out in the pasture. The only problem is that we tag with different color tags according to which ram we use. I wasn't thinking when we started out and just used leftover tags from past years. OOPS! Big mistake since I ordered tags with the same numbers but different colors. DS1 said it would not be a problem since we would be able to see the ear tag color even though we wouldn't be able to make out the tag number. The paint I ordered with the brands is a bright blue. At Lowes I got sample jars of paint in the ear tag colors to use. I am not sure if it is worthwhile to use the different colors, or just use the blue and maybe spray them with marking paint in the tag color. If I hadn't just ordered a lot of new tags, I would just change the tagging system. Using a different color for each ram's get means that it is easier to make sure I don't breed ewes back to their sire.

Anyway, I sent off the list of sheep and equines to be checked for the CVI, Brucellosis and Coggins to the vet. They will input them into their computer system and it will go faster. There are 44 ewes and 3 rams over 6 months old. Five of the ewes have lambs at side so far.

On the way home we had to pull over for livestock checks. All livestock vehicles whether empty or loaded had to pull over. We weren't sure if we had to stop since we were empty, but DH pulled over anyway. The officer said they had to check us since they couldn't see if we were empty if we drove by. While we were stopped waiting to be checked a big livestock transport blew past. DH said I wonder if they will give him a ticket and just then one if the officers gave chase with lights and siren. After we were checked and sent on, we passed the officer giving the transport driver a ticket. DH said he was glad he had stopped. When we got to the second checkpoint hours later, we knew what to do. LOL The funny thing is that last year we brought in the 5 ewes and never got stopped. I had all the CVIs ready, and a transport slip filed out but no one stopped us. The officers said Texas is stepping up its checks on livestock being brought into the state. We had nice chats with the personnel at both checkpoints. They were not brand inspectors, but with TX Department of Animal Health. I double checked on what I needed to transport the sheep and equines just in case - had correct info so all good. We will have to double check that all of the sheep have their scrapie tags. Anyone missing a scrapie tag will get a new one.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
The livestock checks were in Texas? I don’t think I’ve ever seen one actually open but maybe a couple of times. Better tell your transport guy not to blow past one!

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I got my knee surgery appointment for July 8. Now I am wondering if I should cancel taking the sheep to Texas until October since I will have to do PT for several months, and DH has appointments here as well as a couple reunions this summer. BUT if I cancel the vet and shipping, I am afraid we will never get there!

You need to MOVE -- move the sheep, move yourselves, find new doctors, PT can be had in TX. Life happens in TX 🤷😁 competent doctors, vets, etc, live there!! If you don't get it done, then Fall will happen and you'll "stay for the holidays", find other reasons/excuses to only "VISIT TX ea month." Pretty much like now.

You're living spread out because you've spent $ on a dream and now won't just accept it and GO THERE. You can start to miss going to some functions in CA and get settled into the fact that your residence has changed.

🫂🫂🥰Ok -- that's where I think you're going at this whole situation in a bind. You started strong, now too many second thoughts. It's emotional and you must address this move to complete yourself. Not showing your true confidence with the decision. Your wobbling.....get moved and things will settle out. Stress will go away. You're torturing yourself.



Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Part of all this more intense checking is due to the HPAI and the 17 states that now have bans on importing cattle from the infected states... and it is going to get worse... they are trying to stop that and if they can't see what you have, then it is doubly important to stop.... then of course, they will make sure you have all the necessary paper work for whatever breed you are transporting.
I know you have been waffling about getting them transported... better get it done ASAP before they tighten up or stop the movement... especially with TX being one of the infected states with the avian flu in cattle...transporting within the state is not the problem, but anything interstate is...

Yes, I know that they have not found this strain of flu in sheep or goats... yet.....

Understand that once in TX, it will be harder to move them back out until some of this flu situation dies down... regardless of the species of animals, anything coming out of states with infections will be subject to major scrutiny.
The states that have had positive cases are TX, NM, MICHIGAN, NEBRASKA, KS, NC;
with IDAHO, OHIO having possible cases.
The states banning any cattle imports are:
AL, AZ, ARK, CA, DE, FL, HAWAII, IDAHO, KY, MISS, NEBRASKA, NC, PA, TN, UTAH, WV...... Since CA is on the import ban list, you will NOT be able to move any cattle to CA... and they may get pissy about other breeds/species... you know how these things can get out of hand...

Just wanted to make sure you knew the cattle end of it, and what they are clamping down on right now...


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
You need to MOVE -- move the sheep, move yourselves, find new doctors, PT can be had in TX. Life happens in TX 🤷😁 competent doctors, vets, etc, live there!! If you don't get it done, then Fall will happen and you'll "stay for the holidays", find other reasons/excuses to only "VISIT TX ea month." Pretty much like now.

You're living spread out because you've spent $ on a dream and now won't just accept it and GO THERE. You can start to miss going to some functions in CA and get settled into the fact that your residence has changed.

🫂🫂🥰Ok -- that's where I think you're going at this whole situation in a bind. You started strong, now too many second thoughts. It's emotional and you must address this move to complete yourself. Not showing your true confidence with the decision. Your wobbling.....get moved and things will settle out. Stress will go away. You're torturing yourself.

Agree with @Mini Horses ... either move or forget moving... you can't keep this up... unless you want to have a full time farm manager in TX and only go there for vacations to visit like mini said... and honestly, the driving is going to get "harder and longer" with every trip....


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Part of all this more intense checking is due to the HPAI and the 17 states that now have bans on importing cattle from the infected states... and it is going to get worse... they are trying to stop that and if they can't see what you have, then it is doubly important to stop.... then of course, they will make sure you have all the necessary paper work for whatever breed you are transporting.

We read about the HPAI being transmitted to dairy cattle in TX and OK and in one case to either a sheep or goat on the east coast. There were 2 articles in Livestock Weekly about it (my Texas bi-monthly published paper). It seems that although it can be transmitted to these other species, they don't transmit it to anything else - it is believed that they are terminal hosts. You're probably right about that being the reason for the inspections since the first one was on the 82 close to the OK border and the second on the 287 in the panhandle.

I hear what you are all saying about moving, and it is so true. I think that coming back to California where all I can do is find things to pack, worry about the move, and set doctor appointments for DH and myself, that I get worried and start rethinking things. I mainly worry that the move will not be good for DH since he really enjoys the babies. Seeing little Nick running up to his grandpa with his arms up to be held, and Robert wanting to sit in his lap to watch cartoons makes me feel guilty. On the other hand, I am getting tired of babysitting small children! LOL I will miss the babies but will survive. If we get so decrepit we can't live alone, we can return to CA and live in a trailer on our kid's property. Or on a cruise ship! I have heard about people retiring to cruise ships to live. Meals, laundry facilities, maid service, entertainment, etc. ;) Retiring on a cruise ship sounds better than a trailer in Shadow Hills or Nipomo! LOL One thing is sure, it will cost a lot less in groceries in Texas for just the 2 of us. That is even with the cost of groceries being higher until we can locate cheaper places to shop than Walmart. And, of course, the increased expenditure in Blue Bell. LOL
BYH friends >:smack< me. Thanks, I needed that to knock sense into me!

The vet comes tomorrow for the CVI and blood tests. Going ahead on schedule. Sent in the application for the transport insurance this morning - now waiting for the quote. Mailed in our tax return. Stuck pins in my Biden doll. Worried about war in the mideast. I have a 15 year old grandson and a couple friends in Texas with sons 15 and 16 who would be caught up if Biden gets us into a war. Those people in Minnesota demonstrating and shouting "Death to America" ought to be arrested on treason charges. Do we still detain traitors and terrorists in Guantanamo? Oh wait, we probably are releasing them into our country "on their own recognizance". :somad Never mind, I need not to think about those things - I get too upset.

Tomorrow DS1 and I will paint brand the sheep as they come through the chute for the vet exam. I wanted to do it over the weekend but the rain put a kibosh on that. Today when the ground dries out a bit, we will set up the chute in the corral for the vet check. Tonight we will move 7088 and her huge 8 week old ram lamb into the blocked off creep area with the ewe and her month old twins (also good sized). She and her lamb need to be branded. They will be checked first, then the creep can be opened for them. The ewes with lambs in the barn jugs can be done next and moved into the creep. The rams are in the lower pen and can be brought up to jugs to be checked. The new ram is kind of wild and is in a jug. They can all be branded after checking and put back in jugs temporarily. Hopefully he will calm down once he is in with the other rams. There are two other older open ewes in the barn that can go out on the field after the vet check is over. They have been paint branded - sort of :lol:.

All the rest can be run through the chute, branded, and checked. Then they will be turned out in the front pasture that has grown up in weeds so they can graze them down. The dogs have been really going crazy lately at night. I think the constant rain has caused the coyotes to limit their hunting wildlife so they are coming up to see if they have a chance with the sheep. Dogs are exhausted during the day.